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How to use a Hindi Keyboard in PuppyLinux

Posted: Sun 10 Mar 2013, 06:25
by ramoer
In the following guide I'll show you how to read 'n' write in Hindi in Puppy Linux.
*** This guide has been tested on Precise Puppy but should work on other version too...

Steps to read Hindi:
  • 1.Download any Hindi TTF font like Mangal, Lohit hindi,code2000 etc (KrutiDev will not work as it has different layout than the standard Hindi layout).
    2.Move this .ttf file to /usr/share/fonts/default/TTF folder.
    3.Either restart X or type fc-cache in terminal.
If you reload this page, you should be able to read this (else you will see boxes).
हिंदी हमारी मातृभाषा है ।

Steps to write Hindi:

  • 1.Go to Menu >Setup > Keyboard/Mouse Wizard.
    2.Click on "Advanced Xorg keyboard configuration..."
    3.In the "main" tab, click on Layouts and then on Add.
    4.In the list select India and click OK. Again the main tab click on "Yes".
    5.In "Options" tab, click on "Group shift/lock behavior".
    6.In the list select the key combination of your choice, I prefer Alt+Shift. (This key combination will be used to toggle keyboard layout, i.e. writing language). Click OK.
    7.Finally press "yes" and close the XKB Configuration Manager.
Now you should be able to write in Hindi. If not so press the key combination you chose above. If still no success, try restarting X.
Hope it helps...

Posted: Sun 10 Mar 2013, 14:12
by vicmz
Here are some Indic fonts in a pet package: ...

For languages spoken in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, or any language that is written in Devanagari.

How to add Tamil99 keyboard layout in puppy

Posted: Thu 07 Nov 2019, 12:31
by veejay
Hai, How to add a new keyboard layout (Tamil99) in puppy linux, which is not listed in the layout variant list?

Re: How to add Tamil99 keyboard layout in puppy

Posted: Thu 07 Nov 2019, 13:04
by oui
veejay wrote:Hai, How to add a new keyboard layout (Tamil99) in puppy linux, which is not listed in the layout variant list?
first (to come back to latin writing us extended international for ex.):

Code: Select all

setxkbmap us intl
second command (in really for Hindi or in tam for Tamil):

Code: Select all

setxkbmap in
third etc. command as you event. need (see my example with tamil keyboard in the picture)

in a tiny Sakura windows (see picture).

With «cursor up» in Sakura, you can simply change your choice :lol:
but DON'T FORGET you need to add adequate fonts!

if more languages and Far East languages: use better or, if your main system, install a real input method !

(I like inputking also because the spell checking from mozilla can be used. No interference with my usual keyboard layout us intl, a problem with some input methods. So I often use the inputking editor with the keyboard layout at the bottom, you can see what will happen, better as my prefered text editor: only one set of dictionaries for all purposes (excepted OCR with tesseract-OCR but it was not possible to install tesseract-OCR + gimagereader today in enialpup64 :twisted: . You will find at Deepin adequate tesseract-OCR incl. for vertical Chinese writting and can try after that to send the stuff to and soon also you can perhaps read Chine without to have to learn a lot of signs... :roll: . For vertical Japanese writting, I don't know. But I suppose also those are existing!))

Posted: Thu 07 Nov 2019, 22:46
by oui
The next way you can try is remaster your Puppy. I am writting out Xenialpupp64 a 3 y old stable version of Puppy listed at

And it was possible there to change with success (in a lot of other Puppy's it is not possible because a starting time some Puppy re adapt Puppy to the harware and localisation and change all settings).

What die I change

IN /tmp/etc at remaster time:


enter the value of your in keyboard option in the adequate line of all 3 or 4 files with a name like xorg.conf


uncomment the adequate line in each of those files!

In some Puppy's, you can try to add that value in /etc/keymap


try to add one line

Code: Select all

<StartupCommand>setxkbmap in tam</StartupCommand>
in /tmp/root/.jwmrc

als well as

in /tmp/etc/xdb/templates/_root_.jwmrc

AT REMASTER TIME ACCORDING THE INVITATION's message on screen (2 different messages! The first for root, the second for etc! You have to agree to make changes in etc in a first message!)

Perhaps you have success (it was my case with the keyboard setting "us intl" (is also not offered in most Puppy Linux :cry: !)...

But your system will not start with Latin writing any more but directly with in tam !!! Be conscient of that...

To simplify the changes, you can add at remastering time an .history file for bash with the commands

setxkbmap us intl
setxkbmap in tam

in /tmp/root !

You can also add a directory /root/.mozilla etc. with your settings for language, search engine if you have some or else (which search engine are you using for India or Sri Lanka?) etc. ...

create a new /root/.mozilla one

fill it using the browser in a first start

(you can open more than one browser tab or window or change the window size, enter a new start page etc.)

CLOSE THE BROWSER PROPERLY with the option "save settings" (if not, you can probably not restart! :idea: because the browser was open and not allow to be open twice)

begin after that your remastering and add that



/tmps/root/ like proposed

Code: Select all

cp -R -a /root/.mozilla /tmp/root/.mozilla
in Sakura (Sakura is not preinstalled, never in Puppy but is in SliTaz, the tiny distro with only 50 Mb size in 64 bit! To wine... Idem for ranger, nano-4.5 etc.)

It is also possible to try to manipulate them in a script or some StartupCommand lines in JWM (see above!; but you can use more including some "rmdir", "cp -R -a" etc. Some Puppys respect such StartUp settings, some not, it is so (and the same with other Linux distributions: Deepin, for ex., allow the setting of "us intl" but overwrite it often :oops: . This is probably dependent of the integrated use of an input method for Chinese in that distribution! Both seems to be difficult to manage at the same time!). But as a lot of Puppy derivates did abandon JWM, hm, your chances here are not optimal!

NOTE: above manipulations are not exactly «beginner options» ... If newbie, see better my first message (it is possible in each Linux! Above remaster not...)

Posted: Tue 12 Nov 2019, 20:08
by oui
Perhaps can following view on the help in be interesting for other people using very special keyboards! You can see that input king offers a VERY comfortable view on he used encoding or keyboard layout (DON'T FORGET: you need more fonts to use that!!!):