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Portable GPG 1.4.11

Posted: Tue 05 Mar 2013, 14:20
by markreaves
This is JUST gpg. Useful for generation of keys.

It needs further testing of course.

Download (just barely too big for attachment):

Download, then do:
gunzip gpg.gz
chmod u+x gpg
./gpg --help

Cheat Sheet:

EDIT: Used PortableLinuxApps to make portable.

EDIT: If you wish for the settings to be stored in a portable manner, use the following:

* Download above file.
* Place it in a folder somewhere and make it executable
* Inside same folder create a new file called "launcher"
* Inside launcher file add the bash script that is in quotes below.
* Save and make executable
* Create a folder named "config"
* Launch it by doing: ./launcher appname

PWD= `pwd`

chmod u+x "$1"
mkdir -p "$PWD/config/$1"
export HOME="$PWD/config/$1"

Posted: Sat 06 Apr 2013, 17:56
by markreaves
Updated download link.