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SimplePuppyMenu3 (spm3)

Posted: Mon 04 Feb 2013, 13:09
by aragon
SimplePuppyMenu3 (spm3) is a menu system for 'menuless' wm like echinus and dwm. The menu is similar to the jwm-menu, but no icons and no differentiated subcategories. the menu itself is run via mygtkmenu.

spm3 is the successor/brother of spm2 (see here: Whilst spm2 uses aemenu to display the menu, spm3 uses mygtkmenu. Reason is, the i have difficulties with running aemenu successfully in/with some windowmanagers (e.g. dwm). With mygtkmenu this does not happen.

spm3 consists of only one ash-script to parse the desktop-files and generate the menu-file.

It is based on the famous jwm-tools by technosaurus (many thanks). See here for more details:

To make use of spm3, you should assign a keyboard-shortcut to 'spm3 -m'. how to do that depends on your wm.

Update Menu and help for spm3 could also be reached from the menu itself.

Some Notes:
- spm3 checks only the first category of the desktop-file.
- spm3 will use the text in your $LANG if available in the desktop-file.

Dependency is mygtkmenu (attached).

Tested in Puppy 4.31.


Posted: Mon 04 Feb 2013, 14:41
by musher0
Many thanks, aragon !

Posted: Sat 09 Feb 2013, 14:01
by musher0
However, for the advanced end-user, the gtkmenu entries are more complicated to understand and change than the one-line entries in aemenu. Just an observation.

Best regards.

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 11:57
by aragon
musher0 wrote:However, for the advanced end-user, the gtkmenu entries are more complicated to understand and change than the one-line entries in aemenu. Just an observation.

Best regards.
True, i neither don't like the syntax. But as it's more stable, at least for me, i'll stick with mygtkmenu.


Musher0 how would you translate 'de fil en aiguille' ?

Posted: Thu 04 Feb 2016, 16:34
by Pelo
De fil en aiguille j'en suis arrivé ici. Ah voilà un menu simple mais qui me plait.
I start with echinus > aragon > Musher0 that lead me here..
I was disscussingwith Musher about menu with only icons, no need of translation.
SPM3 is the opposite, and it ... please me.
Musher0 how would you translate 'de fil en aiguille' ?

Posted: Fri 01 Nov 2019, 11:40
by jplt3
Hello ,

i'am trying to run spm3 on Bionicpup64 8.0 but i'have this error :
/usr/bin/spm3: line 218: syntax error: unterminated quoted string
But i'am enable to find why ?

Posted: Sat 02 Nov 2019, 01:50
by musher0
Hi jplt3.

Strange... This is the error I am getting on jrb's upupbb32-light:
[~]>spm3 -h
/usr/bin/spm3: line 197: syntax error near unexpected token `done'
/usr/bin/spm3: line 197: ` done depends on your windowmanager. The menu will be created on'

[~]>spm3 -c
/usr/bin/spm3: line 197: syntax error near unexpected token `done'
/usr/bin/spm3: line 197: ` done depends on your windowmanager. The menu will be created on'
I wish aragon was still around!

BTW, aragon did not mention it explicitly above, but the script has 4 possible calls
(from the embedded doc within the script)

Code: Select all

echo "----------------------------------------
spm3 - SimplePuppyMenu 3
Info:        Creates and displays a simplified xdg-menu using mygtkmenu.

Syntax:      spm3 [option]
Options:     -c Create the menu-file
             -m Display the menu
             -v Display version info
             -h Display help

Usage:       To use spm3, assign a keyboard-shortcut to 'spm3 -m'. How this is
             done depends on your windowmanager. The menu will be created on
             first run (it will be written to /tmp and rebuild on every boot).
             You can also recreate the menu from the spm3-submenu.

Own Entries: To include your own 'Favorites', create the file
             /root/.config/spm3/favorites and add your favorites. For syntax
             see the sample file at /usr/share/doc/spm3

             To include your own entries at the top/bottom of the menu, create
             the file /root/.config/spm3/top and/or /root/.config/spm3/bottom.
             For syntax see the sample file.

Note:        spm3 only uses the first category-entry of a desktop-file.
Version:     ${spm3version}
Another thought: you are on a 64-bit Pup and the mygtkmenu utility on this page is 32-bit.
The bash script will run on either 64- or 32-bit, it does not matter; but the exec
mygtkmenu would probably have to recompiled on a 64-bit Pup.


Posted: Sat 02 Nov 2019, 13:58
by jplt3
Thanks musher0 , i will maybe give it a try to get it work my 64 bits.