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Downloads bar in Chromium has gone wrong

Posted: Fri 21 Dec 2012, 03:27
by consentient
Please see attached screenshot.

I don't WHAT has happened. Changing GTK theme, Chrome theme and OpenBox theme does not seem to make any difference.

Related question: why does Lucid 528.005 have 3 window managers, and if I'm set on OpenBox, how do I get rid of the others?


Posted: Sat 12 Jan 2013, 00:28
by flamehazeshana13
Must be a problem with the icon theme.. Try changing your icon theme and see if it works.
Btw did you notice any odd changes in your other apps like ROX-Filer??

And to answer your second question, I think Lucid has a Menu Entry called "Remove Builtin Packages"
or something like that and delete the WMs you don't need. Sorry I'm not on Lucid now, so I can't check.. I'll get back to you when I get Lucid again