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Imagination 3.0 Slideshow Presentation

Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2012, 18:25
by don570
Imagination 3.0 Slideshow Presentation

Older version 2.1 for Lucid Puppy (modified version if name doesn't show in menu)

Imagination is still being developed
Imagination at present features 69 transition effects, random
function to automatically set a random transition on all the selected slides,
cut/copy/paste ability on the slides, Ken Burns ability, text on the slides
with some text animations, ability to add an empty slide with a gradient
editor and export of the slideshow as OGV Theora/Vorbis, widescreen FLV
video and 3GP for mobile phones.


The latest stable release of Imagination is 3.0 released on 06/03/11 with
HD export! If you're upgrading from pre-2.0 version of Imagination, make
sure you uninstall old version before attempting to install this one.
I wasn't successful in compiling it so I cheated and downloaded the debian files and made a pet package.

Requirements: ffmeg and sox --> ffmeg is inside most puppies
so that means that only sox needs to be installed(but it needs to be a
'full' version of sox with libsox). I've included a version I found
on the forum that works for me.

Because this pet package is derived from the debian packages
it will only work on special versions of Puppy. I couldn't get it to
work with Lucid Puppy for instance.

I've checked it out with these versions -->

1) Barry Kauler's Precise Puppy
2) Slacko
3) Pemasu's Wheezy
4) Pemasu's version of Precise works, however there is a
problem with the application name not showing in the start menu so
launching with the terminal is necessary.

I've included an example of a presentation video so that you
can see what is possible with no training. It's simply
one image with text and a soundtrack added. :lol:
The format is VOB which is similar to mpeg and can be easily burnt
to a DVD.

You can use Shinobar's ffconvert to convert to another format.

Some Tips: use menu items

Slideshow > Import pictures
Slideshow > Import music

You can also drag an image to bottom of application window.
Each image can have transistions associated with it.


Posted: Thu 06 Dec 2012, 08:51
by RSH
Hi, don570.

Runs in (my private version of) LazY Puppy. Could you publish a file to load into Imagination (Your video example?) to test if it works also?


Might not run in the web versions of LazY Puppy, because my private version has a lot of stuff removed that is still in the web versions. If so, post information of messages when trying to run from console. If possible, I will help to get this running in the web versions.


I have made a SFS from the files. Copied all files into a directory and used the LazY PaDS for this.

First try did fail, because of the This .pet has been renamed after its creation. Doing such things results in two different directories at extracting the .pet.

One directory is named as the original file and contains the original data. Second directory is named like the renamed .pet, which then contains only directory var.

Please, all .pet creators: DO NOT RENAME a .pet after its creation to keep the LazY PaDS able to build a single SFS from a directory containing .pet and .deb files.



Posted: Thu 06 Dec 2012, 09:30
by RSH

Works also in LazY Puppy. Here is an example for imagination, created in LazY Puppy. I have successfully exported this from Imagination.



Attachment removed, because ti doesn't include the data I've used ---> seems to be just a text file containing descriptions like HTML/XML or .conf files.

Code: Select all

#Imagination 2.0 Slideshow Project -

[slideshow settings]
video format=576
background color=0;0;0;
distort images=true
number of slides=4

[slide 1]
anim id=0
anim duration=1
text pos=4
font=Sans 12
font color=0;0;0;1;
font bgcolor=1;1;1;1;

[slide 2]
anim id=0
anim duration=1
text pos=4
font=Sans 12
font color=0;0;0;1;
font bgcolor=1;1;1;1;

[slide 3]
text=The End
anim id=0
anim duration=1
text pos=4
font=Sans 12
font color=0;0;0;1;
font bgcolor=1;1;1;1;

[slide 4]
anim id=2
anim duration=1
text pos=4
font=Sans 12
font color=0;0;0;1;
font bgcolor=1;1;1;1;
Sorry. Did just realized now, a file sized 1kb could not include several images. :lol:

Posted: Fri 07 Dec 2012, 01:42
by don570
I never checked to see if it had been renamed.
It was posted a couple of years ago by somebody
and nobody complained...

There is a special Lucid version of Sox in the official repository.

Maybe it works. I didn't check....

If you try imagination on an old version of Lucid puppy ,
there will be glibc errors.


Posted: Fri 14 Dec 2012, 01:42
by don570
I was able to get imagination 3.0 to work
in Carolina. Follow the instructions carefully. ... 102#671102


imagination Slacko 5.5 Ok via terminal

Posted: Thu 21 Mar 2013, 17:38
by Pelo
Imagination works well within Slacko 5.5 but using the terminal.
No further investigation, just a look : it opens.

Wary's users are complaining...
Old computer >>>> old stuff
imagination 1.5 works very well, perhaps better than newest versions :P

Posted: Thu 21 Mar 2013, 23:52
by don570
I need to look at the desktop file that Imagination uses.
When I have time I'll do that.

Posted: Sat 23 Mar 2013, 16:46
by don570
I worked on the desktop file. I couldn't find any errors.
There must be a bug in BarryK's installer program.

I modified the pet package in version

It has two desktop files which seems to fool the installer program
so that it will show Imagination in start menu at least in Precise.

I'll test it in the newest Slacko.

I tested it in Wheezy and it works.

Posted: Wed 27 Mar 2013, 00:12
by don570
The modified version b worked well in Slacko 5.5.


Posted: Tue 09 Apr 2013, 14:56
by stu91
Any interest in something like this but in an extremely simplified version - as in, 1 image + 1 sound track + 1 watermark/overlay that outputs to a .mp4 video for upload to youtube?
here is an example.

Posted: Tue 09 Apr 2013, 19:59
by R-S-H
Yes, I would be interested in such version, but I can not watch the video. It won't load even after a long time.

Posted: Mon 19 Aug 2013, 21:27
by edoc
stu91 wrote:Any interest in something like this but in an extremely simplified version - as in, 1 image + 1 sound track + 1 watermark/overlay that outputs to a .mp4 video for upload to youtube?
here is an example.
Very interested!

Posted: Mon 19 Aug 2013, 21:37
by don570
stu91 wrote:1 image + 1 sound track + 1 watermark/overlay
Could you have two mono audio files, one for music and
the other for the voice over? I think there's code that will combine
two mono tracks into a stereo track.


Imagination (versions)

Posted: Fri 01 Aug 2014, 08:16
by Pelo
Imagination 1.5 Toutou Linux 4.3.1 : fine too. An audio file can be added, permitting comments. Unhappily my poor toutou does not have the speech. No audio sound card found. Imagination is not the cause of that :)
Version 3
imagination: symbol lookup error: imagination: undefined symbol: g_malloc0_n

Imagination 3.0b Slacko 5.3.3 XFCE (Jejy69) : missing. I come back :( stop, something always is missing on this (nice) distro.

Imagination 2.1 absolutely perfect with Lucid 5.2.8. Diaporama exported VOB (DVD) to Youtube for a satisfying résult (in my opinion). In the french Wary Wolx 2014, i get segmentation Fault

all that works, we are learning how to use it

Posted: Tue 19 Aug 2014, 04:49
by Pelo
all that works, we are learning how to use it. It' a new job... We'll need some help, sure. Artist is not easier than Geek ! : links to do 1187 K >>> segmentation fault

Imagination 3.0b Slacko 5.3.3 XFCE (Jejy69) :

Posted: Mon 10 Aug 2015, 06:06
by Pelo
Imagination 3.0b Slacko 5.3.3 XFCE (Jejy69) : parfait, perfect, perfecto
all that works, we are learning how to use it, and do nice presentations;

People without imagination let us abandoned here.

Posted: Thu 17 Mar 2016, 03:49
by Pelo
People without imagination let us abandoned here.
"all that works, we are learning how to use it. It' a new job... We'll need some help, sure. Artist is not easier than Geek ! : links to do 1187 K >>> segmentation fault

Slideshow Img must be exported as VOB

Posted: Wed 04 Jan 2017, 16:13
by Pelo
Slideshow Img must be exported as VOB to be played by Gnome Mplayer.
Format 4/3 or 16/9.
Used With Antix topic Antix francophone

Imagination Constructed in Xenialpup64 w/o a hitch

Posted: Thu 05 Jan 2017, 01:16
by mikeslr
Hi All,

Thanks, pelo, for reminding me of this app. I decided to see if it could be constructed for use under Xenialpup64. Doing so was easy:

I just set Puppy Package Manager: options - install to tmps, download even if file present and do not delete. Changed Auto-Install to Download All (package and dependencies). PPM found only 2 relevent files: imagination_3.0 and imagination-common-3.0. PPM found 5 dependencies. I moved everything into a folder named imagination-xen64-3.0. Now comes the hard part.

Edit Jan 7, 2017: The booting into 32-bit OS appears no longer to be necessary. My speculation below about the problem with PaDS lead me to seek a solution. See here: ... 515#938515

My experience is that PaDS, doesn't function properly in 64-bit Puppies.* So I booted into Tahrpup (32-bit), Right-clicked the imagination-xen64-3.0 folder, selected Combined to SFS. About 30 second later an SFS appeared @ /root. I moved this to /mnt/home and booted back into Xenialpup64.

Loaded the app, but quit so I could examine it with ldd for missing files: cd/ usr/bin; then ldd imagination. No missing files. No warnings. Typing imagination in terminal started it right-up.

I haven't tried to, but I would think building the imagination app in Tahrpup, Tahrpup64 and xenialpup should be just as easy. Edit: It was.


* I think the problem isn't with PaDS itself. It consists primarily of Lazy Puppy's fine craftsmanship in writing bash-scripts, as does another application PaDS utilizes called unrpm. Unrpm includes a binary named dpkg-deb2 which was compiled back in 2008, I suspect it may be the stumbling block. When PaDS is run under 64-bit Puppies an SFS is created, but it contains no files.