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Kdenlive-0.9.2 for Saluki

Posted: Thu 08 Nov 2012, 12:52
by battleshooter
I've had this lying around my hard drive for awhile. You need both SFSs:


About Kdenlive

Kdenlive is an intuitive and powerful multi-track video editor, including most recent video technologies. Supports DV, AVCHD and HDV editing. Kdenlive relies on several other open source projects, such as FFmpeg, the MLT video framework and Frei0r effects.

I still love Kdenlive. I've been messing with the more advanced features like green screen and compositing for special effects and it's not bad at it.

I haven't tested it on Carolina or the latest Saluki but I think it should be alright as they basically have the same base.

Best to apply on a clean pupsave or one without existing an existing QT install.

Being open minded However, I've also given Openshot a go. If that's more down your alley, you can find it here.


Posted: Fri 09 Nov 2012, 06:18
by p310don
to answer your question from the openshot thread, kdenlive didn't work for me here either.

This is the terminal output

Code: Select all

kdenlive: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN19QAbstractProxyModel11setItemDataERK11QModelIndexRK4QMapIi8QVariantE
I will try from a fresh state and see what happens

Posted: Fri 09 Nov 2012, 07:02
by battleshooter
I think it's a QT thing. Do you have an existing install of QT?

That's the tricky thing about dependencies :?. See how a fresh state goes, it will most likely work but I'm not sure how to get these files to play nice with existing clashing dependencies.

Posted: Fri 09 Nov 2012, 18:21
by wsamh
Awesome! It worked for me.

Posted: Sat 24 Nov 2012, 12:48
by mini-jaguar
Seems to run pretty smoothly, except for one problem: I cannot get it to save and load project files correctly. I eventually got it to save some files, but it refuses to read them back, or even acknowledge they are the correct type of files.

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2012, 03:08
by battleshooter
mini-jaguar wrote:Seems to run pretty smoothly, except for one problem: I cannot get it to save and load project files correctly. I eventually got it to save some files, but it refuses to read them back, or even acknowledge they are the correct type of files.
Interesting, I haven't had that problem of not saving correctly. Was this on a fresh pup save?

For loading files, I found there was a weird filter on that wouldn't let you see the Kdenlive save files. I can't give you the exact steps on how to switch it off as I'm not at home at the moment but I think if the text starting with an * in the file location is deleted you should be able to see the Kdenlive project save files.

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2012, 15:03
by mini-jaguar
Yes, save file with no packages.

That is interesting about the workaround to find the files, but you don't need to do that on any of the other kdenlive versions I've tried. But it's also missing some effects that I need, so I'm not going to use it.

This Kdenlive does also work with other packages installed, I tried it a few days ago and haven't run into any problems there (other than the weird project saving).

On the other hand, your Openshot .sfs for Saluki seems to not want to co-exist with any other packages installed, although it seems to work fine by itself as far as I could tell. It's not that I don't appreciate the time you put into this, but I tend to think that you are doing something wrong if you make packages incompatible with other packages.

The packages in the repositories and many of the ones in this forum, for example, mostly work with other software installed. Jack, for example, is totally compatible with Ardour and lmms, and lmms is compatible with Ardour, even though any of these would cause the Kdenlive you made for Lucid to malfunction or the other way around (they stop working instead).

To be fair, your packages may work fine on your system, but you should use Saluki 23, that one is a release candidate, the earlier versions are just alpha/beta versions.

Posted: Mon 26 Nov 2012, 16:51
by mini-jaguar
Actually I take that back. This is not as bad as it looked earlier.

I'm still testing this, I'm going to find out what makes it tick.

Installed the pup monitor (crucial upgrade which fixes a bug of the recent Saluki versions), as well as the Gimp and Openshot .sfses.

Surprise: not only do they all work, but I also get the effects I needed in Kdenlive. They are apparently part of the freiOr package which you must have added to the openshot .sfs.

To load Kdenlive projects: you have to rename (or perhaps save) the projects with the .kdenlive extension. Then type the name directly, you have to comb through the file system to find them as kdenlive does not see them.

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 18:19
by mini-jaguar
I actually got it to run all the previous programs + lmms.

Did this: installed the qt static .sfs.(if you don't do this step all the programs won't work)

Then installed the actual qt 4.8.0 .pet. Then lmms, and the other programs still work, including kdenlive.

Posted: Thu 29 Nov 2012, 23:41
by battleshooter
My apologizes I haven't been responding to all the excellent debugging you've been doing mini-jaguar. I think the major incompatibility problems arise from including my own version if QT in the Kdenlive package. I tend to compile my own version of QT when compiling Kdenlive as in general the repository ones aren't compiled with the correct options to compile Kdenlive. However, it seems your tests indicate it is fine to simply run Kdenlive with the repository QT.

So all that said, I may need to rerelease the Kdenlive package either including the repository QT or just completely without it so that it will work with all the other said programs that require QT. Phew.
Surprise: not only do they all work, but I also get the effects I needed in Kdenlive. They are apparently part of the freiOr package which you must have added to the openshot .sfs.
Oh crap. I forgot to add frei0r to the Kdenlive package. I remember testing it and then noting it wasn't there. I thought I added it after that, but I guess I didn't. Another thing to add to the repackaging.

Kdenlive-0.9.2 for Slacko 5.6 non-pae

Posted: Wed 22 Jan 2014, 21:33
by mikeslr
Hi Battleshooter & all,

See my post here: ... 972#753057.

Kdenlive-0.9.2 also seem to work fine OOTB.


Kdenlive (KDE 137MB)

Posted: Sun 06 Apr 2014, 11:18
by Pelo
Kdenlive 0.5 is included in LegacyOS, version 0.9.2 downloaded, but i don't succed loading it in spite of no error message. I will do it with Saluki, soon.
Openshot 1.4.3 runs in ToOpPy and Pupjibaro
1.4.0 runs in slacko (thin) . Runs means Editing, not only reading.
Nevertheless Kdenlive remains the best and safest tool for video editing.
I test the two SFS as soon as possible. I will inform.
I am now on Slacko, i will test it on Saluki 013.