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Naming Memory Sticks

Posted: Wed 31 Oct 2012, 11:24
by comcoco
Is there a way to name a USB memory stick such as PetersStick01 so that Puppy Linux recognizes it as that rather than assigning it a name such as sdc1? It would be ideal if the name were constant through the entire network and seen as such by other computers on the network. A name can be placed on a memory stick in Windows, but Puppy Linux always renames it.

This would be very useful to me because I have two networks, each containing several computers, all running on Puppy Linux on USB memory sticks. The computers have no hard drives. Quite a few people use these computers. Each person is encourage to have a personal USB memory stick containing their personal data, not the configurations of Puppy.

It becomes confusing which USB memory stick is which since they are assigned identification by some sequence which does not seem to depend on the physical USB plug on the computer. It would really be useful to be able to look at the USB sticks at the bottom of the desktop and know which was which. Perhaps then specific files on a specific stick could have a shortcut in the desktop which would only be responsive if that specific stick were plugged in and mounted.

I have tried to do this with my extremely limited abilities and almost no skill on the console. It might be beyond the Linux or Puppy's capabilities. Maybe it would require some heavy duty programming. I would appreciate knowing if this is possible, and how to do it if it is possible.

Thanks in advance! Members of this forum have been wonderful with me in the past. I am very grateful. I wish I could make a contribution to this community, but I have no computing skill. I would be willing to document the set up I have developed and the configurations I use so maybe other people who have no computing skills could enjoy and use the great Puppy Linux.

Posted: Wed 31 Oct 2012, 12:36
by p310don
Which Puppy are you using?

Some of the newer ones do exactly this. Puppeee, Fluppy, Lighthouse, Saluki are some that I've used that do it. I think there are also others.

Posted: Wed 31 Oct 2012, 14:16
by comcoco
That sounds very encouraging! I am using Puppy 5.2.8. This is the most recent version I thought. Is there a program which is on this version or a pet which can be downloaded?


Posted: Wed 31 Oct 2012, 17:06
by zigbert
You might find this handy. It supports labels for each partition.


Posted: Wed 31 Oct 2012, 20:24
by comcoco
Thanks, Zigbert!

I downloaded it, but I assume it requires a reboot to become active. My machine is in the process of a very long save which I can not interrupt with a reboot. When this is finished I will reboot and hopefully see this improved Pmount. This may be a few hours from now.
