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Fairly new version of Cairo-Dock for Slacko?

Posted: Wed 24 Oct 2012, 20:24
by Chili Dog
I really wish there was a relatively recent version of Cairo-Dock available for Slacko. With all the awesome little animations and stuff. I have it on my Ubuntu computer, and it's way awesome.

I tried compiling it, but didn't have any luck. I know there's lots of smart people on here, and was hoping one of them would read this and maybe get it going.

It would be totally awesome to have this.

I like Cairo too

Posted: Fri 09 Nov 2012, 03:10
by Sulphurcocky
I tried yesterday Thurs 08-11-2012 to see if I could get cairo-dock running on lucid 5.28 as I have it on AriOS-Ubuntu-11.04 and like it a lot, I searched for the packages on this forum and found some old ones gz's with deb's inside and pets but I was unable to get it running,the dock itself kept asking for more and more lib***.so's I use Glass and Float with the bandwidth monitor up to the main panel on the bottom middle - it's just nice.
But after looking at all the requirements I don't see it would be practible to put it in a distro, perhaps it could work for full install or as an SFS addin.

Posted: Fri 09 Nov 2012, 11:36
by Arefacti
me too, wait it very hard !

Posted: Fri 09 Nov 2012, 13:26
by Arefacti
I obtained a first correct result with : ... /download/

and : ... /download/

but impossible to obtain the transparency, with the system menu on cairo-dock tuning, or with compiz.

compiz-helper tell me my card is okay, but impossible.

Posted: Sun 14 Apr 2013, 02:10
by Chili Dog
All you have to do is click "System" and check "fake transparency".