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MPlayer_gui compiling problems - Solved

Posted: Sun 30 Sep 2012, 23:12
by Tman

I was trying to compile mplayer from svn with the following options:

Code: Select all

	./configure --prefix=/usr \
	            --confdir=/etc/mplayer \
	            --enable-gui \
	            --enable-runtime-cpudetection \
	            --enable-menu \
	            --enable-xmms \
	            --disable-mencoder \
	            --disable-ossaudio \
	            --disable-arts \
	            --disable-esd \
	            --disable-pulse \
	            --disable-jack \
	            --disable-openal \
	            --disable-hardcoded-tables \
	            --disable-profile \
	            --disable-sighandler \
	            --disable-crash-debug \
	            --enable-xinerama \
but I get the following error message from the terminal

Code: Select all

Error: The GUI requires the X11 extension XShape (which was not found).
If I use --disable-menu and --disable-gui, then mplayer will compile, but
it won't have a frontend.

Pfind finds shape.h, and I don't know why the compiler can't seem to find it. :(

Posted: Tue 02 Oct 2012, 16:57
by 666philb
hi Tman

i found this on an ubuntu post
Add --enable-xshape for compiling. Not a clue why but it works.

thanks a lot. worked like a charm.
worth a try

Posted: Wed 03 Oct 2012, 02:25
by Tman

thanks for the tip. the configure options, it says that xshape is autodetected, I guess that function wasn't working too well. I added --enable-xshape,
and it gave me an error message saying it needs zlib. So I installed zlib from the wary repository, along with the DEV files. Mplayer compiled, but I still get no gui...something else is wrong.

Well ... at least I'm getting closer. I will add more specific ./configure options, now that I realize that autodetect doesn't always work.

Posted: Wed 03 Oct 2012, 21:08
by Tman
Okay, I found the problem.

I compiled the pet using a modified buildpet script.
Buildpet optimizes the .png files through optipng ..this is usually a good thing.
But with Mplayer, it seems that using optipng (and maybe advancecomp also)
damages the theme, and the gui does not work.

Luckily, I have backups of the Mplayer themes. I injected the original theme back into the malfunctioning pet, and
the gui appears ..yeeessss! :)

So it seems that 666philb's advice for the configure otions was correct.

Thanks, 666philb!