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Puppy Support Issues

Posted: Fri 14 Sep 2012, 17:07
by starhawk
This doesn't really belong in the Off Topic section, because this has a lot to do with Puppy.

I've noticed that people who post in the Beginners Help section, get a lot of attention. Everybody (myself included, occasionally) helps folks out who are new and don't know the ropes and have a problem.

However, I don't see the same thing outside of that. I've posted two threads asking for help, and I've not gotten even the dignity of a reply for either one. I don't know if that's just people avoiding me (I'd like to think not!) or if we've got a real problem, but I figured it would be wise to ring the alarm and find out.

If we indeed are supporting primarily the folks in the Beginners Help section, and not everyone else (i.e. if this is NOT limited to me) then that means we're leaving some important people high and dry, and that's a big problem.

One of the reasons I'm hesitant to switch off of WinXP myself, is this. If I can't get help about two simple things (audio won't work on a Compaq box, and Chrome's keybindings are all wrong)... how am I supposed to recommend Puppy to others, and say that there's good support? Why would I want to use it myself?

XP has three levels of support. I can solve a problem myself, many times, because I'm familiar enough with it to figure stuff out. I can also research online, since "everybody and their sister" (as the phrase goes) uses Windows. Or I can call Microsoft, credit card in hand.

With Puppy, there's only two levels: I can figure it out myself, and when that fails, this forum is the only other real place to go (let's leave Puppyite's gang out of things for now). But if I can't rely on the forum to help me, where the heck am I supposed to go then?

...and if it IS just me, I'd appreciate knowing what I've done to deserve such treatment, as I have to admit I'm a little clueless. TBH if I'm just being a general pest, that's OK, I can leave. I'll be very sad, but I can leave.

However, I would like to have this addressed. I've raised this issue before.

If anyone wants to help with the two issues I've yet to get replies on, I'd appreciate it if they'd post in the respective issue threads and NOT in this thread... those threads are as follows:
Chrome issue --> ... 286#650286
Audio issue -->

Posted: Fri 14 Sep 2012, 20:03
by RSH
Hi starhawk.

Maybe it's just because no one knows?

Fri 07 Sep 2012, 01:23

Something seems not to be known...

Posted: Fri 14 Sep 2012, 20:32
by starhawk
I'd like to think that this forum could handle a few questions about audio and Chrome.

...although, your unanswered thread is evidence that it isn't "just me" -- that there are others whose queries have been ignored.

That's indicative of a problem. I don't think it's lack of knowledge. That doesn't make sense -- we've got people here who really do know Puppy well enough to figure this stuff out. It's not that they aren't knowledgeable. It's that this knowledge is being expended /only/ on the neophytes.

Something I'd like to point out with that last sentence: I'm not saying we should take the access to that knowledge away from the neophytes at all. I'm saying we need to expand that access, so that it covers the entire forum. I won't bother with numbers, because all I have are impressions and those don't translate to numbers well.

TL;DR takeaway here is -- beginners aren't the only ones that need help, so let's get some help for the rest of the forum. I don't think that's an unreasonable request.

EDIT: I do want to thank Flash for popping into both of my previously-ignored threads and trying to help. That's progress!

Posted: Fri 14 Sep 2012, 23:37
by SFR
Don't worry, it's definitely not only you.
View unanswered posts wrote:Search found 9372 matches
I agree with RSH.
Most likely folks who have seen your threads - didn't know how to help out, and folks who might help you out - didn't see those threads...


Posted: Fri 14 Sep 2012, 23:53
by reckrhodes
Maybe a help topic for Beginners (exist already), Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert users or developers. 8)

Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2012, 02:54
by Flash
SFR wrote:...Most likely folks who have seen your threads - didn't know how to help out, and folks who might help you out - didn't see those threads...
That's why I sometimes edit thread titles - to catch the attention of people who might be able to help. Vague, cryptic or terse to the point of useless titles are a waste of everyone's time.

Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2012, 04:12
by 8-bit
It also seems to be common practice of those logging on and checking for new posts bypass those Asking for Help posts that have more than 1 entry assuming the person has been helped.
At other times, they get involved in specific threads and after replying in them, they log off with the unread posts being removed from the new posts list next time they log on.
Even us old timers have had posts for help go unanswered.
So do not feel alone.
As to your sound problem, I have a Compaq Presario with Nvidia video and sound and I guess I was a lucky one in that it works with most versions of Puppy.
I seem to recall a thread that discussed multiple sound and video cards and if one could find it, it might help.

Some issues just sort themselves out.

Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2012, 05:09
by dennis-slacko531
I think everyone finds support satisfaction one way or another. That is to say, they work harder at finding an answer. I have yet to see any distros on Twitter - I don't think we'd get laughed at for trying and being first! Can I get a woof woof?

Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2012, 09:17
by Jasper

Google Chrome 21 for Slacko - was the subject of your first query and you wrote
Running in, coincidentally enough, jejy69's GNOME Puppy 533. Works pretty good, except... inherited keybindings (I think that's the right term) from Seamonkey or something. All I know is... backspace doesn't go back and shift+backspace doesn't go forward and it's driving me absolutely CRAZY.

Is there a fix for this somewhere...?
Just for starters:

(1) You wrote "GNOME Puppy 533" [not Slacko]
(2) You wrote "Seamonkey or something" [not Chrome]
(3) You wrote "backspace" [not tab?]

Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2012, 12:39
by cthisbear
Often I notice that bugger all people are logged on lately.

And some questions are beyond me.

Also except for 01micko, Jejy69 and pemasu

there hasn't been much Puppy action lately.

And I am not having a go at anyone I missed....OK!

So the crowds are down....including responses.

Sorry hates you.
You're doing OK.


Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2012, 18:10
by starhawk
@Jasper -- I was using Chrome in Jejy69's GNOME 533. (Jejy69 has since replaced it with a Puppy Precise version that I don't like as much.) I *assumed* that the keybindings were inherited from Seamonkey, which was present in that Puplet -- TBH I have no idea why Alt+LeftArrow should be "go back a page". What I do know is that I'm used to the Backspace key doing that, as that's what it is in Windows.

Make sense now...?

@cthisbear: I have noticed that the crowds were thinning. I was hoping that this wasn't the regulars being missing, but I guess it is. Sure hope it's not a 'lack of interest' thing!

Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2012, 18:29
by RSH
cthisbear wrote:Sorry hates you.
You're doing OK.

Sorry, i couldn't resist... :wink:
Please, Chris, don't take this too serious... :lol:

It just did look to me a bit like a fulfilled picture of the wide range of human being. :wink:


Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2012, 20:43
by Jasper

Try Dillo and/or Windows if you must use backspace and shift+backspace.

In Chrome with a mouse you could click on the left or right toolbar arrows or you could right click and choose forward or back from the menu or from the keyboard you could use Alt+left or right arrows.

So you had at least three simple working solutions and you had to make an almighty fuss. Some forum posters have genuine non-trivial problems where nothing works - I believe they should receive priority.

Using Puppy, which browser(s) have supported your use of backspace and shift+backspace?

Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2012, 21:23
by starhawk
Jasper, I'm an artist by nature. We're persnickety. We're fussy. We want everything a certain way because we have a vision of how things "should" be.

Perhaps I should not have been born with the ability to have this sort of vision?

I saw that I had two problems that were not being solved. Problems that appeared --to me-- to be easily solvable, given the required knowledge. I assumed, however incorrectly, that I was missing a small but simple key bit of information on both problems. I was right -- in the case of Chrome, I needed to know about an extension. In the case of the audio issue, I needed to be poked about having been in that system's BIOS exactly once ever.

But I also saw that there were others with problems that were not being solved. I wanted to make sure that we all get what we need sometimes: help.

"A friend in need is a friend indeed."

I think you need a vacation, Jasper. Your tongue and your attitude are both a little sharp for this place.

Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2012, 21:31
by Jasper
Using Puppy, which browser(s) have supported your use of backspace and shift+backspace?

Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2012, 23:13
by starhawk
Jasper, you're either missing or ignoring my last post, and therefore you are also missing completely the point of this thread.

...unless you simply want me to be quiet and carry on as if I saw nothing wrong?

Please re-read my last post. All of it.

Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2012, 23:38
by Jasper

I understand English and I have reread your last and your penultimate posts above.

Now, please reread mine and answer my polite question.

Posted: Sun 16 Sep 2012, 00:17
by starhawk
In the context of this thread, your question is somewhat beside the point, which is what I was hoping you'd realize...

...but, for the record, I've had Seamonkey, Firefox, and occasionally even Chrome actually tend to use Bksp for back and Shift+Bksp for forward. It's /almost/ common behavior. I've used Dillo a very few times, enough to know that I hate it.

FWIW, last I bothered to look, I had just under eight gigs of Puppy ISOs saved away (I've added more since that count) in case I could use them or if someone needed one and I could help out (this happened recently). I want to say I've got a collection of a bit more than 50 Puppies. I've actually given almost all of them a test drive, although I can't say how many times I've used a browser in each one. That I don't know.

...guess I'm a "dog person" after all :lol:

Regarding the point of this thread, to make it so very crystal clear to the point of absurdity: I'm not the only one waiting for help. There are others.

Now I'll ask you to go help them, since I'm good to go at this point.