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STEAM beta test now open

Posted: Mon 10 Sep 2012, 16:49
by Warrior522

Assuming any of us can get in, who wants to help me sort out what Puppy version can handle it best?

Posted: Sun 30 Sep 2012, 03:26
by dogbert0360
Hopefully someone will step up and help bring this to Puppy Linux. If I was proficient at programming I would very much like to help.

Please someone step up and do this!!!!

Posted: Sun 30 Sep 2012, 11:14
by bark_bark_bark
that is just an article.

Posted: Sun 04 Nov 2012, 17:01
by JSonic
The actual query is at I'm trying it, but with debian...
Warrior522 wrote:Assuming any of us can get in, who wants to help me sort out what Puppy version can handle it best?
Maybe the newest, Precise 5.4? As it has the newest software, it has also better drivers. Or maybe some gaming derivative, could be.
dogbert0360 wrote:If I was proficient at programming...
No need to be :) What reads in that survey page: "We are primarily interested in experienced Linux users."

Posted: Fri 23 Nov 2012, 16:44
by crshbndct
I am in the beta

I am going to install 5.41 now to test it

Posted: Fri 23 Nov 2012, 18:33
by Warrior522
Great! Let me know how things go; I have both Puppy and Ubuntu, but I didn't get into the beta...

Posted: Sun 02 Dec 2012, 06:11
by Haplo

Confirmation... Steam works great (well as much as it can in Beta state) on latest Precise so far... haven't had a chance to do a whole lot just yet. Just played around in Trine2 for a bit so far. Kinda cool resuming a game from a wine install on another box. lol

Anyway - kudos to Precise Puppy. Good Dog!

Steam did almost everything too. All I did was install the .deb, let it update (about 112MB) and hello! There was the library. Then I had to dig around and get apt going for the game updates. Other than that - nice.

Kind of defeats the purpose of keeping Puppy small, but pretty cool. And it's FAST. Plus it is all still running on one 16GB USB stick lol - novelty but still geeky cool :)

Posted: Sun 02 Dec 2012, 20:09
by Warrior522
Glad to hear the Steam on Puppy process will be relatively painless; another point to Linux.

Posted: Thu 20 Dec 2012, 15:48
by tlc
Hmm, just installed the latest steam.deb with PPM as the beta is now open to all, but get:

Code: Select all

# steam
/usr/bin/steam: line 136: syntax error near unexpected token `"$package"'
/usr/bin/steam: line 136: `			NEEDSINSTALL+=("$package")'

Latest amd drivers installed, along with ia32-libs and libcurl etc.

Anyone else get it working?

might this test iso with apt-get help ?

Posted: Thu 20 Dec 2012, 17:26
by nancy reagan
No tweaker at all so understand half what you are talking about. Might this link help to -however French- users forum help, where somebody made a apt-get edition with precise ?

Posted: Thu 20 Dec 2012, 17:43
by tlc
Thanks, just read that and even understood a bit I think, apt-get would be an awesome addition to Puppy, but I think I'm just missing something obvious, having just switched back to Puppy after the endless grief Mint 13 was giving me.

Code: Select all

# gdebi steam_latest.deb
//usr/bin/dpkg: unrecognized option '--print-architecture'
BusyBox v1.19.3 (2011-11-09 07:34:50 WST) multi-call binary.

Usage: dpkg [-ilCPru] [-F OPT] PACKAGE

Install, remove and manage Debian packages

	-i,--install	Install the package
	-l,--list	List of installed packages
	--configure	Configure an unpackaged package
	-P,--purge	Purge all files of a package
	-r,--remove	Remove all but the configuration files for a package
	--unpack	Unpack a package, but don't configure it
	--force-depends	Ignore dependency problems
	--force-confnew	Overwrite existing config files when installing
	--force-confold	Keep old config files when installing

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
This package is uninstallable
Dependency is not satisfiable: libcurl3-gnutls (>= 7.16.2-1)
But I have libcurl3-gnutls_7.22.0 installed, so I tried:

Code: Select all

# dpkg -i --force-depends steam_latest.deb
Unpacking steam (from steam_latest.deb)...
dpkg: can't open '/var/lib/dpkg/info/steam.md5sums': No such file or directory
My tiny brain is out of ideas... :(

Posted: Sun 30 Dec 2012, 17:50
by ssanubis
I can confirm that Steam works for "precise puppy 5.4.3" nearly out of box. The only problem being that the script created in /usr/bin tries to call on dpkg. Comment out lines 120-149 or in other words made it look like this

Code: Select all

#function install_extra_packages()
#        # Get the list of packages which are already installed
#	declare -a INSTALLED
#        INSTALLED=($(dpkg --get-selections "$@" 2>/dev/null | grep "\binstall$" | cut -f1))
#        # compute the list of packages that need to be installed
#	declare -a NEEDSINSTALL
#	for package in "$@"; do
#		found=false
#		for installed in "${INSTALLED[@]}"; do
#			if [[ "$package" == "$installed" ]]; then
#				found=true; break
#			fi
#		done
#		if [[ "$found" = "false" ]]; then
#			NEEDSINSTALL+=("$package")
#		fi
#	done
#	if [[ "${#NEEDSINSTALL[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then
#		# Call to actually do the work
#		MESSAGE=$"Please enter your password to complete the Steam installation.
#Steam needs to install these additional packages: 
#		run_sudo "$MESSAGE" apt-get install "${NEEDSINSTALL[@]}"
#	fi
Save it and run it. Steam updates, logs in and runs without issue, at least for me.

Posted: Tue 22 Oct 2013, 04:45
by Atle
It might be with Steam, that proper function of drivers from Nvidia and ATI is the real issue. As for me, in a year I still have not gotten it right with drivers for my ASUS U36SD with a Nvidia GeForce GT 520m.

That said, I can install the driver and reboot into a setup that always have left me with a black screen with a marker blinking up in the upper right corner. Th only distro I came across that did have support for this out of the box, is Sabayon.

So if there was releases that covered this issue, I think Puppy would take the lead, as this is the possible the major issue and not steam in it self.

Also I think Offline gaming is a issue where Puppy can turn "badass" as one can use stuff like Shareinternet to create a Lan Party hooked up by wire and even more innovative, to have some support for HostAPD, so that Puppy gives the world a new stage to play on:

Wlan Party:-)