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Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2012, 15:13
by dada
DOSbox-0.74 static - so might work with all Puppy versions.
Please report if it work/does not work for you (worked in Puppy XYZ/did not work in Puppy ZXY).

Removed package 20130808 as it wont run under some Xorg configurations. Link to new package working with Xvesa & Xorg:

Information on command line options etc:
The hot keys:


Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2012, 16:04
by gcmartin
  • Is this for 32 or 64bit PUPs? (although you may have designed it for both)
Thanks, either way.

Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2012, 16:15
by dada
gcmartin wrote:Question
  • Is this for 32 or 64bit PUPs? (although you may have designed it for both)
Thanks, either way.
32bit - I have no chance testing 64bit. Tested with Xvesa - might not work with Xorg.

Posted: Thu 08 Aug 2013, 17:09
by dada
Updated the dosbox package - view first post...

Integrating dosbox to work from jwm menu example:
I found it easiest to make a unique dosbox conf-file for each program.
The dosbox-conf is in /root/.dosbox - the normal config file is called dosbox-0.74.conf - but you can have as many different as you want in there.
I have all my dos programs in folder /root/.dosbox/cdrive - but you can have it anywhere and also symlink other directories or files in there.

As example I will make "Lotus 3" run via a menu entry under Fun. Download the game here: ...

Unpack it to your dos-file location (I put the files in directory /root/.dosbox/cdrive/Lotus3).

Copy the default dosbox conf file to lotus_dosbox.conf and add the following at the very end:

Code: Select all

MOUNT c /root/.dosbox/cdrive
cd Lotus3
Create a desktop-file in /usr/share/applications - I named it lotus3.desktop - and put the following content in there:

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Lotus 3
Comment=Lotus 3 - the Ultimate Challenge
Exec=dosbox -conf /root/.dosbox/lotus_dosbox.conf 
GenericName=Lotus 3
Then run fixmenus and restart jwm. The Lotus 3 menu should be under Fun and if clicked dosbox starts the game.

I have attached an archive with the files for convenience but they only work as is if you have your dosfiles same place as I.