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Ted vs Abiword: which is better?

Posted: Sat 18 Aug 2012, 00:47
by Gnuxo
I stumbled upon Ted recently, and it seems to do alot of what I'd expect from a word processor without excess bloat. It's a smaller install then abiword and uses less dependencies. Has a decent amount file extensions.

It can open .doc files though it can't save to them, but for the small size, you get a hell of a lot. There's even a butt load of dictionaries, spell checkers and scripts download to extend functionality.

An old version of Ted comes standard on Damn Small Linux.

My question is: for it's small size, would Ted be a better fit for puppy then Abiword? It would probably reduce the iso size by a few megs.

I've used Ted for the day, and I really don't know what features I miss from Abiword that justify choosing it over Ted.

Posted: Sat 18 Aug 2012, 02:54
by disciple
I think Ted was included in Puppy many years ago, but Abiword's compatibility with MS Word is so much better that I doubt it would be switched back... although you may have an ally in the people who claim that Abiword and Gnumeric should be left out of Puppy because so many people install Libreoffice/Openoffice anyway.

Posted: Sat 18 Aug 2012, 03:35
by Makoto
The thing about Abiword is that it's always been rather buggy for me... each version (even across platforms) usually behaves badly for me in different ways. :D

We've had discussions (and I think disciple participated in most or all of them :P) about what else we could possibly use in Abiword's place, but many of them require other environments to be installed (some want KDE to be installed, for example. Open/LibreOffice is good, but it'd add another ~200MB to a Puppy disc, not to mention the likely Java requirement (adding even more to the size of that Puppy).

Posted: Sat 18 Aug 2012, 03:48
by disciple
I hope you report the bugs ;)

Posted: Sat 18 Aug 2012, 10:39
by Makoto
Is that why they keep replacing the bugs with all-new sets of bugs? :mrgreen:

Posted: Sat 18 Aug 2012, 12:50
by tlchost
Makoto wrote:Is that why they keep replacing the bugs with all-new sets of bugs? :mrgreen:
It is the way of the devs Little Grasshopper.

Posted: Sat 18 Aug 2012, 19:27
by Gnuxo
Well, I don't believe TED requires any desktop environments. It's very small.

And I haven't found glitches with it either.

I would rather use LYX over Abiword if I need something with that many features. It's larger then Abiword but has even more features then Abiword.
*Most people don't know that LYX is a word processor and not just some stupid LATEX editor*

For the barebones full screen writing, I usually use WordGrinder anyway, but for formatting, I still need a real word processor and TED does formatting just fine.

I find huge office suites major overkill. I wish Siag was still actively developed because I'd rather use that over Libre Office.

Posted: Mon 20 Aug 2012, 15:52
by darkcity
I believe one of the reason Abiword has so many bugs is that Puppy tends to pack development versions rather than stables releases. For example, Slacko 531 comes with abiword 2.9.1, but the last stable release was 2.8.6.

I find Abiwords MS support confusing in that it saves .docs as rich text files (rtf) rather than its native format. This isn't a problem if you know about it though.

Posted: Mon 20 Aug 2012, 23:25
by disciple
How is it a problem if you don't know about it?

Posted: Fri 31 Aug 2012, 03:55
by darkcity
Because when AbiWord saves a .doc you expect it to behave like a binary file, rather than a rtf . I can't remember the details, but had problems with someone being unable to opening .doc because it was in the .doc rtf format. Could double check anyone thinks it worth it. 8)

Posted: Sat 27 Oct 2012, 00:26
by canbyte
Hi. Someone sent me a .docx file to edit, I opened it with Abiword 2.9.1 (in Slacko 533 dual screen) made a few edits and gave up in frustration. I'll do the rest in geany as it's mostly just text but will miss the strikeout function.

Reason - as each character is typed, the screen goes blank and then refreshes with the new text. Each freakin' character!! Drove me nuts very quickly (which isn't saying much as it's not far to go :D )

I'm quite content to continue with geany but what would others suggest? is there a .pet or better yet an .sfs for other editors (TED, LYX, etc. )? Or .......?
Thanks in advance.

Posted: Sat 27 Oct 2012, 04:39
by 8-bit
Even if one uses MS Word, one can have problems with a docx file.
It depends on what version of MS Word was used to create the file.
I have had MS Word 97 not want to open some docx files.
So why would some program in Puppy be any different?

Posted: Sat 27 Oct 2012, 04:53
by disciple
Word 97 doesn't open any docx files ;)

Posted: Sat 27 Oct 2012, 05:18
by canbyte
Hi 8 bit, disciple
The problem wasn't opening the file, it was the screen action while typing. I'm assuming that it has nothing to do with where the file came from. I tried to change it from docx to rtf and finally to .txt but Abiword reacted the same to all. Having said that, I just tried reloading the .txt file and found to my surprise that indeed, the flow was smoother and the screen had less 'flash' than before. Not as smooth as geany, but better than it was and reasonable enough that i would be happy to use Abiword for the final formatting and polishing up which geany can't do.

Edit: FWIW, I just noticed a couple of other things. Pasting a long series of (Yahoo) emails into Abiword, I found that text was 'disappearing' around/below page breaks. It reappears when highlighted or moved. I also noticed that there was an option to save as .rtf or 'old' .rtf for older apps, whatever that means.

So with that (and my editing job done), I suppose I'll just remember that little lesson but for sake of posterity, someone might want to add pet or sfs files for other processors that might be useful.

Thanks again.

Ted v-2.23 is out

Posted: Fri 08 Feb 2013, 14:05
by charlie6
canbyte wrote:... is there a .pet or better yet an .sfs for other editors (TED, LYX, etc. )? Or .......?
Ted v-2.23 is out
using it since ca 6 months does not open proprietary format (.doc etc..);
i appreciate its simplicity --> there are online conversion tools on the web.

Posted: Tue 26 Feb 2013, 05:30
by Ibidem
Ted 2.23 adds a "pet" target. :)
It also is noticeably more reliable (undo-redo-redo doesn't risk crashing stuff, for one!), reputedly has several fixes for the GTK ui, etc.

For those wanting to open MS Word docs:
wvRTF can convert .doc to RTF, though it may mess up formatting.
Abiword offers a commandline converter, also.

Posted: Fri 01 Mar 2013, 13:02
by charlie6

...For those wanting to open MS Word docs:
wvRTF can convert .doc to RTF, though it may mess up formatting.
Thanks for the tip ...but
wvRTF does not work for me -->not any *.rtf file returned.
(version 1.2.4 on dPup-exprimo


For me, it's TED

Posted: Sun 23 Jun 2013, 18:31
by 6502coder
I'm for tossing Abiword in favor of TED. It may "only" do RTF but it does it very well, as opposed to the buggy way Abiword does DOC and everything else.

I use RTF format almost exclusively anyway. It handles everything I need to do as far as formatting, and I never have to worry about whether the guy at the other end has a word-processor that can understand it. The over-use of DOC and DOCX for "documents" that could just as well have been TXT files is absurd.

People who really need to EDIT in DOC/DOCX format have no lack of packages they can add to Puppy to get this capability. If you really need to deal with DOC/DOCX, Abiword is NOT better than nothing, IMHO.

ABIWORD Titles Your Images

Posted: Sat 23 Nov 2013, 17:58
by Pelo
Abiword is an easier way for titles on images by including a screenshot in background. Just select landscape format A4 ! :D

Posted: Thu 13 Feb 2014, 17:54
by slavvo67
TED started out working fine but then I had some issues with it and decided to delete it. It would probably be better to compare it to Leafpad or Geany rather than ABIWord.

ABIWord is clearly a flawed product but it is a nice, light word processor and provides good conversion (again, not perfect). The stable version has been 2.8.6 for ... well forever, basically. The newer versions (betas) all seem to have additional flaws that bring me back to 2.8.6 (which isn't perfect, either). I recall using the delete button when editing a document which started an auto-save process and the shutdown of ABI Word (not sure which version).

I would not use ABI or TED for any serious document work (i.e. writing a 100 pager) but I would use ABI Word hands down against most other word processor offerings (of its size, at least). If Libre was lighter, it would be my clear choice. Kingsoft seemed ok at first but again, the size and conversion issues there.

These, of course are only my opinions but I've grown to love ABI Word for what it is and for what it isn't. It's a perfect pairing for Puppy.