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Create Pmusic m3u list

Posted: Sat 21 Jul 2012, 19:49
by don570
News Aug 1 - Now opens directly to pmusic (mostly)
and begins playing the list

News Aug 2 - Now opens directly to popular music players
and can right click on symbolic links

News Aug 4 - Now restrains the number of
audio players to those installed on your computer

I've written a right click application ( with some code from stu90)
to help make playlists in Pmusic.

I've found that it's easier to use this method


1) install the program create-m3u available in this post.

2) Use Rox filer to right click on folder (or entire partition)
containing some music files. Select from right click menu (see image)
and m3u file will be created. (There's probably a maximum number
of song files but I haven't checked. I believe Zigbert told me
that about one thousand songs in a playlist is possible??? )
Your default text editor is launched to give you an opportunity
to edit the list if you wish, but I find the list is reasonably
accurate. It shouldn't need much editing.

There will be underscore in m3u file name if
there is whitespace in name of folder.

Keep the depth of search to 1 folder for max speed,
but 2 or 3 works fine as well.

3) The m3u file will be located in /root. Now launch pmusic
and use file picker on left side or launch Bookmarks.
One of the Bookmarks is home folder.

4) Find an empty playlist (There's lots of them) :lol:

5) One click of button at bottom of window to quickly
make a playlist. It begins playing immediately.
A nice feature :)

6) You can trash m3u file now. Pmusic has created it's own playlist
in it's hidden config folder in /root




Posted: Sun 22 Jul 2012, 00:56
by shinobar
FYI: there is a hidden function 'mkplaylist' in the ffconvert-1.3.

# mkplaylist --help
mkplaylist 0.1
Make play list of multimedia files in a directory.
usage: mkplaylist [PLAYLIST_FORM] (FILES|-f FILELIST)
PLAYLIST_FORM: 'asx', 'pls' or 'm3u'

Posted: Mon 23 Jul 2012, 13:10
by zigbert
Thank you for this one
Will make a link from the Pmusic main post


Posted: Tue 24 Jul 2012, 18:46
by don570
version 1.1

I remove temporary files in /tmp properly at completion

version 1.2 of create-m3u

Posted: Thu 02 Aug 2012, 00:10
by don570
Version 1.2

Now opens directly to pmusic (most of the time)
and begins playing the list

If it doesn't launch pmusic automatically then launch it
form the start menu.

There is one flaw which I discovered while testing
on Lucid puppy (Japanese version)

Namely right click on link doesn't work properly.
I will continue to work on issue. In some puppies the partition
icon in /mnt is a link.


Version 1.3 of create-m3u

Posted: Thu 02 Aug 2012, 22:40
by don570
Version 1.3 of create-m3u

1) Now opens directly to popular music players

2) A right click on symbolic link of folder
or partition such as /mnt/home will be treated as if it is a real file.

3) The text of right click menu has been changed to
avoid the mention of pmusic since nearly all music players
can use a m3u playlist.


new version 1.4 of create-m3u

Posted: Sat 04 Aug 2012, 20:04
by don570
new version 1.4 of create-m3u

News Aug 4 - Now restrains the number of
audio players to those installed on your computer


new version 1.5 of create-m3u

Posted: Tue 07 Aug 2012, 22:20
by don570
new version 1.5 of create-m3u

News Aug 7 - Now works properly with pmusic :lol:


Posted: Wed 08 Aug 2012, 11:40
by stu91
Great stuff don570 - 1.4 working well here on Exprimo puppy (just created and loaded playlist into pmusic opend and loaded ok here with 1.4?) being able to choose from installed media players is a nice touch. 8)

Posted: Wed 08 Aug 2012, 17:55
by don570
pmusic opend and loaded ok here with 1.4
It sure didn't work very well for me :cry:
I needed to use the full path to pmusic to
launch it reliably.

This isn't the first time I've noticed a bug in a script and
others don't notice it.

I'm now working on a script that will list the m3u playlists
it finds recursively in a folder and then play them with your
choice of player.

I've started to examine the problem here.


Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2012, 18:59
by don570
I have now created a playlist player for m3u playlists
Uncheck option in window of create-m3u to create the
playlist in your home folder /root

Then for convenient storage drag the playlist to a folder
such as /root/my-documents/Playlists . ... 711#652711


Version 1.7

Posted: Mon 19 Jan 2015, 21:25
by don570
Version 1.7
Rewrote the program for gettext. I put in right click menu choice
in different languages. I made interface changes.

I corrected mistake with links in 64 bit distros.

It now makes the m3u playlist in the music folder and optionally
in the user's home directory.

The music folder can be dragged to another location and the
m3u playlist is still valid.


Posted: Tue 20 Jan 2015, 11:37
by xanad
Italian .mo

Posted: Sat 24 Jan 2015, 19:28
by don570
new Version 1.9

I made a mistake in how I gettext'd a label.
Momanager would just ignore it. Fixed.

I'll work on translations using Google translate.


Posted: Mon 26 Jan 2015, 19:43
by don570
version 2.0

- foreign translations would stop app from working -Fixed

- added in a lot of foreign translations --> Arabic, Chinese, Italian, Spanish,
Portugese, Japanese, Hungarian , Czech, Russian, German , Dutch and Polish.

This allowed me to practice using Google translation service


Posted: Mon 26 Jan 2015, 22:48
by ASRI éducation
I just tested.
It is very convenient.
Thank you!

Posted: Fri 30 Jan 2015, 01:14
by don570

version 2.1

Added the change suggested by by ASRI. Now the French translation
doesn't need \\ protection of apostrophe.


Posted: Fri 06 Feb 2015, 00:51
by don570
version 2.2

- I put VLC player on the list of audio players since it works correctly
in April64 distro


Posted: Thu 12 Feb 2015, 19:37
by don570
Xine works correctly in Wary64!! Good.


Posted: Tue 09 Aug 2016, 21:45
by greengeek
I'm not sure who maintains "mkplaylist" referred to by Shinobar but it has always bothered me that in my Slacko 5.6 derivative the rightclick menu only shows a generic icon next to "mkplaylist" but I finally figured out why:

The mkplaylist desktop entry in /root/.config/ folder lists the required icon as /usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/audio.svg but that puppy directory and the icon are not present in my Slacko derivative.

Just thought I'd mention it in case it bothers anyone else too.