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Small Collection of Apps for Puppy

Posted: Fri 20 Jul 2012, 09:17
by kaeza
Hello boys.

I'm new here, but I wanted to share a little something with the community since Puppy made me leave that EVIL "OS" bit by bit.

Simply Put:
Puppy is small, fast, and full-featured.
Window$ is huge, slooooow, and a simple "Notepad" requires you to have an 48-core Intel Ultra i128 at 8THz with 8 TB of RAM, and DirectX 84.96 (or whatever API Vista/7/8/9 uses; don't know, had XP before Puppy).

Okay, lets get on topic.

First, para usuarios de habla hispana, I've translated PPLog into Español.

Next, for those of you (like me) that think that the PupDial GUI is over-crowded with widgets, here's a modification that arranges the GUI into different tabs (using a notebook) and IMHO is more user-friendly and intuitive.

Then, I have a little application (created by none other than me) to help create pinboard icons, or browse existing ones to add to it. It also includes some buttons to call obconfig (you may change the program if you use other window manager), change the GTK+ themes (calling gtk-chtheme), or changing the mouse cursors (via pcur). It was coded and tested under Lucid Puppy 525, and uses the aforementioned applications as backends for configuration, plus the gtkdialog3 program for it's GUI, and obviously, the ROX-Filer. It is a self-contained ROX-Filer AppDir, so to install just uncompress wherever you see fit, and drag to your pinboard to create an icon.

Last, for the gamers, I made a little frontend for Half-Life called Puppy-Life, that lists the games from Valve installed. It requires wine, and obviously, a copy of the aforementioned game (see the note below). To install, unpack it to your HL directory (usually C:\Sierra\Valve or something like that). It should create a Pup-Life directory inside it. Just run it and see if it works. Please read the included documentation, or ask me.

*NOTE: I'm not being contradictory, I just despise *Window$* not the *Applications/Games*.

m'kay, I think that covers it up for now.



Note to Forum Admins: If I accidentally posted under the wrong category, I apologize in advance and request that it be moved it into the correct category if you can.

Posted: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 07:17
by Lobster
Somebody should at least say thank you for your efforts 8)

I am sorry it has to be me. :wink:
Anyone care to offer feedback?

Thanks kaeza.


Posted: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 07:59
by zigbert
Does this show a weakness in the Puppy community?
Do we have a place to collect suggested code?

...or will this (as much else) be overseen or forgotten.

Posted: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 11:17
by DPUP5520
Good job, it's always nice to see new members take an active interest and help to make puppy better whether its through developing code or helping to compile new programs.

muchas gracias

Posted: Fri 27 Jul 2012, 13:34
by nilsonmorales
muchas gracias por tus aportes soy nuevo tambien me gustaria que te unieras en el canal en español de irc #puppy-es para que puedas intercambiar experiencias con nosotros
saludos desde el salvador

Posted: Thu 16 Aug 2012, 13:45
by kaeza
Thank you for your feedback. I have exceeded my monthly bandwidth so I couldn't connect before.

@nilsonmorales Gracias, voy a probar :)

Angel Linux Ice-candy

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2013, 15:50
by Pelo
I want to make a short manual about Apps Icons, what they mean, and tell where they are
En cours... en cours... en cours....
Screenshot will be erased when finished :wink: pls wait...

Usarios are welcome

Posted: Wed 02 Jul 2014, 03:46
by Pelo
pplog how do you active it. Nothing happens.

I don't understand how apps tool works

Posted: Sat 24 Oct 2015, 22:57
by Pelo
desktop icons descargado,
I don't understand how apps tool works