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Meebo Was Bought By Google. It's Shutting Down.

Posted: Thu 12 Jul 2012, 20:38
by Gnuxo
A few of newer puppies come with a link to Meebo as it's defacto IM client.
...However Google bought Meebo and it seems that Google is going to shut them down.
I don't know what Google is going to do with the site or it's technology.

However I think it's time for the puppy community to look elsewhere for cloud apps.

I was really impressed with the Fogger app which was entered into the Ubuntu Appshowdown.
There's been a lack of website2app choices for linux.

It would be nice if any cloud apps don't open a link, but instead as a stand alone program.
It would more impressive and use less ram.

What are your thoughts?

Posted: Thu 12 Jul 2012, 20:55
by Gnuxo
Is there some way that there could be a very lightweight little app that turns websites into standalone programs?

A good meebo alternative I use is E-buddy. Though it doesn't have as many supported sites. is a good alternative as well.

I'm not sure which of them uses flash. Hopefully none of them need it.

It would be convenient to click on a menu icon and have the website come up in it's own window instead of opening a browser.