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Server Space for BarryK

Posted: Mon 09 Jul 2012, 13:47
by Lobster
Barry is asking about server space

Anyone got any any or can recommend a host.

Occasionally people say they would like to host Puppy files.
What they usually mean is they need someone
to hand hold their own experimentation. :P
Sometimes this works out.

The tmxxine server which hosted many Puppy files has lapsed
as the host is - how can I put this politely - criminally useless.

Ideally something similar to iblio, which has proved long term and reliable, with many mirrors.

Any ideas? :D

Posted: Mon 09 Jul 2012, 14:54
by aarf
perhaps puppyite has some spare resources : :lol:

Posted: Mon 09 Jul 2012, 21:24
by headfound
Dropbox can be used for public storage -
20gb a day bandwidth limit for free accounts
200gb a day for pro accounts (starting at £99 a year)
Additionally, do note the following:
- There is no bandwidth usage meter or alert for when you may exceed the limit.
- Your links will be automatically suspended (and return a 503 Bandwidth Exceeded page), and you will receive an email only AFTER your links are suspended.
- The first suspension is 72 hours, the suspension duration is INCREASED after every suspension; eg.
First suspension - 72 hours
Second suspension - 144 hours
Third suspension - 288 hours...and so on.
f you have a couple of email addresses you could sign up for multiple dropbox accounts. You can also host pictures (even a website) to supplement website bandwidth.

Re: Server Space for BarryK

Posted: Mon 09 Jul 2012, 23:12
by tlchost
Lobster wrote:Barry is asking about server space

Anyone got any any or can recommend a host.
One needs to ascertain how much "space" he needs and how much "bandwidth".


Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 00:23
by Caneri
Hi Thom,

I see no reason why we can't pool resources with co-locates and find a dedicated box for a long term setup.

Then we can buy a "block" of bandwidth within a data center and use a big server.

Buying a block is cheaper than renting a vm machine from a company that rents vm machines.

Just a thought,

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 00:50
by tlchost
Caneri wrote:Hi Thom,

I see no reason why we can't pool resources with co-locates and find a dedicated box for a long term setup.
I used to prefer that method....but now, I get the colo-center to supply the box, the band-width, and updating the server....if it dies, they replace it. I went that route after I had a failure 2000 miles away from home was not pretty.

Then we can buy a "block" of bandwidth within a data center and use a big server.

Yep...makes sense.

If someone can get me some credible numbers, I can see what my colo can do.
Just a thought
And a good one.


Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 00:53
by Caneri
Hiya Thom,

Off the thread...good to hear from you, y'ole fart.


PS..I'm throttling my words
but now, I get the colo-center to supply the box, the band-width, and updating the server....if it dies, they replace it
Good idea Thom

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 01:33
by aarf
still havent got any ball park figures for anything.

russoodle and smokey are still out there too.
perhap if we knew how much bandwidth ibiblio/puppy chewed it would be a starting reference point.
and ditto for other puppy sites would be advantageous too.

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 01:37
by Caneri
Hey aarf,

Nothing is written.

I think Barry is looking for another Ibiblio...but that won't happen.


Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 01:49
by aarf
with some sort of cloud splitting incoming requests to the various puppy resources already available we may already have enough. just a matter of more efficent utilisation
other non puppy sites could be also used as part of the duplicate cloud split. retaining control of the incoming request is the most critical point not the actual end user download host.

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 01:57
by Caneri
you still need hdd space and band width in one(or more)servers to make it work aarf

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 02:49
by p310don
I know little about hosting space, but, when I used to follow the Ultimate Edition Linux page, theemahn, who makes it always had hosting issues, until he went with sourceforge. I don't know if this is an option for Puppy, but it might help... ... rge-rocks/

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 06:52
by Lobster
Thanks Guys :)

I will try and explain what developers need. They need a site which they can FTP pets, ISO and SFS to.

Developers also need to be able to download from FTP or http (a URL)

Users need to be able to download ISO and pets (some of the pets will be available in the final release) so some sort of bandwdth/server sharing is ideal.

[Typing is hard (in Puppi SAP alpha2) . . . :? ]

Slacko is hosted by Smokey and Eric hosted many of our files for a few years.
This may be temporary but is much appreciated. When ISO download occurs, server meltdown is not appreciated by hosting services . . .

Puppy is mainstream enough to need the reliability of institutional support but we are also fiercely independent. Iblio was/is ideal. Sourceforge always strikes me as too complex (but is a good suggestion)

Dropbox, googledrive, sugarsynch are designed for commercial fleecing of the ignorant. We should know better. Do we?

Thanks again for suggestions, we need more. Hope that clarifies a little . . . :)

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2012, 10:19
by BarryK
The problem has gone away, for awhile anyway, as has added more space.

I was able to upload the latest Squeezed Arm Puppy alpha3 (for the Raspberry Pi).

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2012, 10:30
by nooby
Barry that is a temporal relief but sadly Ibibilio
are very slow. A file 200 MB big can take some 30 to 60Minutes
despite if one have fast Broadband and those with Dial Up
have to wait for some 5 hours or so?

So would be good to know what would be needed for to pay for
a more reliable solution.

What would we have to pay per year to secure solution
that is fast and have the needed bandwidth for download?

Knowing the figures of cost per year would make us more aware of
what is needed to contribute.

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2012, 11:40
by CatDude
Hello nooby
nooby wrote:Barry that is a temporal relief but sadly Ibibilio
are very slow. A file 200 MB big can take some 30 to 60Minutes
despite if one have fast Broadband and those with Dial Up
have to wait for some 5 hours or so?
I normally grab stuff from nluug as it is a lot faster Hope this helps

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2012, 12:23
+1 CatDude

I have always used nluug because ibiblio is S-L-O-W

However, that highlights one of the advantages of ibiblio. It has mirrors.

When a pup is on one of the specific servers you are stuck with whatever speed it goes at (and it is usually slower than nluug).

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2012, 15:04
by nooby
Same here guys, I also use the .nl server or if it is not available
maybe the .hu or any of the others.

But as FatDog and other uploads show it can take more than
24 hours before a new file is available at the mirror.
So a dev have control over the file at Ibiblio but have to
be lucky that .nl decide to have an automatic run for to
get it uploaded at the mirror? I guess that is why it is a mirror.
You are not supposed to upload to it it only mirrors.

Okay free course in 24 hours patience :)

Posted: Wed 11 Jul 2012, 23:22
by Caneri
First off...sorry for the typo.
I will try and explain what developers need. They need a site which they can FTP pets, ISO and SFS to.

Developers also need to be able to download from FTP or http (a URL)

Users need to be able to download ISO and pets (some of the pets will be available in the final release) so some sort of bandwdth/server sharing is ideal.
This was the model I tried to use with figured a safe server for devs was needed around the 2.15 series. Unfortunatly the bandwidth cost me the account and my host with MANY files deleted by the host for over-use. The Florida servers were great but I was locked out thus the demise of that....grrr...It was a great setup for sure in Florida.
Puppy is mainstream enough to need the reliability of institutional support
Agreed...thus my attempts over the years to secure something like this...alas..nada....uni servers are not interested in my bad for that.

I'll try my original plan and go after my local telco again.

If Barry is interested then we can build off that (If successful at least)..Eric

Posted: Thu 12 Jul 2012, 22:00
by gcmartin
Thanks Guys ... I will try and explain what developers need. .... Puppy is mainstream enough to need the reliability of institutional support ... Dropbox, googledrive, sugarsynch are designed for commercial fleecing of the ignorant. ... Hope that clarifies a little . . .
This is kinda confusing.

Does this mean fi someone offers a solution it must be what ... exactly???

I am just trying to understand that if there is a safe offering that will address our needs what approach is to used such that it will get a proper evaluation to meet the needs of Puppy use?

This post by me intends to understand the criterion that is being asked. And, it is hoped that we can develop what we feel is a legitimate method that will address the dilemma that we are facing.

Hope this helps
Edited: spellings!