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Posted: Sat 23 Feb 2013, 08:04
by goingnuts
KJ: Thanks. The wrong free space has been mentioned before but I haven't been able to track what is needed. The pmfree applet (modified freememapplet) is using the below scripting to calculate the free space:

Code: Select all

#default values
#LAYER=1; //read top unionfs layer.

[ $PUPMODE -eq 3 ] && LAYER=2; //read pup_ro1 layer
[ $PUPMODE -eq 7 ] && LAYER=2;
[ $PUPMODE -eq 13 ] && LAYER=2;

if [ $LAYER -eq 1 ]; then
  FREE=$(df -m | grep ' /$' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 4 -d ' ')
  FREE=$(df -m | grep '/pup_ro1$' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 4 -d ' ')

echo $FREE
So above script code should yield same value as pmfree. Any suggestions to modifications are welcome - it always report the right thing in this end.

The icewm build is quite an exercise - not only seems every version to have its own pros and cons but one also have to learn the tremendous number of settings possible. I have not been able to get the icewmtray to do anything visible (yet) but I can build 1.2.0/1.2.14/1.2.37 static. I guess I will have to test some of the versions in between to find one that have most of the functionality with the fewest "problems" (like missing content in windows and strange colors or render defects).

Posted: Sat 23 Feb 2013, 09:14
by technosaurus
i recall needing icewm-session to get the tray etc...

also that could be reduced to:

Code: Select all

case $PUPMODE in
  3|7|13)df -m | grep '/pup_ro1$' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 4 -d ' ';;
  *)df -m | grep ' /$' | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 4 -d ' ';;
mine is pup_rw on wary5btw

... but I think it may need some other code if more than 1 sfs file is in use (zdrv, extra large apps/collections, etc...), possibly look in /proc/mounts for / and rw and use df on that device (which seems more portable anyhow and would work for full installs) let me know if this won't work I may be able to come up with something better once I get back home to my linux box.

Posted: Sat 23 Feb 2013, 11:13
by simargl

Posted: Sat 23 Feb 2013, 17:17
by goingnuts
technosaurus: Thanks!
simargl: The "theming" was prioritized but seems too hard hacking on the theme-machines to be done (if one must have static binaries).

In the end icewm-1.2.37 seems ok - at least with the vista theme.
The package contains static linked icewm-1.2.37 configured with

Code: Select all

--disable-nls --disable-xfreetype --enable-corefonts --with-icesound=OSS --enable-guievents --disable-i18n --enable-gradients
a static linked xli (for background setting), dietsniff (netstat replacement) and the vista-blue-velvet theme...

DO NOT install the pet in other Puppy versions as your xwin will be overwritten.
Install in pupngo using command "".

For other puppy versions use the "pkg2tgz" command to convert the pet to tgz-archive, extraxt and delete the xwin script before install.

I never got the icewmtray, icewmbg or icesound to work - but propably havent tried hard package only holds the icewm-binary.

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2013, 06:21
by technosaurus
goingnuts wrote:I never got the icewmtray, icewmbg or icesound to work - but propably havent tried hard package only holds the icewm-binary.
if they need imlib2 that may be why - it dynamically loads the appropriate module for each image type, and I doubt it gets tested as a static library often (imlib v1 does work as a static lib though IIRC) but even if the image libraries work, ice may use an external program like file to check the file type first to know what module to load (whether it be builtin or shared) ... as for icesound, I think the older versions used the enlightened sound daemon (esound) though they may have switched to something more mainstream (most of it could probably be hacked to just call minimp3 or similar) though it could just be due the the mcb parts messing with ice's own internal evaluation of argv[0] ... for example it may need to be called as icewm-session-experimental may be required to enable the sound ... it would probably be easier to wrap minimp3 or another player the way rodent file manager (xfce fork) does for a lot of its functions (and 99% of puppy's gtkdialog apps for that matter)

Posted: Mon 25 Feb 2013, 04:45
by Ibidem
Try "strace icesound" or will probably also need to check that you have a working sound theme (maybe copy a configuration oce you've tested it elsewhere).
Esound is still what Debian uses, but that "--with-icesound=OSS" means it should be using OSS: does /dev/dsp exist? if so, does "cat /boot/vmlin* > /dev/dsp" make static? if not, are the sound modules snd-pcm-oss getting loaded?

Code: Select all

modprobe -a snd-{pcm,mixer,seq}-oss
For what it's worth, I found somewhere (I think on ibiblio) a mixer for oss3 called cmix, which works nicely in my experience.

IIRC, 1.2.37 needs imlib1 (or libxpm?) for icewmbg, so it could work statically.

Posted: Wed 27 Feb 2013, 20:58
by goingnuts
technosaurus & Ibidem: Thanks for input. I compiled icewm with imlib-1.9.15 (1.8.2 works too). I found setting background with xli better as it also can be used for other image-things and is smaller than icewmbg (static icewmbg is 551kb, static xli is 415kb). I compiled icewm with OSS-support - icesound is 100k - and a strace does not tell much.
My best guess atm is that I fail set some essential configurations for icewm or it might be that everything needs to be started in some order via icewm-session...
I will update the package with all the binaries - and maybe someone one day will get the things working.

In the end icewm is cool as is without the additions mostly because you can apply so many different looks.

I still prefer jwm though (size/features balance seems much better)...and source is in C...
download icewm 1.2.37 FULL vista

Posted: Wed 27 Feb 2013, 22:42
by Ibidem
goingnuts: IIRC, icesound is only started from icewm-session, and also requires the proper options in the config files (~/.icewm/*, /usr/share/icewm/*, and something in /etc also; ~/.icewm is the highest-priority).
-I presume that you copied over a configuration that you know produces a working sound theme, along with the sound files needed?
-I presume you know that OSS audio is working for other applications?
-For strace, I'd suggest something like:
mv icesound /usr/lib/icewm/icesound
create a script named icesound with these contents:

Code: Select all

strace /usr/lib/icewm/icesound 2>/var/log/icesound
Then, after you play around with the desktop some, look in the log to verify that it's opening /dev/dsp successfully

Code: Select all

grep /dev.*dsp /var/log/icesound

And then look to see if the sound files are being opened properly, and whether anythig else happens:

Code: Select all

#assuming your config names file1.wav
#I don't think an mp3 works for icesound!
grep -B1 -A2 file1.wav /var/log/icesound
I agree that xli is probably better than icewmbg.
My own main reason for using icewm over jwm was that last I knew, the jwm menu didn't have a keyboard shortcut. With icewm, I can do anything from the keyboard,even if the mouse doesn't work.

Posted: Thu 28 Feb 2013, 16:30
by goingnuts
Ibidem: Thanks - that helped...Downloaded a sound theme from here and followed your hints and some instructions from here and now I got "sound". Nasty playback - guess my build of icesound is crappy - but it works. Hacking the source to use minimp3 as technosaurus suggests is now a "must have". I was sort of expecting that icesound would spawn a volume/mixer-tray applet but its giving desktop events sounds :oops:
In a standard puppy I miss the tray-mail-icon pupngo2012 it comes automatic without doing anything (conscious) for it - I wonder what external program triggers icewm to activate it...Update: if /var/spool/mail/root-directory is present the mail-tray-icon pops up :)

I tried to build icewm with esd support but that does not make sound any better...

And a tiny update: Managed to patch to use wavplay-call and now sound is fine. Below the patch and attached a fake gz-file of the patched icesound as a static binary.

Code: Select all

--- ./src/	2013-02-28 20:19:18.000000000 +0800
+++ ./src/	2013-02-28 20:19:56.000000000 +0800
@@ -248,13 +248,19 @@
                 msg(_("Playing sample #%d (%s)"), sound, samplefile);
             if (samplefile) {
                 int ifd(open(samplefile, O_RDONLY));
                 if(ifd == -1) {
                     warn("%s: %s", samplefile, strerror(errno));
+                //use wavplay to do it...
+				char temp[512];	
+				sprintf(temp, "wavplay %s &", samplefile);
+				system((char *)temp);
+				/*
                 int ofd(open(device, O_WRONLY));
                 if(ofd == -1) {
@@ -276,6 +282,7 @@
                     write(ofd, sbuf, n);
+                */
Files recognized in /root/.icewm/sounds are:
startup.wav, shutdown.wav, restart.wav, closeAll.wav, launchApp.wav, workspaceChange.wav, windowOpen.wav, windowClose.wav, dialogOpen.wav, dialogClose.wav, windowMin.wav, windowMax.wav, windowRestore.wav, windowHide.wav, windowRollup.wav, windowLower.wav, windowSized.wav, windowMoved.wav
I guess one could extent the list by adding new ones to "enum GUIEvent" in guievent.h but haven't tried that.

icewm mail

Posted: Fri 01 Mar 2013, 03:05
by KJ
I believe icewm mail is configured in icewm preferences starting around line 229. I only use online email and do not have a POP to test from but I did manage to bring up a email app from the icewm taskbar on another pup (wary55rc). Thanks for the hard work and interest in getting icewm running on PuPnGo2012. KJ

Re: icewm mail

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 09:25
by goingnuts
KJ wrote:I believe icewm mail is configured in icewm preferences starting around line 229. I only use online email and do not have a POP to test from but I did manage to bring up a email app from the icewm taskbar on another pup (wary55rc). Thanks for the hard work and interest in getting icewm running on PuPnGo2012. KJ
Thanks - I got the mail icon working and if /var/spool/mail/root-directory contains files I have an icon change. I use it as a shortcut to open sylpheed which fetch my gmails...

I was slightly surprised of the size of the static build of icesound (seems big) so entered the code although I kind of get lost in cc-sources. But managed to get the logic and rewrote a less featured version in c.

Attached source and a static build. Size for the static build reduced from 101k to 69k so really not a big reduction - but at least I find it easier to read the code :) Could we patch jwm to do the same as icewm in respect to system sounds - or are that already done?

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 10:44
by simargl8
Hi, do you use musl for static compiling
I tested once compiling libpng with musl, and it was successful.
Size of that tarball was about the same as dynamically linked package from standard Arch Linux.
Contrary to some claims that static libraries are always bigger...

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 12:00
by goingnuts
simargl8: For most things I use uclibc. For some CLI-programs (most for use in initrd) I use dietlibc as it seems to give the smallest binaries. I would like to use musl as the main library but I still haven't got working gtk1-binaries with sort of waiting to get that going before I do a major move in that direction.

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 16:38
by simargl

Posted: Tue 19 Mar 2013, 22:44
by starhawk
hey goingnuts...

(still) Having trouble getting my Belkin Cardbus card working. I'm using pUPnGO 2012 Plus Extras, the FreeOffice version.

I know it uses the ath5k driver, and I know that the device/vendor/etc IDs are different from the ones that are default in /lib/modules/ -- but, I can't make the bloody thing work, even after editing that file.

lspci outputs (for the relevant device) --

Code: Select all

01:00.0 Class 0200: 168c:001d
Mucking around in /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:01:00.0 and its various files and folders produces the line needed for modules.pcimap (header included to explain what's what) --

Code: Select all

#pci module	vendor device subvendor subdevice class class_mask driver_data
ath5k	0x0000168c 0000001d 0x00001799 0x0000721b 0x020000 0x020000 0x0
But putting that line in, doesn't make the card work -- even after a reboot. The change is persistent -- but the ath5k driver isn't automatically loading, and modprobe ath5k does not produce the intended result -- all it does is load the module, with no attachment to a specific device...

What gives?

EDIT: got SOUND working, at least -- follow the directions here (2nd to last post in the thread) exactly, and it will work --> ... 4&start=30


xhippo is uselessly silent. But gtkcdplayer works just fine, even if it is a bit barebones. aumix is not that great, either -- PhoneOut refuses to go lower than about 72, and when I try to move it, the corresponding Balance button moves around as well. Hmmm... might want to look into a replacement for both xhippo and aumix. Just sayin'.

Also worth noting, even a quiet bit of music sounds tinny and strained on this old heap -- probably something to do with shielding. The speakers (and headphone output) pick up noise better than an AM radio would ;)

EDIT2: link in 1st edit is now clickable. I'll learn *someday*... maybe...

Posted: Wed 20 Mar 2013, 02:50
by starhawk
Driver works with Belkin F5D7010 ver.8 CardBus card, from thread here -->

Unfortunately, this version of pUPnGO 2012+Extras doesn't have the SNS pet, and doesn't work right for me. I'll see if I can hunt down the SNS-Retro dotpet.

EDIT: Found SNS-Retro. Also installed the rtl8192cu driver from the thread in the link above -- last page (page 17), 1st post on that page.

Works with my Edimax USB Wireless-N card quite nicely!

Next step is to download a better browser. No offense meant, goingnuts, but Dillo is a rather ugly choice...

Posted: Wed 20 Mar 2013, 04:00
by starhawk
Now accepting recommendations for a better-than-Dillo GTK1 browser ;)

Even QtWeb requires GTK+. goingnuts, would it be possible at all for me to convince you to give me a pUPnGO-compatible dotpet of GTK+?

Tried --
QtWeb - FAILED because no GTK+.
Amaya - FAILED because libpng too new and glibc too old.
hv3 - FAILED - "/usr/bin/hv3: exec: line 2: wish: not found"

Any more suggestions...?

Posted: Wed 20 Mar 2013, 05:45
by Ibidem
starhawk wrote:Now accepting recommendations for a better-than-Dillo GTK1 browser ;)

Even QtWeb requires GTK+. goingnuts, would it be possible at all for me to convince you to give me a pUPnGO-compatible dotpet of GTK+?

Tried --
QtWeb - FAILED because no GTK+.
Amaya - FAILED because libpng too new and glibc too old.
hv3 - FAILED - "/usr/bin/hv3: exec: line 2: wish: not found"

Any more suggestions...?
I have a hard time believing that a fully static Qt application like QtWeb needs GTK+. What gives this impression?

hv3: Fetch the tcl/tk pet from here: ... 291#599291
That has wish.

Also, dillo3 is better (ssl, css) than dillo1 (if you can find a suitable binary), and links-hacked or links2 will give you a plain but graphical browser, capable of handling ssl

Posted: Wed 20 Mar 2013, 07:59
by technosaurus
the combined version of hv3 should work fine and has at least some javascript support via libsee

I would have to recommend trying to build the framebuffer version of netsurf.
(the framebuffer can use xcb as a backend which is even smaller than tinyX11 and multithread capable)
recent development versions will build with javascript support via spidermonkey ... here is a link to the source of the last C-only version: ... rc1.tar.gz
if you don't need javascript, netsurf-2.9 is still pretty good and also supports an xcb framebuffer (the bonus is that it can also use the linux framebuffer backend so you can use it outside of X also)

Posted: Wed 20 Mar 2013, 15:25
by starhawk
@Ibidem -- QtWeb demands libgobject-2.0. Google tells me that such is part of GTK+. My guess is/was that if it needed part of GTK+, it would likely need (or at least expect) all of GTK+.

@technosaurus -- make does some flamboyantly horrible things in my presence. I rather think I should stay well away from compiling -- particularly since pUPnGO still technically doesn't have a devx! (I'd have to use the P412 devx IIRC, and, considering that pUPnGO is so minimal as to have significant structural differences with mainline Puppies, I'm not sure how well that would go...)