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New to downloading, installing programs in Puppy

Posted: Tue 21 Jun 2005, 19:19
by shane
Whenever i download something, it opens it in something like tkm or something close to those letters. But my downloads just show the files and sometimes the programing in them. How do i get it so that i can actually use what i downloaded?

Posted: Tue 21 Jun 2005, 19:35
by Flash
What sort of thing are you downloading? Programs I assume.

There is a bit to be learned about installing programs in Linux, especially Puppy. In general, it is not as easy as Windows. Having said that, Pupgets are as easy. DotPups may be as easy to install as Pupgets, but I haven't tried any of them yet.

If you are downloading any other kind of program it will take a bit more than clicking on it to install it, and you have to install it before you can run it.

Posted: Tue 21 Jun 2005, 19:44
by papaschtroumpf
dotpups are really easy to install:
- download them (by default in /root/my-documents)
- find them in rox-filer
-click on it to launch the installer

that's it!

Posted: Tue 21 Jun 2005, 21:17
by Rich
sounds to me that you're looking at the tarball - a zipped file consisting of the components you need to install.
Treat it like a winzip situation. The files need extracting to the specified paths.

There is often a read-me file detailing the install requirements.

Posted: Tue 21 Jun 2005, 22:20
by shane
i am brand new to linux, i know i sound a bit dumb but could you guys tell me it in a little less linux vocab, i learned windows by trial and error so i am not so good on vocab. thx for helping, i just need it in my language lol

Posted: Tue 21 Jun 2005, 22:23
by shane
oh yeah and for what im downloading, i know they are linux programs it was aimsniff and firefox

Posted: Tue 21 Jun 2005, 22:51
by Rich
Post the link for the place where you were downloading the files from.
If you do this then one of us can duplicate the download and try to put the solution in plain English for you.

ALSO, what version of Puppy are you using ( don't know if this matters, but it might make a difference. )

Posted: Tue 21 Jun 2005, 23:02
by shane im using the puppy one that just came out its 1.0.3

Posted: Wed 22 Jun 2005, 02:43
by Lobster
For now use Pupget and dotpup (as they are designed to work with Puppy)

Start / Setup

When you are happy downloading and using your files. (I would suggest several months) then you might move on to unleashed being installed as alien packages.

You took several years to learn Windows.
Some of that knowledge will be useful. Some not so.

Here is a Linux guide

Check some of the links at the bottom of this page

If you wish to unzip a file you have downloaded then learn to use tkzip
and Rox - trial and error will get you there as will "aquitted" and "success"

Good Luck

PS. Do I sound as if I know what I am on about? Pah. Still learning basics . . .

How to install .tar.gz files for Linux beginners

Posted: Wed 22 Jun 2005, 21:33
by Rich
Here you are then Shane..........In laymans terms !

I've just downloaded aimsniff . The file is named aimsniff-0.9d.tar.gz

<< .tar indicates a compressed file. This means that ( usually ) there are a few files, bundled together and compressed to simplify downloading and data transfer. It's just like a Winzip file in windows >>

So you have the file on your what?
click on the start menu and select Utilities>TkZip Archiver

<< this opens the program needed to uncompress the downloaded file and save the contents.>>

In the left hand window, select the directory/path that the downloaded tar file is in ( when you get the path selected you should be able to see the file in the right hand window ) . Double click the file and another window opens. This window shows you all the files in the .tar download ( affectionately referred to as the TarBall. )

There's a file called README. double click on this ( or select it and click the view button ) and the file opens for reading - if you want to .

To extract all the files and write them to your system, click the 'select all' button at the top of the panel - this highlights all the files in the tarball.
Then simply click 'extract'. Another window opens asking you to specify where to extract the files to. Here you want to select your /root directory. Click extract on the new window and it's done.

All the files are extracted to a directory called aimsniff-0.9d in the /root directory.

That should be enough to get you started !

Posted: Fri 24 Jun 2005, 01:18
by Ian
Read the README file carefully especially the Dependencies section.