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Potrace (or Autotrace) for Puppy

Posted: Sat 19 May 2012, 11:30
by killapup
G'day all you graphics buffs,

I'm wondering if anyone has had any success in producing a .pet for Potrace (or Autotrace for that matter).

I have used FontForge on my Mac OS and have recently installed it on my Slacko 5.3.3 but am finding it difficult to find a .pet package of Potrace for Puppy. The only reference I can find on this forum is from about 3 or 4 years ago and that wasn't very promising.

I've downloaded the Potrace 1.10 tar.gz file for Linux in hopes that I can eventually install it, does anyone know if is likely to be a success?

I've had a little experience with installing from the command line (on my Mac) but I'm not an experienced operator. I was able to install both FF and Potrace on my Leopard OS, Potrace didn't install properly initially but after a system upgrade, it started to work, go figure??

I have since upgraded to Lion and can no longer use it with the change of architecture and since adopting a puppy, I've decided I can fiddle with font creation again.

I'm hoping someone can help me out here, any info would be useful, thanks in anticipation,


Posted: Sat 19 May 2012, 12:17
by zigbert
I don't know if it helps, but inkscape includes potrace as a builtin tool.


Posted: Sat 19 May 2012, 21:48
by Dingo
precompiled binary builds of potrace or Linux, worked like a charm in every puppy version I used, so, I never needed to compile from source

when you take the precompiled binary for linux, unpack and simply move executables (potrace and mkbitmap) to /usr/local/bin

Posted: Sun 20 May 2012, 02:41
by killapup
Hey thanks heaps Zigbert and Dingo,

I think I read somewhere something about Inkscape in the context of Potrace but wasn't sure as FF doesn't seem to recognise it and I get confused easily when reading all this stuff. I'm enjoying the challenge of this new (to me) OS even though there are some similarities to OSX, But there are some quite marked differences, too, so I'll see how I go with it, cheers,


Posted: Sun 27 May 2012, 23:32
by killapup
I finally got the chance to install Potrace on my Slacko 5.3.3 system.

I installed Inkscape but with my very limited RAM, it would not run and Potrace didn't seem to be installed with it??

So, I just installed the 2 files from the precompiled binary package (as suggested by Dingo) and, bingo, it works fine with FontForge. Couldn't have been easier, thanks Dingo.

And thanks Zigbert, even though Inkscape was too big for my current system, I appreciate your input.

Puppy Rocks... but needs a bit more RAM.