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FreeCiv 2.3.1

Posted: Wed 11 Apr 2012, 09:40
by sc0ttman
FreeCiv 2.3.1

This is a really great game! One of my all-time favourites..


FreeCiv is a civilization clone, and a great turn based strategy game.
Compiled on Akita, should work on most recent pups.

Downloads: (8.7mb) (4.5mb) (5.3mb)

This one even includes an addon downloader...
Find all needed menu entries in the 'Fun' category :)

If you have problems:

You must run this as 'spot', which this pkg will do for you.
In your Puppy, 'spot' may not have access to audio.

If spot is OK, but sound is not enabled, try installing SDL_mixer.

This package requires SDL, SDL_image, iconv

Ideally, get those SDL packages from you Puppys repo.
But if you have problems, please use the libs above.

If you still have problems, particularly with the game crashing at the end of your turn,
then check you have the following files and folders:

Code: Select all

These should be owned by the 'spot' user...
To do this in the terminal:

Code: Select all

chown spot:spot -R /root/spot
If you have no 'spot' user, you may need to change the permissions of the freeciv files in /root/spot
(right click, choose 'properties', tick all boxes, aka 777)...

For an older FreeCiv package, see here:

Or get this one: ...

Posted: Wed 18 Apr 2012, 19:33
by Markiee
Thank you so much! I love this game!

try to compile on Fatdog 64 521

Posted: Wed 16 May 2012, 21:30
by paulski
@ Sc0ttman

You've presented some fine updates on Freeciv.

I'm trying to compile one for Fatdog 64.

You've obviously had success with Akita.

Any tips on getting it to compile properly?

I get the feeling Freeciv needs a little more development libraries than its install notes indicate (they mostly assume its is getting built on a heavier system like Ubuntu and not a lightweight like Puppy and its derivatives).

Posted: Sat 11 Aug 2012, 16:03
by Karl Godt
You must run this as 'spot', which this pkg will do for you.
No !


Code: Select all

./configure CFLAGS="-DALWAYS_ROOT"

Code: Select all

Alternatively you can edit

  If we have root privileges, die with an error.
  (Eg, for security reasons.)
  Param argv0 should be argv[0] or similar; fallback is
  used instead if argv0 is NULL.
  But don't die on systems where the user is always root...
  (a general test for this would be better).
  Doesn't use freelog() because gets called before logging is setup.
void dont_run_as_root(const char *argv0, const char *fallback)
#if (defined(ALWAYS_ROOT) || defined(__EMX__) || defined(__BEOS__))
  if (getuid()==0 || geteuid()==0) {
	    _("%s: Fatal error: you're trying to run me as superuser!\n"),
	    (argv0 ? argv0 : fallback ? fallback : "freeciv"));
    fprintf(stderr, _("Use a non-privileged account instead.\n"));
    fprintf(stderr, _("BUT this is Puppy Hack :P\n"));
    fprintf(stderr, _("Running anyway instead :-P\n"));
    // exit(1);
in common/shared.c

(At least from 1.9.x up to version 2.0.x)