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Xorg vulnerability? any progress on this one?[Solved]

Posted: Tue 27 Mar 2012, 12:30
by nooby
Sadly I lost the link but I had quoted a part of the text to show
why they thought it was/where important?
These days were discovered two big securitty issues in
witch is common almost in all distributions witch are focused on
desktop usage.

User can set up permissions of any file or directory to "all read"
attributes, witch is a real issue.

So all users should upgrade to latest packages (our rc.updater will handle this it is not disabled.

But this is also wery important step in any other distribution,
so if you are affected you should upgrade at least xorg server and libXfont.
Author: tomo , one comment
from here
His page on the site has been updated so that text is somewhere else.

But my question is. He got this from somewhere and I am curious on
if they have found out now what it did and if it is repaired all over the linux distros?

Posted: Tue 27 Mar 2012, 14:02
by amigo
Sorry, but that fellow has no idea about Xorg, building a distro or anything else. If there were problems in Xorg (and there are always new ones cropping up), then this fellow certainly didn't discover them. If there are problems, they get fixed -but that means having/using the newer version with the fixes.

Posted: Tue 27 Mar 2012, 19:47
by nooby
Then I set it as solved