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Ypost for Lucid 528-004

Posted: Wed 21 Mar 2012, 11:01
by chrome307
I have attached the source code for this application and these are the instructions included in the ReadMe file contained within:


The installation is pretty primative. Since ypost is such a simple program, I hope it will compile up on most machines. Just type "make" at the command line, and when it's done, copy the "ypost" executable to wherever you like, I suggest /usr/local/bin

I'm currently using Lucid 528, and with devx.sfs loaded but get an error message when attempting to do this.


If anyone can compile this for me and provide me with a binary, I would be grateful.


Posted: Thu 29 Mar 2012, 17:49
by musher0

I might try my hand at it, but I am not a usenet user, and so I wouldn't know if the compile worked or not. But have you looked here:

They have a lot of pre-packaged binaries for usenet. For dowloading, posting... Typically you would choose a ubuntu or Debian package (*.deb ending), because they unpack and install instantly on Puppy.

Good luck.