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BiblePup is going to be removed. Has new name=MannaPup

Posted: Fri 09 Mar 2012, 16:50
by oldyeller
Hello Everyone,

Go here for Manna thread

BiblePup no longer available

1 the pet that CatDude did for icewm
2 More background pics
3 New icons for some of the themes
4 The update for GetFlash by shinobar
5 Add two more buttons at the bottom to the icewm congif gui

I would really like to thank Smokey01 for allowing me to use his server. Thank you!!!

I have placed the menu on the toolbar and the help icon does work now.

I have decided to take out wine, theWord and BibleAnalyzer, why? because I came to Linux to get away from having to use windows and window based programs.

This is the future of BiblePup.

I have installed Bibletime, BibleDesktop and Alkitab bible programs.
I have also installed these modules

2. MHCC and TSK
4. A set of Maps

Pwigets 2.3.6

I have replaced fulxbox with icewm which is better for how I have set it up.

I have installed FireFox 12 with firebible and it does work.
jre is installed so you can still put in LibreOffice if you desire.

Great job on Slacko 01micko keep up the good work.

Thanks again


Posted: Tue 03 Apr 2012, 16:24
by Jim1911
Hi old yeller,

How's the update coming?

Consider using Slacko for your base. For example, the latest Bibletime 2.9.1 works great on it. Also, those fine Windows programs Bible Analyzer, e-Sword, and theWord work fine using the latest Wine. See links to these Bible Programs here.


Posted: Wed 04 Apr 2012, 15:38
by oldyeller
Hi Jim

I was going to do Slacko to begin with and still may use it.

Hopefully I will have the Beta done soon for testing. I'm working on another menu for it.

Where can I get Bibletime 2.9 from?

This will be a big puppy since jre, Libre office, bibletime,theWord and BibleAnalyzer will be installed.

Thnaks oldyeller

Posted: Wed 04 Apr 2012, 19:56
by Jim1911
oldyeller wrote:Hi Jim

I was going to do Slacko to begin with and still may use it.

Hopefully I will have the Beta done soon for testing. I'm working on another menu for it.

Where can I get Bibletime 2.9 from?

This will be a big puppy since jre, Libre office, bibletime,theWord and BibleAnalyzer will be installed.

Thnaks oldyeller
There is a link to pemasu's Bibletime here, you also need to download his clucene, sword, and Qt4. After installing the pets, reboot the system in order for the Qt4 to work properly. It works in Slacko, however, it does not work in Lucid, for the present time in Lucid you will either have to compile it yourself or continue to use version 2.7. Jeremiah has also compiled a version that works in Saluki if you want to consider Saluki for your base, her version is installed using the Puppy Package Manager.


Posted: Sun 08 Apr 2012, 19:34
by oldyeller
Hi Jim,

Thought that it was the one that pemasu had done.

It should be ready early next week.

Will post later with all info on it.



Posted: Sun 15 Apr 2012, 23:10
by oldyeller
Hello Everyone

Biblepup 5.2 is uploaded and fixed. I had to pull for the reason of:

My wife said that the disc would not eject at all, came to find out that it was one I did just for myself :lol:

The at the site is ok I am using it right now

If there is nothing else wrong will be finalized by end of this week.

Download and have fun; Let me know how everything is working mainly the menu


Posted: Wed 18 Apr 2012, 07:13
by infromthepound
Has anyone had any luck downloading 5.2 yet?
The best I have managed from 10 attempts is about 1/4 before it times out, it seems a very slow seed.

Posted: Wed 18 Apr 2012, 08:49
by oldyeller
Hi infromthepound

I have just downloaded it twice and had full downloads, and yes I do think it is not the best hosting site. had problems with 5.0 as well

Try using Axel-download-accelerator; type in http://www.biblepup,net/iso/BiblePup5.2.iso and check the 4 connections box. This is one of the ways I have downloaded it today. It still will take some time though.


BiblePup 5.2

Posted: Wed 18 Apr 2012, 17:47
by Jim1911
Biblepup works good and has a good framework, however, it will be hard for a new user to use.


1. Menu interface has too many key functions buried many layers deep. It needs much more work. Also, individual LibreOffice features need to have their own item. Users should not have to go several layers deep to open a writer program.

2. Include additional essential icons on the desktop, as a minimum:
a. Connect--absolutely necessary for new users who have wireless connections.
b. PupControl--provides many necessary functions.

3. Include other icons to make it easier to use BiblePup key features:
a. Bible Analyzer
b. Bibletime
c. theWord
d. links

4. Additional resouces need to be included especially for Bibletime which is the only Linux program. It has features such as a good selection of map resources that the Windows programs do not have. A new user should not have to download initial resources to make the program functional. See my desktop for ideas as to what resources need to be there.

Keep in mind that many users may just want to share the gospel by giving a CD to friends who may or may not have an internet connection.

Good start,

Posted: Wed 18 Apr 2012, 18:53
by oldyeller
Hi Jim

Thanks for the suggestions.

Which key functions should be on the menu for a new usrer? Can put the different LibreOffice programs on, no problem.

What do you consider essential icons?
Connect should come up already, will take a look at it.
PupControl is in Settings can move to the Apps though if that will make it easier.

Can put the icons for BiblePup key features

As far as Bibletime goes the more Iput in the bigger the iso will be.
Can put some in want to keep the iso below 500mb if possible.


Posted: Wed 18 Apr 2012, 20:26
by Jim1911
oldyeller wrote:Hi Jim

Thanks for the suggestions.

Which key functions should be on the menu for a new usrer? You have the functions included, however they are buried. User should not have to search for items items like: Pfind, Resize personal storage file, Urxvt terminal , and Burniso2cd. I'm sure there are others. Maybe it's just my perference, but I like the simple levels available in the JWM desktop interface. Of course, you have included some of radky's fine utilities which helps.
Can put the different LibreOffice programs on, no problem.

What do you consider essential icons? The two I mentioned, although my personal preference is a bare desktop with key icons in the menu bar sorta like the attached desktop. However, that would not be feasible for new users.
Connect should come up already, will take a look at it.
PupControl is in Settings can move to the Apps though if that will make it easier. There's no problem having it in the menu and as an icon, same is true for Rox Filer, and Urxvt.

Can put the icons for BiblePup key features

As far as Bibletime goes the more Iput in the bigger the iso will be.
Can put some in want to keep the iso below 500mb if possible. Consider dropping less important applications such as java which would give some space, although that would break some LibreOffice functions. Size should be fine as long as it stays below 700mb to keep it at CD size.

Consider moving to Slacko's latest beta for your base. It's very stable and has some improvements. Incidentally, somehow on my installation, the ability to resize windows is broken which is a serious problem.

Posted: Thu 19 Apr 2012, 16:38
by oldyeller
Hi Jim

Will take a look more at the Beta this weekend and see about doing some updates.


Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 01:46
by infromthepound
Try using Axel-download-accelerator; type in http://www.biblepup,net/iso/BiblePup5.2.iso and check the 4 connections box. This is one of the ways I have downloaded it today. It still will take some time though.

Thanks for that.
I am basicly stuck with a "doze box, so had to find something similar. After 3 trials, and having spent 4 days trying to remove DAP, I found Star downloader which is similar to Axel. It worked though had time out problems several times. Ive burnt 2 coppies using Deepburner and they both work.

Posted: Tue 24 Apr 2012, 01:39
by oldyeller
Hi everyone

BiblePup 5.2 is to large for me to upload to server it will be out again as final once I make it smaller.

No libreoffice

Will keep jre in so all you have to install is the office program.
readjusted the menu to make it easier for new puppeteers.

will not be doing the studies for now,but you can go to and listen to the teachings and sermons if you so desire.



Posted: Sat 28 Apr 2012, 18:16
by oldyeller

I am going to be using Slacko 5.3.3 when it is done, so hopefully that dead line that 01Micko has will be on time.

I decided to use the latest one since I am having to redo the iso. Until than



Posted: Fri 11 May 2012, 19:09
by oldyeller

I have just got done doing the upgrade and slimmed down the ISO.

It is up and ready to download.


Initial observations on your new BiblePup

Posted: Sat 12 May 2012, 13:03
by Jim1911
Hi oldyeller,

It looks good although not quite done. Really like the clean desktop and the selection of Alkitab, Bibletime, and BibleDesktop Bible study programs along with sample Sword modules.

I don’t think that you intended for Bibletime to be the older version 2.7.2 since the latest version is supported by Slacko.

Firefox is a good browser choice, however, not the test
Nightly build
. The latest Firefox-12 that works well in Slacko is here

Did you intend to have Bible bookmarks? If so, they are empty.

1. There is no menu icon on the panel bar.
2. Help icon does nothing.


Posted: Sat 12 May 2012, 18:23
by oldyeller
Hi Jim

It was my plan to use 2.7.2 since you can see what lang. you want were 2.8 and 29. does not show the lang. only the flag.

I have fixed the Help icon so it works now and I put the menu on the toolbar.



Posted: Sat 12 May 2012, 18:49
by Jim1911
oldyeller wrote:Hi Jim

It was my plan to use 2.7.2 since you can see what lang. you want were 2.8 and 29. does not show the lang. only the flag.

I have fixed the Help icon so it works now and I put the menu on the toolbar.


Sorry, I don't see your problem with 2.9.1. Both appear to configure languages the same.

Posted: Sat 12 May 2012, 22:10
by oldyeller
HI Jim,

This is the area in which I was referring to. Not a big deal but it does help to see what language of the bible you want to download and install.
