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JWM and newer Puppies

Posted: Wed 15 Feb 2012, 22:49
by oui
Newer Puppies have a new command system to build the .jwmrc.

The repertory /etc/xdg is yet build in but is (partially or totaly :?: ) inactive.

What is now to do to change dispositions as it was usual in /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc :roll: .

Do we have a *.pet to turn back to the old command system to build the .jwmrc using the old jwm-xdgmenu ?

Posted: Thu 16 Feb 2012, 00:25
by sc0ttman
look in /usr/bin/jwm_menu_create and ~/.jwm/

the xdg stuff in /etc is no longer used in the same way...
it might not be used at all in the most recent woof built pups...

Posted: Thu 16 Feb 2012, 07:59
by oui
sc0ttman wrote:look in /usr/bin/jwm_menu_create and ~/.jwm/

the xdg stuff in /etc is no longer used in the same way...
it might not be used at all in the most recent woof built pups...
Hi sc0ttman and thank you for your confirmation of that what I was afraid about :x .

so has the user no possibility any more to change the start procedure of jwm (sequence

setxkbmap -layout us -variant intl &
skype &
instantbird &

can not work any more... and as changes in xorg.conf are also not active any more, the users needing a special keyboard as above or CH_DE or CH_FR etc. are now catapulted in the same situation as in 2004 as puppy was only 20 MB heavy and they have to start skype and messenger etc. manually as in the dark time of Puppy! gratulation :oops: ... we miss since about 2006, date of changing xvesa against in Puppy 1.8 a clean possibility to enter through the setup menu the keyboard settings, they are XkbLayout, XkbVariant, see above, to accede to ALL keyboard implemented by! then we did loose the functionality in and now in .jwmrc ! Thank you very much generous and prudent English speaking people... Puppy become to be an elephant but can less not more at the end because there is no conception any more ... all things are double in Puppy but the old goodies used since versions 1.0x and needed by old users to do more than play and testing are or are not any more to find in the new versions)

I think that it is an extremely bad change in Puppy as I am using JWM in Debian SID without any problem with only a .jwmrc in /home/myFirstname ... I let build the first menu by the Debian stuff «menu», can remove after that the stuff «menu» and do the rest myself :wink: .

«Why simple things can be so hard!» as sometimes in Puppy :idea: !

what is to do to remove this terrible change completely after the 3. start (1th start = without puppy.2fs, 2d start is to introduce in the menu the external sfs-packages, 3d start is with menu completed; after that, I don't need some jwm_menu_create any more. it is nonsens using jwm :roll: and a complete malformation of the intentions of jwm to be an user friendly solution and light way to do it... ) to avoid changes of the real active .jwmrc at each start and make the puppy.sfs as tiny as possible again?

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 20:50
by 01micko

That is a scathing attack on what I believe to be a great innovation in jwm. Could it be possible you haven't looked fully into your issue?

It is possible to add startup commands, just edit /usr/bin/jwm_menu_create and add somewhere near the bottom (I suggest before the "Group" settings)this...

Code: Select all

{  #startup commands
By the way, adding "&" is a syntax error in starting a program from jwm, you should leave it off.

Further discussion should be carried on in this topic


Re: JWM and newer Puppy's

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 23:53
by BarryK
oui wrote:Newer Puppy's have a new command system to build the .jwmrc.

The repertory /etc/xdg is yet build in but is (partially or totaly :?: ) inactive.

What is now to do to change dispositions as it was usual in /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc :roll: .

Does we have a *.pet to turn back to the old command system to build the .jwmrc using the old jwm-xdgmenu ?
Woof, and my Wary/Racy builds, still work in the "old way".

Although I have included technosaurus' jwm_tools PET in recent Wary/Racy builds, I have not yet investigated how to use it.

Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2012, 00:06
by oui
Thank you Barry, I usually use Quirky / Racy and sometimes Wary (test new releases). But I did need in the last days to work with the cartography application Merkaartor and it will not start on Racy (error message merkaartor: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by merkaartor) so I did try Slacko and Exprimo, both of the newerst release, where Merkaartor starts immediately.
01micko wrote:That is a scathing attack on what I believe to be a great innovation in jwm.
no! it is not an attack: it is maximal a censure for forghet 2 major details:

a/ our Puppy .jwmrc did always (or an extrem long time) give to the user an important user help:
<!-- IMPORTANT, ONLY EDIT /etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc -->
<!-- jwm menu for puppy Linux -->
and it was not adapted as you did change the procedere! it is not MY fault... I did search and did found nothing :wink:

b/ the promoters of the new procedere did forget to verify, which spectrum of possibility the users can handle through .jwmrc: You can not overwrite each start .jwmrc and eliminate all possibilities for the users to adapt it as made since a long time without to give an information!

The minimal information in head of the the new .jwmrc as to be
# don't search, poor user, this .jwmrc will be produced each start new through the script /usr/bin/jwm_menu_create! see head comments in the script / at the wiki page pipapo! You can desactive it using / not desactive it easily
Startup command is only one of the usual addings made by users!

I produce also my own additional trays and trays attributes in Puppy as well as in Debian, my own icone directories (as Puppy and Debian have a different organization), etc.

I accept changes if they are good, explained and portable in different distributions, it is not the question!

Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2012, 05:52
by DaveS
oui wrote: I produce also my own additional trays and trays attributes in Puppy as well as in Debian, my own icone directories (as Puppy and Debian have a different organization), etc.
Additional trays and attributes are easily added. The 'problem' is probably that you have been doing it the 'wrong' way in the past using INCLUDE statements.
The correct way to add a tray is to add it to /root/.jwmrc-tray between <tray> tags, like this

tray deffinition here

second tray definition here

Add as many trays with as many different attributes as you like. It seems this is how it should ALWAYS have been done. Thanks to TechnoS for this tip.

Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2012, 07:12
by nooby
as changes in xorg.conf are also not active any more, the users needing a special keyboard as above or CH_DE or CH_FR
There where a question of similar strand in DW Comments?
3 • Best distro for... (by Steve on 2012-02-20 11:02:22 GMT from United Kingdom)
Asus eee 1015PEM - with netherlands keyboard?

Puppy is amazing on this thing, but can't get the keymaps right.
did not Beem complain some year ago about Belgian French keyboard?

I am a native Swede and do have problem at times with loosing the
swedish keyboard so I noticed this remark. I usually solve it by
doing the Personal Settings once more and it get solved.

Can anyone confirm what these people complain about.

I do see the problem that none of the Devs have access to these
keyboards and therefore hardly can have a way to know if it works??????

Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2012, 08:56
by technosaurus
startup/restart/shutdown command support as well as a few other tags like opacity were overlooked initially, because I was trying _only_ to emulate the existing functionality ... I have since started adding additional functions, but didn't bother with the easy stuff yet like startup/restart and shutdown commands because noone except me seemed to be using them and it is just as easy to edit the script or the /root/.jwmrc-tray or /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal as it is to edit the xdg template. Gimme a break guys, I have other projects too (but note the "except me" above -- I do make use of the *Command tags, so they _will_ eventually get implemented) Most recently I have been incorporating the documentation from into the config file, so that I don't miss any of the extra stuff that Puppy hasn't been using by default

it does say what created the jwmrc
<!-- generated by '$0' -->
I used $0 in case anyone wants to fork or rip off the code in its entirety and name it whatever, they can without having to do a bunch of sed replacements
but since I don't integrate it into the system such that it gets called automatically (because I'd like to keep it distro neutral) I don't tell the user to / not to modify anything ... perhaps I should make it a variable for the JWMRC ... or better yet a translatable variable

btw jwm_menu_create is the primary tool in the package, the rest are demos of what other types of things jwm is capable of doing if necessary (I built a <1mb kernel image that ran X + jwm + rxvt that ran on ~3mb RAM and a boot time of next to nothing, but it had a limited shell instead of bash and used a static /etc/system.jwmrc ... now you know why I didn't use bash arrays for variables)

Posted: Sat 04 Aug 2012, 14:05
by HiDeHo
DaveS wrote: The correct way to add a tray is to add it to /root/.jwmrc-tray between <tray> tags, like this

tray deffinition here

second tray definition here

Add as many trays with as many different attributes as you like. It seems this is how it should ALWAYS have been done. Thanks to TechnoS for this tip.
Ok i dont see anywhere in /root/.jwmrc-tray to change tray placement option. i looked at the file. then i changed the first tray to top in the jwm settings. then i looked at the new file to compare and i coudl nto see any changes.

need to know how to add 2nd tray to top. then i should be able to figure out how to add the apps from there. JWM is a good window manager, it just lacks some of the short cuts of other window managers. eg ability to click tray / panel to add 2nd panel and drag and drop apps from the menu to the new tray.
also i want the new tray / panel to fill the whole screen width. so i can have an empty gap and put other things on theh right side ot teh panel. per my usual setup in gnome/xfce.

Posted: Sat 04 Aug 2012, 17:22
by musher0
Hello. HiDeHo.

The tray placement in jwm is controlled by the x and y numbers in the first line of file /root/.jwmrc-tray.

x=0 y=0 will place your jwm tray at the top.

The example below will place a auto-hidden tray at the bottom.

Code: Select all

	<Tray  autohide="true" insert="right" x="0" y="-1" border="1" height="38" >
As you can see, on that line, you can also define the height of the jwm tray and the thickness of its border.

On this subject of multiple jwm trays, you may want to investigate argolance's work on Toutou FAT. "Toutou FAT" is a French derivative of Puppy 4.31, and argolance the member who put it together. His Puppy has a nice implementation of top and top-left trays in jwm. Maybe you should take a look at how he's done it. Pretty nice. I know he has a dedicated thread for it somewhere on this forum (in English).

May I suggest you type "jwm-tray" in the search engine of this forum: lots of tips and tricks should come up.

Also, you can go to the jwm site. The author has lots of documentation, albeit difficult to figure out sometimes. I know you can for example put your tray at the top and middle of your screen using the proper parameters described there.

Best regards.

Posted: Sat 04 Aug 2012, 17:24
by musher0
To oui:

Let it be, man! Use icewm or pekwm! :twisted:


Posted: Sun 05 Aug 2012, 01:10
by HiDeHo
musher0 wrote:Toutou FAT. "Toutou FAT" is a French derivative of Puppy 4.31, and argolance the member who put it together. His Puppy has a nice implementation of top and top-left trays in jwm. Maybe you should take a look at how he's done it. Pretty nice. I know he has a dedicated thread for it somewhere on this forum (in English).
this i found this click here but the link for the download is no longer there. also a search here at iso hunt click here finds 2 torrents but they dont work either.
musher0 wrote:May I suggest you type "jwm-tray" in the search engine of this forum: lots of tips and tricks should come up
a search with the puppy forum search click here did not bring up anything at all.
musher0 wrote:Also, you can go to the jwm site. The author has lots of documentation, albeit difficult to figure out sometimes. I know you can for example put your tray at the top and middle of your screen using the proper parameters described there.
i notice the documentation there but still cant figure out settings I need. basically
  1. i want to have a full width bar the width option does not give full width to tray.
  2. option to have middle of bar blank
  3. add other things at right side.
I will post a image when i next boot my other puppy or os with my standard extra tray / panel setting.


Posted: Sun 05 Aug 2012, 18:05
by oui
Hi Christian
musher0 wrote:To oui:

Let it be, man! Use icewm or pekwm! :twisted:

no, it is not realistic:

I am using now (since a lo of weeks) Debian SID again with all goodies of Puppy (jwm, didiwiki, rox, mTpain etc. etc.) as it become not possible in a lot of puppy-like system but not really equivalent (and the full KDE4 with plasma in background but I am using JWM, why not, and it goes pretty)

over this I can try the new K-office Calligra, a wonderfull, MODULAR and smart Office suite really able to open doc's in docx format produced on actual Apple portable with all embedded documents (medical dissertation :wink: )

I wish an efficient OS,

not an OS only for the eyes ....

I am sorry: I will never use an other Desktop as JWM or KDE4 plasma desktop that I did install but not use, JWM is better! Why would I do it :roll: ? It would be completely silly dilly :wink: icewm or pekwm are nothing compared with both (JWM is the smartest WM and KDE4 probably the most sophisticated...)

Puppy is not on the right way if it search his progress using such play tools...

Posted: Sun 05 Aug 2012, 20:28
by musher0
Hello, oui.

I'll leave you to your prejudices ! :D

I'll just reply that both JWM and KDE are very complicated to configure, so they're not for everyone. Also, that anyone who has made real use of icewm or pekwm knows that they are not toys.

At least icewm and pekwm have a function to display what program windows are running, whereas it's such a shame that jwm still does not that feature after all these years, tsk tsk. :o

As to Kalligra, I've tried it once. It's ok for writing simple letters and texts, but it quickly falls short if you're doing any extensive or professional word-processing. Indeed, you need OpenOffice, LibreOffice, or SMOffice for serious writing and editing work.


Posted: Mon 06 Aug 2012, 23:00
by oui
I am sorry Musher but I can certify to you that medical dissertation to obtain a valid Doctor grade of medicine are extremely rarely of the type of simple letters and texts :lol:

the dissertation we did have to check was a terrible complex text with all possible embedded sheets and medical pictures (having to be rendered in the right quality!). Recent Open Office and Libre Office versions did crash or show an absolutely unordered text

calligra did render about the same text as in Microsoft-Word for Apple (as medical people often prefer Apple :roll: ). only a few fonts size in the sheets did have to be readapted...

same thing with texts containing a lot of embedded high resolution pictures. calligra 2.4.3 (the actual version in SID, I don't use yet the 2.5 RC as it is a big thing to compile and it is not available as binary) shows the texts about correctly and fast and includes pictures (very) faster than OO or LO (certainly it is also dependent of the power of PC, but the Puppy world is not exactly the right customer people for high performance PC's...) and manage the resizing etc. of the picture really a lot faster than OO or LO.

an Calligra is MODULAR: you don't need to install all the suite if you only use 1 part oft it and it is enough for you!

concerning JWM:

as Puppy (and Debian) configures JWM automatic, I think the argument of complexity is not real

and it is only apparent:

the problem is that the automatic way of management of the text of .jwmrc don't take care of the readability of the text for humans! and, as poor human, it is usual to forget a final command or include new command at a wrong place. if you write this file in structured form with the human discernment, the job would be really more easy and more performant.

JWM offers you a lot of function built-in in only under 200 kb squashed and a lot of stuff is only used a little. we did all discover with great surprise in Puppy Xtreme an automatic hidden and dynamic task bar at the left side, the usual writting beginning side for occidental people, of the screen! etc... JWM can show a backgroung picture without the help of an external application like feh etc. all that is included in those only under 200 kb !

the expanded ab. 300 kb are good for the use of the random memory on old or cheap PC's!

you can easily start a starting job with JWM like «setxkbmap -layout us -variant intl»
or «setxkbmap -layout ch -variant de» if you don't find you keyboard in the usual Puppy choices... you can automatic open all an working environment at each new start:

Code: Select all

  setxkbmap -layout us -variant intl &
  skype &
  ayttm &
  seamonkey &
  grun &
and always find at starting point all your goodies!

you can add/manage own icons directories and more easily in the .jwmrc!

I can't understand why the very negative opinion about this little wonder of programmer performance as little is really very important in Puppy!