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Tutorial - ffconvert 1.2

Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2012, 18:13
by don570
I've installed ffconvert 1.2 in my Right click option
pet package. So it's time I learned how to
use it right :lol:

On this thread there is some tips. Feel free to add your own.

First you should install the presets package that
I have made. It will give you additional presets
that can be useful.

Edit: Feb 18 2012 -- Updated preset package with
some improvements described below

Hints ffconvert

Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2012, 18:19
by don570
After installation of my presets package -->

new presets will be placed in the folder

General procedure:

Choose a preset, click 'Load' and click 'Convert"

You can make adjustments to the numbers in the fields
before you click 'Convert' if you're an expert. :lol:

Here are some notes on usage of my presets....

AIFF2WAV will convert .aiff .aif(or mp3) to .wav
keeping the same number of channels and good sound quality

WAV2AIFF converts a .wav to .aiff
keeping the same number of channels and good sound quality

will convert various video formats to .avi

will convert various video formats to .flv

converts wav file to just one channel. The
sound quality is low but acceptable.
The file can still be easily edited with mhwaveedit.
The file size is very small.

converts wav file to just one channel and the
sound quality remains high


To convert a .wav file to mp3 there are two presets
that Shinobar has given the user

MP3 Audio ----> high quality stereo music

MP3 Audio(mono) ---> meant for good quality mono,
file size is much smaller


Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2012, 18:51
by don570

When you click on the 'Save' button you
are saving a preset permanently. It is stored
in a file located in the folder

The saving of a preset doesn't function very well.
A preset file is saved but it must be completed
by the user. Look at other preset files to
see how this is done.

Hint: For better sound quality you may increase the bit rates
but this usually increase the file size noticeably.


Note on the abbreviation 'le' and 'be'

If you look closely at the codecs you might see these

'le' means Little Endian which is the way that
DOS and Linux stores a file on a hard drive

'be' means Big Endian which is the way that Apple writes a
file to a hard drive.

This ordinarily shouldn't make any difference to a computer user
however when the AIFF file format was created by
Silicon Graphics and Apple computer they decided to
write the file the opposite way that Microsoft writes
the WAVE file. This makes the file formats incompatible
even though they are essentially the same.

Mhwaveedit does have a way of switching a file that it
is opening from little endian to big endian
( a setting in its preferences). If you
ever have a file that is difficult to convert from AIFF to WAVE
you can try that setting in mhwaveedit.


get soundtrack from a video file

Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2012, 19:13
by don570
Get soundtrack from a video file

Let's say you want the audio from a video file.
That is easy to do with ffconvert.

Just right click on a video file and select ffconvert. It launches.
The usual window opens. You should now select an audio
preset. I have selected MP3 Audio ( see image).
Click 'Load'.


The window has changed. The Video section has vanished(a feature!!)
An audio codec (libmp3lame) will now be used when you click 'Convert'.

The resulting file is the audio portion of your original file.


special characters in file names

Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2012, 20:51
by don570
ffconvert uses ffmpeg to do the conversions.

I've noticed one problem with ffmpeg. There
are certain special characters in the file name
that will make the program fail to convert.

I don't have a complete list of these characters
but suffice it to say that the special characters that
programmers use in commands should be avoided.


Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 18:07
by don570
I updated the presets package to version 1.1

Here's the details

1) I now use option -vn for audio files
since Shinobar does a check for this option when loading a preset
to avoid using the video section.

2) I changed wav2mono_44khz conversion to
make sure it was high quality

Posted: Sat 25 Feb 2012, 18:55
by don570
New version 1.2 of presets

Added new preset

WMA2WAV to convert wma audio to wav

Note that there is a preset for CD quality audio that does the
same thing but users maybe confused by that preset.


ffconvert 1.3 tested

Posted: Mon 17 Dec 2012, 23:06
by don570
Version 1.3 has a different interface.

I tested it by converting a mp3 file to a wav file

In the opening window I set my destination folder.

Next I set the preset by clicking on 'Preset' tab

I choose Group=mp3 Preset=MP3 Audio
I clicked on 'Apply' button to load
the presets from preset config file which has been previously stored.


I checked the details by clicking the 'Detail' tab
They were wrong so I adjusted them (see image below)
I want wav to be the format of the output file


Now I click 'Convert' button and everything should go smoothly :lol:

To do multiple conversions the best method is to create your own preset
with a text editor (as explained above)

...0r I found that if the Apply and Save buttons aren't clicked then
then the previous settings of the conversion will be automatically
entered in the boxes, making multiple conversion simple.

I have never tested batch conversion...
