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Puppy Package Destroyer

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012, 05:07
by tytower
I downloaded an optical character recognition program.Checked and agreed to downloading all dependencies and when it arrived I got the message that there were more dependencies needed .

Bugger that ,too many dependencies so I uninstalled all that i had downloaded.

However while it was removing those it also deleted all shared objects files so now I don't have a lot of standard library files there that should be !!

Who is responsible for Puppy Package manager.
Surely such a basic as not deleting shared objects CAN'T be overlooked but it is in 5.3

Re: Puppy Package Destroyer

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012, 07:22
by Lobster
tytower wrote: Who is responsible for Puppy Package manager.

You are :shock:
Surely such a basic as not deleting shared objects CAN'T be overlooked but it is in 5.3
As far as I know it can.
It is not that easy to implement a shared library database log or has not been.

Hopefully a better and more hopeful answer will be available shortly. 8)

start fresh

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012, 07:37
by raffy
With the use of save file, the intention is for the user to test new software additions and to start fresh (create a new save file) when the additions do not work.

Type "puppy pfix=ram" at boot prompt when booting from CD, or add "pfix=ram" to grub (grub boot in frugal install) or to syslinux.cfg (USB booting).

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012, 09:50
by Sylvander
rerwin posted [in the Lupu-528.004 thread] an explanation to me, that I have difficulty fully understanding.

" - Uninstalling the components to "snap" layer, then installing them to "save" layer, then doing the first "save" of the session, results in the old versions overwriting the new, thus losing the new package.
- If the above were done after the first save, the new-package versions of the components would be retained.
- If you install, then uninstall, then save, the results, as above, will depend on whether the "save" was the first of the session, or not.

The "conflict prevention" logic merely ensures that an uninstall gets saved by the first "save" of the session, and that installations get saved by a subsequent "save" -- but only if both operations are attempted in the same session. If only one of those is done in a session, then the components will exist in only one of the layers, and that's OK.

Here's his post with the explanation.

Does the above apply in this case?
It's all Greek to me. :?

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012, 12:50
by Flash
I can't resist mentioning that this is one of the reasons I like running Puppy from a multisession DVD. :lol: Multisession Puppy is entirely in RAM unless I deliberately save new changes to the DVD. If I install a program and don't like it or can't get it to work, I "uninstall" it by turning off the computer. When I reboot, Puppy is back to the way it was before I installed the program.

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012, 20:13
by tytower
I found I could restore the shared files for the basic system, which I had on the hard drive , from the CD. I loaded Puppy from the live CD with "Puppy pfix+ram" and then installed it to my internal hard disk choosing an "upgrade".(don't save the savefile)

This seems to have worked for the packages from the original install but no doubt any later installed stuff that happened to have shared libraries would need uninstalling and re- installing.

Heck of a hassle caused by this though.

Posted: Sat 28 Jan 2012, 21:15
by Jasper
Hi tytower,

I make regular full backups and/or clones, because every once in a while something gets messed-up beyond, or almost beyond, recovery.

I also make a regular backup of important data directories and files which is incremental and quick. Mine is set to delete items in the target which are deleted from the source.

My regards

I don't have much data. Here are my two most recent Summary Logs:

Started 28/01/2012 14:27:54
Completed 28/01/2012 14:28:15
Folders Compared: 901; Files Compared: 7600; Folders Created: 1; Files Copied: 193 (62919433 bytes); Folders Removed: 1; Files Removed: 51; Errors: 0.

Started 20/01/2012 20:27:10
Completed 20/01/2012 20:27:28
Folders Compared: 901; Files Compared: 7555; Folders Created: 1; Files Copied: 58 (13949040 bytes); Folders Removed: 0; Files Removed: 6; Errors: 0.

Posted: Sun 29 Jan 2012, 20:03
by tytower
I have oft tried the backup programs with little success.

Could I see your backup script?
Maybe I can revisit that area .It is lacking on my machine and you are totally right .It should be done regularly.

My knowledge has not been up to it.