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How to record from my video capture card?

Posted: Mon 23 Jan 2012, 18:57
by Ren
I was wondering if someone could point me to a video capture program what would allow me to record from my video capture card. I got my capture card to work with VLC player but would be able to record with it.


Re: Video capture program?

Posted: Mon 23 Jan 2012, 19:09
by technosaurus
Ren wrote:I was wondering if someone could point me to a video capture program what would allow me to record from my video capture card. I got my capture card to work with VLC player but would be able to record with it.

most pups already come with ffmpeg, and you already have vlc?
what exactly _is_ your question

please don't beat around the bush - if you want to record video and audio in format X and are comfortable with the command line, say so

if you need a gui -state as such

and btw - noone knows what kind of video capture card you have.

If it is just you cant figure out how to get vlc to record try this site

Posted: Mon 23 Jan 2012, 20:34
by Ren
Sorry, I thought I was being pretty straight foward. The question is, What is a good program that I can use to record from my video capture card? It is an EasyCap USB card.

Since I am living in the the 21st Century, I prefer to have something with a GUI. NO, I am not really looking to use VLC Player.

Posted: Mon 23 Jan 2012, 21:54
by technosaurus

Posted: Tue 24 Jan 2012, 03:44
by Master_wrong
if you able to see video using vlc...
then try this on terminal...

ffmpeg -y -f oss -i /dev/dsp -itsoffset 1 -acodec mp2 -ab 64k -ar 44100 -f video4linux2 -s 640x480 -r 15 -qscale 5 -vc 1 -tvstd PAL-DK -i /dev/video0 -sws_flags bicubic -ss 00:00:03 -t 00:00:15 -f avi test.avi

-itsoffset 1 ---->after record i recognize that sound is not sync with pict by 1 second, use this to correct. if you place after /dev/dsp it will affect sound, place it after /dev/video to affect video.

-ss 00:00:03 ---->start record after 3 second, if you want to record 3 hours from now set accordingly 03:00:00

-t 00:00:15 --->end record after 15 sec recording, if you want to record 2 hours movie set 02:00:00