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sansung sd608 dvd

Posted: Wed 19 Apr 2006, 01:06
by kuejoe
It is an older dvd player from compaq and samsung.
If you google for it you will soon notice that alot of people are upset because the drivers that are available for windows are 98. It might work in Me and definately not on XP. I remember years ago, reading about Linux drivers or support for it, but didn't even know what Linux was back then..(heh)
Well I have been scouring google until my pupils disappear, and haven't had any luck. yes, yes I know I could always buy a new one, but where is the fun in tha? (Although I might ultimately have to.)
If anyone has any ideas or can point me in the right direction would much appreciate it.

Thank you ahead.......

Posted: Wed 19 Apr 2006, 04:20
by Flash
If it's an ATA/EIDE drive meant to go in a computer and less than 4 or 5 years old it will almost certainly work in Puppy without any special drivers. Just put it in the computer and try it.

sansung sd608 dvd

Posted: Wed 19 Apr 2006, 22:29
by kuejoe
I did. it will not read any media.
and it is either from a 1999 or 2000 compaq....
The compaq came with dvd drivers for win95 or 98.
Niether compaq or samsung supported it after win98.
Any other win os left it working either as a cd player only
or it just wouldn't read disks period.
I was hoping that Linus (especially Puppy) would somehow.

Posted: Wed 19 Apr 2006, 22:54
by Flash
Have you checked the manufacturer's website, and perhaps other places on the web, for Linux drivers? It's a long shot, but it's about the only one I can see that you've got.

sansung sd608 dvd

Posted: Thu 20 Apr 2006, 00:07
by kuejoe
That is what I have been you said long shot...cant believe NO ONE else using linux has run into this...
at boot
i am getting:
"insmod parport_pc failed"
and something about dmesg
comes up too fast..

Posted: Thu 20 Apr 2006, 04:07
by Flash
Think about what you're asking for. Only a masochist would write a driver for an obsolete device which would have to be reverse-engineered because it is no longer supported by the manufacturer, considering that it could be replaced for maybe $50 with a new drive that uses the industry-standard interface, :D

sansung sd608 dvd

Posted: Thu 20 Apr 2006, 22:02
by kuejoe
maybe you are right.
couldn'thurt to ask.