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Menu | Setup | Setup Puppy | Check dependencies installed pk

Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2012, 16:52
by lcb
1 - Dialog does not render to fit graphics resolution, going beyond right side screen edge.

2 - The engine defaults the first option on the left column when there is more than one column of packages installed even if any package on the next column is selected (becoming two selected packages and not mapping/recognizing the intended package to check)

[Resolution specs on the testing situation:
HDisplay 1024: HSyncStart 1048, HSyncEnd 1184, HTotal 1344
VDisplay 768, VSyncStart 771, VSyncEnd 777, VTotal 806 ]
Xorg 1.9.5
VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 440]

Slacko Puppy 5.3.1 - Frugal installation on HD
Kernel : Linux (i686)
Compiled : #1 SMP Sun Jul 10 08:27:28 EST 2011
C Library : GNU C Library version 2.13 (stable)


(a) After removing Midori and a couple dependencies I noticed - although still having 2 columns and still being marked by default the first item on the left column (tvtime) - the engine recognized the item checked on the right - Unetbootin). It seems to me the issue of not being recognized on the right only arises after a certain number of installed packages. [screenshot 2 attached]
(b) After re-installing Iron 16.0.950.0-slacko over installed same version to correct some dependencies I noticed the previous installation still remained on the list of installed apps (so, being 2 exact same apps in the list)
(c) After this Iron installation, again, selecting any item on the right column is not recognized), being checked for dependencies the item from the left.[screenshot 3 attached]
(d) On a non related matter (sorry, but only avoiding creating another post and because is not so important), Putty-0.61 does not create any menu entry.

/ Mods pls move this to Slacko Puppy 5.3.1 feedback and bug reports, for some reason I didn't post on the correct thread /

Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2012, 17:23
by RSH
1 - Dialog does not render to fit graphics resolution, going beyond right side screen edge.
I have seen this earlier more than one time. I have seen this also going beyond horizontal screen edges.

I think it is gtkdialog. When it "builds" the gui the outer size seems to be set depending on the size and count of inner objects - without "having an eye" of the screen size (resolution).


Posted: Sat 14 Jan 2012, 04:15
by npierce
lcb wrote:1 - Dialog does not render to fit graphics resolution, going beyond right side screen edge.

2 - The engine defaults the first option on the left column when there is more than one column of packages installed even if any package on the next column is selected (becoming two selected packages and not mapping/recognizing the intended package to check)
I am attaching a couple of versions of the "Check dependencies installed pkg" utility (a.k.a. for testing. Either of these should eliminate the two problems you are experiencing, as well as a couple of other problems.

The reason that I made two versions is because there are (at least) a couple of different flavors of this utility. I run the original flavor that came with Racy-5.2.2. You probably are running the internationalized flavor that comes with Slacko 5.3.1.

[UPDATE, 2012-Feb-21:
The "internationalized flavor" mentioned in this post does not refer to the newly internationalized version currently in woof2 (which didn't yet exist when I wrote this post), but to the i18n scripts version internationalized by L18L, rodin.s, and shinobar at the end of 2010, and updated through 2011-11-30. For a version of these proposed fixes based on the current internationalized version in woof2 and Racy, see my post dated 2012-Feb-21, further down this thread.]

The other two problems that I hope I have fixed:

3. Package names with underscores in them were not supported. For instance, checking a package named "openssh_client-4.7p1" would attempt to check a package named "openssh" instead. If no package with that name existed, no missing libraries would be reported.

4. If ldd reports a library missing, looks for it by name to see if it lives somewhere where ldd cannot find it. If found it reports "These needed libraries exist but are not in the library search path." So far, so good. (See Barry's explanation at But if the name is a symlink and the actual library that the symlink points at is missing, was fooled into reporting that the library exists.

Preliminary testing indicates that these both work in Racy 5.2.2. (For the internationalized version, the internationalized petget pet has to be installed on Racy first. It can be found in the Slacko repository at ... )

Note that must be copied to /usr/local/petget/, as it needs to be run from that directory.

I have not tested in Slacko yet, so I hope that some folks who have Slacko will please give these a try and report the results. Of course I welcome feedback from testing on any recent Puppy.

So far the only drawback that I have seen is that the keyboard support for the GTK list widget is poor (or maybe I've not implemented it correctly). When you use the keyboard to select an item below the bottom or above the top of the window, the list does not automatically scroll -- it needs to be done manually with the Ctrl and arrow keys (or the mouse). But it works fine with the mouse. is based on the version dated 2011-07-06 07:34 UTC, which comes with Racy 5.2.2 (and is still current in Woof2). is based on the internationalized version dated 2011-11-30 12:09 UTC, which I grabbed from the Slacko repository.

[UPDATE, 2012-Feb-21:
For new version based on current version in woof2, see my post dated 2012-Feb-21, further down this thread.]

[EDITED 2011-Jan-17 to provide link to repository and instructions to copy to /usr/local/petget/.]

[EDITED 2012-Feb-21 to add today's two green updates.]

Posted: Sun 15 Jan 2012, 22:51
by lcb
Hi npierce,

thanks for looking at this matter. works, it's functional although different interface, as expected. I didn't notice yet any false dependencies or not checking for the correct package dependencies - So, does the job as it should. has some glitches...
" ./ line 17: ./i18n_head: No such file or directory "
line 17: source "$APPDIR/i18n_head"

Around line 212 there is a syntax error somewhere - the code is not recognizable after that line.

Thank you very much.

Posted: Tue 17 Jan 2012, 04:50
by npierce
Hi lcb,

Thanks for testing these.

I am glad to hear that the Racy version worked for you.
lcb has some glitches...
" ./ line 17: ./i18n_head: No such file or directory "
line 17: source "$APPDIR/i18n_head"
Whoops. I hadn't noticed that the script used its own directory as the source for other scripts. I should have provided instructions to put the file in the /usr/local/petget/ directory, which is where normally lives. If you have the internationalized flavor of petget, i18n_head also lives in that directory.

If you don't have the internationalized flavor, it can be found in the Slacko repository at ... (I am assuming that you already have it if you are running Slacko.)

I'll edit my previous post to add these instructions.

After moving the file, it should work for you. Please let me know if it doesn't.

Thanks again for taking the time to test these and reporting your results.


Posted: Tue 21 Feb 2012, 19:09
by npierce
Here is an updated with the same proposed fixes as in the files that I posted in January.

This is based on the version currently in woof2 and Racy I've also attached a diff.

Posted: Wed 22 Feb 2012, 00:43
by BarryK
Thanks for this, now in Woof:

Posted: Fri 24 Feb 2012, 17:33
by npierce
You're welcome. Thanks for adding it to Woof.