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How to find 'unsolved' posts in this forum in order to help?

Posted: Sun 11 Dec 2011, 00:04
by Sky Aisling
This forum is my online 'Puppy Univerisity'.
I've been 'studying' here for over 2 years.
I'd like to start giving back to the forum by attempting to help other Newbees find easy solutions to their Puppy issues.
How do I find unanswered or unsolved threads in this forum?
Is there a list somewhere?

Thank you in advance of your answer.


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Posted: Sun 11 Dec 2011, 01:17
by p310don
It's not the best way, but you can always click on unanswered posts and see if you can give them some attention.

Posted: Sun 11 Dec 2011, 03:18
by Flash
To make it crystal clear, the View unanswered posts to which p310don refers is only on the forum's index page (the page you see when you click Forum index on any page), at the upper right.

As for unsolved questions, you'll just have to browse the forum for threads that look interesting to you. When I have time, I edit subject lines to try to make them reflect the content of the thread in the hope that people who want to help out in the forum can quickly scan through a page of threads and find ones that look interesting. I will not allow the word "help" in a subject line. I've seen other forums where every thread of a whole page of threads had a title of something like, "Need help!!!!!" Or just, "Help!!!!!!!!!!!!" Aaargh. :lol:

How to find 'unsolved' posts in this forum in order to help?

Posted: Sun 11 Dec 2011, 05:17
by Sky Aisling
Thank you Flash

So, it's a random-access-hunt-n-peck process? OK, I know how to do that. ;)

In the meantime, I'll put a suggestion into the suggestion box that maybe a tick box on the posting page could be added. The thread starter can tick the box *solved* or leave it blank for *unsolved*. The box contents can be made a part of the search routine.