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"GParted-0.4.5" in "Quirky Linux 1.40" ! only script

Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2011, 03:54
by postfs1
If the "GParted" program has been removed, and the need to edit HDD partitions has been appeared.


Code: Select all

cd /room ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Ubuntu-Karmic_files/gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb ;
if [ ! `echo -e "75ca0c7c837cd40f0c00c7d25be5e9cb  gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
/usr/local/petget/ gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb 2>/dev/null  ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb ;
rm /room/ ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Ubuntu-Karmic_files/libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb ;
if [ ! `echo -e "926a1ddf72da5d196aef4b22b6c50dc0  libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
/usr/local/petget/ libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb 2>/dev/null  ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb ;
rm /room/ ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "44d312d2fbcf73daa238874c9d162f9e  gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
rpm -i gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "258794edb299ebc72b6511f453d230fd  glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
rpm -i glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "90c36daecf5444ea7238355d1f1b432a  pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
rpm -i pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "3bcb22fe5d115b9543e8b8a76b845b03  cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
rpm -i cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Ubuntu-Karmic_files/libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb ;
if [ ! `echo -e "920c9007ea67cd25369120b179adfc5f  libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
/usr/local/petget/ libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb 2>/dev/null  ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb ;
rm /room/ ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "96c934cb092bf073ace9c10cce025f44  libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
rpm -i libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Ubuntu-Karmic_files/parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb ;
if [ ! `echo -e "7eb64df5a28453bf439b078b01a0102c  parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
/usr/local/petget/ parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb 2>/dev/null  ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb ;
rm /room/ ;
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "a33dd8be6e63530f3babeec2e3c03019  libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
rpm -i libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
rm /room/libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
rm /usr/share/applications/gparted.desktop ;
rm /usr/share/applications/GParted-partition-manager.desktop ;
echo '[Desktop Entry]' > /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'Encoding=UTF-8' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'Name=GParted partition manager' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'Icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gparted.png' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'Comment=GParted partition manager' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'Exec=gpartedbin' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'Terminal=false' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'Type=Application' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'Categories=X-SystemMemory' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'GenericName=GParted partition manager' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
fixmenus ;
xmessage "-=GParted-0.4.5=- has been installed." `jwm -display :0.0 -restart` ;
rox --pinboard=/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin ;

Edit: 2011, dec 10.
Permissions for were changed as shown:

Code: Select all

cd /place_where_Install_GParted--sr0.sh_is_located ; chmod u+x
A script's content can be copied into text editor by means of <Quote> mode.

Posted: Sat 18 Aug 2012, 19:05
by postfs1

Code: Select all

mkdir -m 0500 -p /room ;
cd /room ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 0 ] ;
then echo "gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb..rm" >/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Ubuntu-Karmic_files/gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb ;
if [ ! `echo -e "75ca0c7c837cd40f0c00c7d25be5e9cb  gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
/usr/local/petget/ gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb 2>/dev/null  ;
sleep 0.5s ;
echo "gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb..rm" >/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb ;
rm /room/ ;
rm /usr/share/applications/gparted.desktop ;
rm /usr/share/applications/GParted-partition-manager.desktop ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 0 ] ;
then echo "libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Ubuntu-Karmic_files/libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb ;
if [ ! `echo -e "926a1ddf72da5d196aef4b22b6c50dc0  libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
/usr/local/petget/ libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb 2>/dev/null  ;
sleep 0.5s ;
echo "libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb ;
rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 0 ] ;
then echo "gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "44d312d2fbcf73daa238874c9d162f9e  gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
rpm -i gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
echo "gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 0 ] ;
then echo "glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "258794edb299ebc72b6511f453d230fd  glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
rpm -i glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
echo "glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 0 ] ;
then echo "pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "90c36daecf5444ea7238355d1f1b432a  pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
rpm -i pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
echo "pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 0 ] ;
then echo "cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "3bcb22fe5d115b9543e8b8a76b845b03  cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
rpm -i cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
echo "cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 0 ] ;
then echo "libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Ubuntu-Karmic_files/libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb ;
if [ ! `echo -e "920c9007ea67cd25369120b179adfc5f  libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
/usr/local/petget/ libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb 2>/dev/null  ;
sleep 0.5s ;
echo "libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb ;
rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -l 'libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | wc -l` -gt 0 ] ;
then sleep 0.5s ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "96c934cb092bf073ace9c10cce025f44  libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
rpm -i libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
echo "libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
echo "libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/built-in.dsktop ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 0 ] ;
then echo "parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Ubuntu-Karmic_files/parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb ;
if [ ! `echo -e "7eb64df5a28453bf439b078b01a0102c  parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
/usr/local/petget/ parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb 2>/dev/null  ;
sleep 0.5s ;
echo "parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb ;
rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 0 ] ;
then echo "libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "a33dd8be6e63530f3babeec2e3c03019  libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
rpm -i libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
sleep 0.5s ;
echo "libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm" >>/usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
echo '[Desktop Entry]' > /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'Encoding=UTF-8' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'Name=GParted partition manager' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'Icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gparted.png' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'Comment=GParted partition manager' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'Exec=gpartedbin' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'Terminal=false' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'Type=Application' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'Categories=X-SystemMemory' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
echo 'GenericName=GParted partition manager' >> /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
fixmenus ;
xmessage "-=GParted-0.4.5=- has been installed." `jwm -display :0.0 -restart` ;
rox --pinboard=/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin ;

Edit: 2012, aug 18.
A script's content can be copied into text editor by means of <Quote> mode.


Posted: Sat 18 Aug 2012, 19:08
by postfs1

Code: Select all

cd /room ;
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 1 ] ;
then sed -i '/gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Ubuntu-Karmic_files/gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb ;
if [ ! `echo -e "75ca0c7c837cd40f0c00c7d25be5e9cb  gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
bash -c "`dpkg-deb -c gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb | cut -d '/' -f 3- | sed 's/->/#/' | cut -d '#' -f -1 | sed 's/^/rm -f \//' | sed 's/ $//' | sed 's/$/ ;/'`" ;
sleep 0.5s ;
#bash -c "`dpkg-deb -c gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb | cut -d '/' -f 3- | sed 's/->/#/' | cut -d '#' -f -1 | cut -d '/' -f 2-3 | sort -u | grep \"/\" | grep -v \"/$\" | sed 's/^/find \//' | sed 's/$/ -type d -empty -delete ;/'`" ;
bash -c "`dpkg-deb -c gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb | cut -d '/' -f 3- | sed 's/->/#/' | cut -d '#' -f -1 | sed 's/usr\//\/usr\//' | rev | cut -d '/' -f2- | rev | sort -u | sed 's/^/rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p /' | sed 's/$/ ;/' | grep '/'`" ;
sed -i '/gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/gparted_0.4.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb ;
rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 1 ] ;
then sed -i '/libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Ubuntu-Karmic_files/libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb ;
if [ ! `echo -e "926a1ddf72da5d196aef4b22b6c50dc0  libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
bash -c "`dpkg-deb -c libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb | cut -d '/' -f 3- | sed 's/->/#/' | cut -d '#' -f -1 | sed 's/^/rm -f \//' | sed 's/ $//' | sed 's/$/ ;/'`" ;
sleep 0.5s ;
#bash -c "`dpkg-deb -c libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb | cut -d '/' -f 3- | sed 's/->/#/' | cut -d '#' -f -1 | cut -d '/' -f 2-3 | sort -u | grep \"/\" | grep -v \"/$\" | sed 's/^/find \//' | sed 's/$/ -type d -empty -delete ;/'`" ;
bash -c "`dpkg-deb -c libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb | cut -d '/' -f 3- | sed 's/->/#/' | cut -d '#' -f -1 | sed 's/usr\//\/usr\//' | rev | cut -d '/' -f2- | rev | sort -u | sed 's/^/rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p /' | sed 's/$/ ;/' | grep '/'`" ;
sed -i '/libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/libparted1.8-12_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb ;
rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 1 ] ;
then sed -i '/gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "44d312d2fbcf73daa238874c9d162f9e  gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
bash -c "`rpm -qp -l gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm | sed 's/^/rm -f /' | sed 's/$/ ;/'`" ;
sleep 0.5s ;
#bash -c "`rpm -qp -l gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm | cut -d '/' -f -3 | sort -u | grep \"/\" | grep -v \"/$\" | sed 's/^/find /' | sed 's/$/ -type d -empty -delete ;/'`" ;
bash -c "`rpm -qp -l gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm | rev | cut -d'/' -f2- | rev | sort -u | sed 's/^/rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p /' | sed 's/$/ ;/'`" ;
sed -i '/gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/gtkmm24-2.16.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 1 ] ;
then sed -i '/glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "258794edb299ebc72b6511f453d230fd  glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
bash -c "`rpm -qp -l glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm | sed 's/^/rm -f /' | sed 's/$/ ;/'`" ;
sleep 0.5s ;
#bash -c "`rpm -qp -l glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm | cut -d '/' -f -3 | sort -u | grep \"/\" | grep -v \"/$\" | sed 's/^/find /' | sed 's/$/ -type d -empty -delete ;/'`" ;
bash -c "`rpm -qp -l glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm | rev | cut -d'/' -f2- | rev | sort -u | sed 's/^/rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p /' | sed 's/$/ ;/'`" ;
sed -i '/glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/glibmm24-2.20.2-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 1 ] ;
then sed -i '/pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "90c36daecf5444ea7238355d1f1b432a  pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
bash -c "`rpm -qp -l pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm | sed 's/^/rm -f /' | sed 's/$/ ;/'`" ;
sleep 0.5s ;
#bash -c "`rpm -qp -l pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm | cut -d '/' -f -3 | sort -u | grep \"/\" | grep -v \"/$\" | sed 's/^/find /' | sed 's/$/ -type d -empty -delete ;/'`" ;
bash -c "`rpm -qp -l pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm | rev | cut -d'/' -f2- | rev | sort -u | sed 's/^/rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p /' | sed 's/$/ ;/'`" ;
sed -i '/pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/pangomm-2.24.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 1 ] ;
then sed -i '/cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "3bcb22fe5d115b9543e8b8a76b845b03  cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
bash -c "`rpm -qp -l cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm | sed 's/^/rm -f /' | sed 's/$/ ;/'`" ;
sleep 0.5s ;
#bash -c "`rpm -qp -l cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm | cut -d '/' -f -3 | sort -u | grep \"/\" | grep -v \"/$\" | sed 's/^/find /' | sed 's/$/ -type d -empty -delete ;/'`" ;
bash -c "`rpm -qp -l cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm | rev | cut -d'/' -f2- | rev | sort -u | sed 's/^/rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p /' | sed 's/$/ ;/'`" ;
sed -i '/cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/cairomm-1.8.0-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 1 ] ;
then sed -i '/libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Ubuntu-Karmic_files/libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb ;
if [ ! `echo -e "920c9007ea67cd25369120b179adfc5f  libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
bash -c "`dpkg-deb -c libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb | cut -d '/' -f 3- | sed 's/->/#/' | cut -d '#' -f -1 | sed 's/^/rm -f \//' | sed 's/ $//' | sed 's/$/ ;/'`" ;
sleep 0.5s ;
#bash -c "`dpkg-deb -c libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb | cut -d '/' -f 3- | sed 's/->/#/' | cut -d '#' -f -1 | cut -d '/' -f 2-3 | sort -u | grep \"/\" | grep -v \"/$\" | sed 's/^/find \//' | sed 's/$/ -type d -empty -delete ;/'`" ;
bash -c "`dpkg-deb -c libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb | cut -d '/' -f 3- | sed 's/->/#/' | cut -d '#' -f -1 | sed 's/usr\//\/usr\//' | rev | cut -d '/' -f2- | rev | sort -u | sed 's/^/rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p /' | sed 's/$/ ;/' | grep '/'`" ;
sed -i '/libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/libdevmapper1.02.1_1.02.27-4ubuntu7_i386.deb ;
rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -l 'libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | wc -l` -gt 0 ] ;
then sed -i '/libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
#curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
#if [ ! `echo -e "96c934cb092bf073ace9c10cce025f44  libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
#bash -c "`rpm -qp -l libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm | sed 's/^/rm -f /' | sed 's/$/ ;/'`" ;
sleep 0.5s ;
#bash -c "`rpm -qp -l libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm | rev | cut -d'/' -f2- | rev | sort -u | sed 's/^/rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p /' | sed 's/$/ ;/'`" ;
#sed -i '/libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
#rm /room/libstdc++-4.4.1-2.fc11.i586.rpm ;
#rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 1 ] ;
then sed -i '/parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Ubuntu-Karmic_files/parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb ;
if [ ! `echo -e "7eb64df5a28453bf439b078b01a0102c  parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
bash -c "`dpkg-deb -c parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb | cut -d '/' -f 3- | sed 's/->/#/' | cut -d '#' -f -1 | sed 's/^/rm -f \//' | sed 's/ $//' | sed 's/$/ ;/'`" ;
sleep 0.5s ;
#bash -c "`dpkg-deb -c parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb | cut -d '/' -f 3- | sed 's/->/#/' | cut -d '#' -f -1 | cut -d '/' -f 2-3 | sort -u | grep \"/\" | grep -v \"/$\" | sed 's/^/find \//' | sed 's/$/ -type d -empty -delete ;/'`" ;
bash -c "`dpkg-deb -c parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb | cut -d '/' -f 3- | sed 's/->/#/' | cut -d '#' -f -1 | sed 's/usr\//\/usr\//' | rev | cut -d '/' -f2- | rev | sort -u | sed 's/^/rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p /' | sed 's/$/ ;/' | grep '/'`" ;
sed -i '/parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/parted_1.8.8.git.2009.06.03-1ubuntu6_i386.deb ;
rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
if [ `grep -w -s -c 'libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm' /usr/local/etc/*.dsktop | awk -F: '{ sum +=$2 } END { print sum }'` -gt 1 ] ;
then sed -i '/libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; else
curl -C - -O file:///mnt/sr0/_Files/GParted/Fedora-11_files/libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
if [ ! `echo -e "a33dd8be6e63530f3babeec2e3c03019  libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm" | md5sum -c - >/room/ ; sleep 0.5s ; grep -o 'OK' /room/` ] ; then xmessage -file /room/ ; else yaf-splash -bg purple -fg green -text "`cat /room/`" ; fi ;
bash -c "`rpm -qp -l libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm | sed 's/^/rm -f /' | sed 's/$/ ;/'`" ;
sleep 0.5s ;
#bash -c "`rpm -qp -l libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm | cut -d '/' -f -3 | sort -u | grep \"/\" | grep -v \"/$\" | sed 's/^/find /' | sed 's/$/ -type d -empty -delete ;/'`" ;
bash -c "`rpm -qp -l libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm | rev | cut -d'/' -f2- | rev | sort -u | sed 's/^/rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p /' | sed 's/$/ ;/'`" ;
sed -i '/libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm..rm/d' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ;
rm /room/libselinux-2.0.80-1.fc11.i586.rpm ;
rm /room/ ;
fi ;
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# # #
#Deletion of empty directories >>>
#find / -maxdepth 1 -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \; ;
#<<< Deletion of empty directories.
#Deletion of empty directories >>>
#find /etc /lib /root /usr /var -type d -empty -delete ;
#<<< Deletion of empty directories.
# # #
rm /usr/share/applications/GParted.desktop ;
if [ `grep -s -c '..rm' /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop | awk -F^ '{ sum +=$1 } END { print sum }'` -gt 0 ] ;
then sleep 0.5s ; else
rm /usr/local/etc/GParted.dsktop ; fi ;
fixmenus ;
xmessage "-=GParted-0.4.5=- has been almost removed." `jwm -display :0.0 -restart` ;
rox --pinboard=/root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin ;

Edit: 2012, aug 18.
A script's content can be copied into text editor by means of <Quote> mode.