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A related subject to site being down...SOPA

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 05:29
by Sky Aisling
A related subject to site being down...SOPA

Regarding 'you-know-who's threat to erase the site, check out this post: ... 117#585117

Even though 'you-know-who' is small stuff in the grand scheme of things, he possibly could get away with it if this bill passes.

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 05:30
by Lobster
Never mind about the forum off line for a few days, the important thing is that you are safe and well. (I believe some had uttered concerns Wink )
Fluffy is innocent!

It is good to have Judge Dredd, aka Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody . . . eh John Murga back safely. :wink:

We gained a lot, some new potential moderators, Death eater 'Aitch' and Nooby (our resident forum elf) were doing good.
Jemimah can be Hermione as she knows all the best Puppy magic.

In particular the wise wizarding of Raffy created a fun new forum.
Expecto Patronum

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 05:54
by starhawk
Very glad to see this back up. I took a peek over at the other forum (really for the first time) and it saddens me to see the amount of hate being spread. I'd like to think that as wise, intelligent (for the most part) human beings, we could all rise above that, but such is unfortunately not to be for quite some time.

Either way, Mr. Murga, I am very glad to see THIS forum up and running again. It is a good thing, and I for one find this community (again, for the most part) a healthy, nurturing, kind, wonderful place to be. There's a lot of positive energy here! Of course, we all have our moments, but there is truly no such thing as perfection... so I shall not ask for it ;)

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 06:15
by mahaju
Happy to see the forum up and running again

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 06:23
by pemasu
I am glad also that the murga-linux forum is up again. Best morning in many days when I noticed that my mailbox had new messages from forum.

Raffy organized quickly the alternative forum which helped the communication of puppy users....and it was the route for developers also. Thank you Raffy !!!

We got also good experience what some other people are able to do when the flag ship is out of horizon. It was frightening experience.

Thank you John Murga of getting this forum up !!!
Dont feel too shame of things.
We got a lot experience...things to think about and we saw that there is working framework of puppy people to create alternative channels when there is need.

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 06:31
by DaveS
Oh dear Lord, I can sleep easy again. Amen :)

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 06:34
by bignono1
Me happy.

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 06:51
by nooby

wow I was worried there and felt miserable.
And talking about LinuxQuestions. Bleh what a mess.

So typical of me to sleep while you announced the forum back.
Missing the event. But better late than never getting back here.

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 06:58
by ferro10n
Lobster wrote:Jemimah can be Hermione as she knows all the best Puppy magic.
Oh my, I forgot I should have special powers to be Harry Potter. :roll: You guys are so computer-skilled, while all I can do is translate between five languages :P

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 07:52
by cecc

Glad to see Puppy Power back,


Best regards,


Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 08:12
by vovchik
Dear John,

I am very glad you are back and OK and that the forum is back. Funny how "checking the forum" had become part of the daily routine, which I really missed. Raffy and the other admins at also did their part brilliantly, as did ttuuxx, helping the community to re-organize itlsef at a time of need. Thanks to everybody involved. We have to keep on spreading "puppy love", our knowledge and experience, and genuine good will. Now, relax, if you can. :)

With kind regards,

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 08:14
by Mercedes350se
puppyluvr wrote::D .. You owe no one an apology John, we are all just glad you are back...
Very pleased to see the forum up and running again.

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 08:16
by Laie
"Freude, schöner Götterfunken..."
(Joy, beautiful spark of Gods)
Glad to have this place back.
Thank you, John!

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 08:36
by smokey01
Congratulations John.

Welcome back. It's nice to know you are safe and well.

Thanks for your enduring support.


Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 09:53
by saintless
Thank you, John,
glad to be here again :D

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 10:18
by morimoto
Glad to see you back, JohnMurga

mm :wink:

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 10:36
by telltom
wonderful site, of course glad it's back. ton of questions coming up ha ha.

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 11:26
by ttuuxxx
Welcome Back John, The forum was truelove missed by all of us I did make a temp forum on my ttuuxxx site, but it could never replace this jewel in the Nile we have here :) Thanks for this greatest asset puppy has once again.

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 12:01
by xfce4Fan
Nice ! Puppyforum back.... THX THX THX... :D

Posted: Mon 28 Nov 2011, 12:08
by musher0
A thousand thanks to whoever solved the problem ! Hurrah, the puppy forum is back on line, and we're back ! Phew...