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CPUtemperature disappeared after I messed with fan setting.

Posted: Sun 20 Nov 2011, 19:37
by nooby
Surprising thing this. After an unclean reboot most likely

CPUtemperature worked on both Snow Puppy 5 and Slacko5.3
and then when I installed puppeee on my Asus Eeepc 900
and I installed it on the SD CF card reader in the slot to the right.

After being successful running puppeee I wanted to set
the fan and went into puppeee control center something
and there I changed a thing to automatic or something.
not sure what name it had. I have since tried to get it
working for hours and it fails to show temperature of CPU.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled but no success.

could the change I did in puppee have told the hard ware
to not let any other OS get access to the Therm something
that worked before then for ever is locked somehow.

neither Snow Puppy 5 and Slacko5.3 with CPUtemp installed can show
temp now it only display eeepc-isa-000

Maybe the driver used to read the term somehow get rewritten or
needs to be replaced. Any ideas is welcomed.

But it show Thrm temp as 52 and that started the fan at a low repm.
so it do sense the environ maybe and not spu?

and another error crept up at same time too the hdd? is polled
once a second but nothing shows on Htop about that thing

what am I supposed to do apart from booting puppeee and trying
to restore what I did there? which I tried several time and fail at.

yes I tried to take out battery and power plug and so on.
did not help Yes I reinstalled CPUtmp too and I will now
test if it helps to start with a fresh puppeee44 and not use the old
save file. Maybe that move restore the sensor? Nope that did not work

I am out of imagination to what to do next. Can somebody help please!

Posted: Mon 21 Nov 2011, 11:08
by Dewbie
Nooby, don't forget to check that everything is properly ventilated; that you don't have any dirt or dust blockage.

Posted: Mon 21 Nov 2011, 11:10
by nooby
I am cruel when I bump this issue but I really need all the help
you can provide. Yes I have googled it.
Dewbie wrote:Nooby, don't forget to check that everything is properly ventilated; that you don't have any dirt or dust blockage.
That is a good advice but is not related to that CPU temp lost ability
to show what temp it is.

it did show the temp just a minute before the error did happen.

Posted: Mon 21 Nov 2011, 12:48
by Dewbie
This is what you just wrote in the other thread:
My CUPtemp goes up and up and up.

So I try to find the threads about CPU scaling.
CPU FREQUENCY SCALING 1.3-2 - Ondemand (dynamic) - GUI
Was not some of the Celeron problematic on such.
How does one know

My fan now run at 1420 rpm and that seems not enough to cool it
even in idle having no prog going.

Hardware only list that it is a Intel Celeron M processor for 900 MHZ
I may have the M 353
I've tested puppeee44 and Snowpuppy 5 and Slacko 53 on it and
all of them run too hot. I thought you were referring to the same problem in this one.

Posted: Mon 21 Nov 2011, 14:28
by Karl Godt
I am no expert for the acpi temperatures in /proc directory ,
IF the correct temperature driver is loaded , mostly the temperature values are in the /sys directory .

Code: Select all

find /sys -name "*input" -exec echo {} \; -exec cat {} \;
would show something like this :

I had two boards ( 1 amd athlon , 1 P4 ) , which both used the it87 temperature module .
The board i am running atm is an asus which uses the asb100 temperature module .
BOTH temp modules were not recognized automatically at boot , because the script that loads them ( /sbin/pup_event_backend_modprobe ) looks for the alias , which is mostly something like " platform:it87 " .
i have modified the script to something like

Code: Select all

if [ -z "$MODULE" ] ; then
grepPAT=${MODALIAS#*:} ## ${MODALIAS/*:/}
MODULES="`/sbin/modprobe --config /tmp/pup_event_skiplist.conf --show-depends $grepPAT 2>/dev/null | rev | cut -f 1 -d '/' | rev | sed 's/\.ko//g' | tr '-' '_'`"
MODULE="`echo "$MODULES" | tail -n 1 | sed 's/^[[:blank:]]*// ; s/[[:blank:]]*$//'`"
echo $$ 03.5 `$TIME` 'MODULE='"$MODULE" >> $LocalLOG
to get modules loaded with the alais reduced from " platform:asb100 " to " asb100 " , which works for now .

TO check out the drivers for temperature you could try

Code: Select all

modprobe -l | grep hwmon
which shows 97 drivers in my case .
To load these drivers

Code: Select all

for i in `modprobe -l | grep hwmon` ; do
insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/$i
sleep 2s

Posted: Mon 21 Nov 2011, 15:40
by nooby
Dewbie yes sorry if I sounded irritated. It is totally okay.

Karl Godt, thanks that is something I should test then.
Just now I have the computer unplugged but will connect
all the plugs in another place where I have less sound from
fan because the Asus eeepc 900 with 16GB SD card seems
to love to be hot.

see the attached picture
text says You must switch the power mode for changes to take effect.
and I have no idea what that text refers to. I have looked for a clue for hours.

I need to learn to activate that power saving 600 MHZ set up
but I have no idea where one do that. I did find the 600
but not where to change Power settings so it get activated.

Maybe it is something one write in terminal?

I have to search for instructions from Jemimah or others
in the forum. But what search word can find that one?
CPU scaling did not do it. maybe 600MHz?

nope many other posts came up but not any describing
where to find it or how to activate it.

text says You must switch the power mode for changes to take effect.
and I have no idea what that text refers to. I have looked for a clue for hours.

Posted: Mon 21 Nov 2011, 17:40
by nooby
I looked in the manual for one of the eeepc 900 a more modern model than mine and them don't explain it there either. Only how to do it in Ms Windows :)

And I am in puppeee so no luck there.

Posted: Mon 21 Nov 2011, 18:14
by rhadon
Hi nooby,

I think the text in your picture means that you need to change Power mode (in CPU window, switching for and back) to take effect in some cases.
Ex.: Your temp is 57°, you run in Powersave mode, suppress fan is unticked and fan runs with half speed. Now you tick the box, but nothing happens till you switch in CPU window to Performance mode and back.

This doesn't mean that Powersave mode run at every boot, and I don't know it's possible or not.

As I told you in another thread, I've never had this problems. Most of the time I use Performance mode and most of the time temperature is maybe 55°C - 65°C. I can't remember that it was ever higher than 75°C.

My fan runs very quitely, with ~1450rpm I have to put my ear on the set to hear the fan. Even with max. speed (~2600rpm) I don't feel disturbed.

IIRC I have read that there are big differences in the quality of used fans in this model. I also don't know it's easy to replace a fan or not.

I also don't know how to proof freq. in puppeee.

What was the max. temp you have had ???


Posted: Mon 21 Nov 2011, 18:58
by nooby
It has been on for some hours now. or is it only one hour.
I don't remember when I activated it. Maybe the log show time
when I started up?

xorg says that I changed it 17.50 something. So about 2 hours
and temp is 57 and slowly rising despite running fan.
would be nice to know it really did run at 600MHz
I ask harware if it knows such thinsg :) it says 900
but that could be what it is stamped to say?