Puppy cannot install autopackage files, bad checksums

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Brian C
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Puppy cannot install autopackage files, bad checksums

#1 Post by Brian C »

I have not yet been able to install an AutoPackage package in Puppy. I always get an error message telling me the checksums don't match up. Other distros, however, accept the packages just fine. What is different about Puppy?

Verifing archive integrity failed
Error in MD5 sums: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e is different from da96ee5ce54956d04e6fdd5527708741

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#2 Post by sunburnt »

Brian C; forgive my ignorance, but what is an AutoPackage? I've never heard of it before.
Puppy has DotPup & PupGet packages, is an AutoPackage some sort of alien (foreign) package?

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#3 Post by MU »

Abiword is by default packed as autopackage.
It is an selfextracting archive.

You need several tools:
tail must be the "real" one, not the busybox-version.
But even more things are required.

I gave that up, and downloaded a .tar.gz -file instead somewhere.

You also might try the debian-installer, I might release a beta soon, so it might be worse a try already.


Brian C
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#4 Post by Brian C »

Sunburnt: AutoPackage is an attempt at a universal Linux package installer. Similar to DotPup, Deb, and RPM, but the idea is that it would work accross all platforms. It often cam, but it seems that in the case of Puppy, there's still some work to do, though I don't know of it's AutoPackage or Puppy that's causing the incompatibility.

MU: Where can I get the "real" version of tail? I've tried downloading the .tar.gz files, but often wind up with some sort of configuation error. I'll give the DEB installer a go and see how it works.

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#5 Post by GuestToo »

autoPackage requires

1) bash, as opposed to Busybox's ash shell ... Puppy has bash now

2) many of the GnuUtils must be the real versions, the AutoPackage scripts were written so that Busybox's replacements will not work, like tail and md5sum

3) there may be other utility programs and libraries that AutoPackage requires and that Puppy does not have

in any case, AutoPackage, and the programs in the package, assume that each Linux distro is more-or-less complete, with all the libraries and utilities and programs (perl, python, etc, etc) that full and complete distros usually have

also, Puppy is not based on and is not a clone of the more common distros, like Debian or RedHat ... so it has different boot scripts ... a package that would modify the booting process would have to be made to work specifically with Puppy, just as the package has been created to work with Debian and RedHat

so, no, AutoPackage packages will not work with Puppy ... the closest thing to an AutoPackage package is a dotpup package ... dotpups should work properly with Puppy ... the reason that dotpup packages should work with Puppy is that the packages were specifically created for Puppy

and many debs and rpms will not work in Puppy either ... though many deb and rpm packages can be adapted to work with Puppy

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