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Introducing FOMpup [A good os still. now Discontinued]

Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2011, 00:04
by HiDeHo
Edit As the Origional base is built on Lupu525 and the lupu series is being fased out. i am in the process of redoing this Puplet built on a new Base.feel free to continue using the FOMpup below as it is a working os. Dont expect any updates etc to it. Edit

Infroducing Fishers Of Men Pup (Fishers Of Men Bible Study Pup) It is ready for testing. I would like to thank Chum_Bucket for all the work help and support to get this operating system out. and to all the regulars from the #puppylinux irc chat who have helped in small ways here and there. Thanks for being such a supportive team.

FOMpup-1.0‭ ‬Alpha the first official release.‭ click here, and thanks to TLM for a mirror click here as this is the alpha release any testing would be appreciated
FOMpup-1.0 Alpha 2 update from original click here (md5 = c1a7849190a9ecbce90a417fb7d9d74f) See below for changes

Fishers Of Men pup‭ (‬FOMpup‭) ‬is our operating system.‭ ‬A tool for fast and easy bible study,‭ ‬to be given away as a tract and it can also be used as a standalone operating system.‭ ‬Download the‭ ‬.iso.‭ ‬Then all you need is a cd or a usb flash-drive,‭ ‬and a computer that can boot from usb or/and cd.
FOMpup is built using Puppy Linux an already fast,‭ ‬stable and reliable operating system.‭ ‬The version that we used to build from was lupu-525‭ ‬and has been modified to make it more fast and efficient.‭ ‬Here are some of the changes we have applied.‭ ‬

FOMpup comes pre-installed with:‭
  • * American Standard HTML Bible‭ (‬runs in web browser so keeps size down‭)
    * link to e-sword online bible‭ (‬a very comprehensive set of bible tools‭)
    * an audio bible‭ (‬listen to the bible‭)
    * link to online study tools‭ (‬easy tools to aid in your bible study‭)
    * an interactive tract or‭ ‬2‭
    * list of local churches for New Zealand
    * Link to New Zealand Christian bookshop.‭ (‬find all you christian resources in one easy to use place‭)
Also includes these applications:
  • * Firefox:‭ ‬a decent web browser‭
    * Thunderbird:‭ ‬all in one email client‭
    * Pidgin:‭ ‬messenger client for all you messaging needs,‭ ‬MSN,‭ ‬ Google chat,‭ ‬irc,‭ ‬Facebook chat,‭ ‬etc‭
    * Mplayer:‭ ‬all in one multimedia player.‭
    * Pmusic:‭ ‬small simple music player.‭
    * Easy to set up Internet broadband or wireless device.‭ ‬Some Dialup devices
    * Abiword:‭ ‬simple Document creating.‭
Other Changes:
  • * A nice graphical grub boot
    * We have used a cut down version of xfce4.2‭ ‬which gives a clean fast user-friendly desktop.‭
    * Wbar‭ (‬bar at top with apps‭) ‬was used for easy access the most common applications.‭
    * Trimmed and cut down of unnecessary libraries.
    * Added nicer courser and fonts for a better look.
    * And many other changes that help to make FOMpup fast and efficient.‭
There are some great updates and things planned to come for this puplet so sit back and enjoy the work we have put in.‭

FOMpup-1.0 Alpha 2 Thanks again to Chum_bucket
Ok some fixes to problems reported from the initial test. Also found some leftover locale files so result is actually nearly 4MB smaller :)
  • * Restored Dejavu_sans as had lost some language font support using the full TTF set previously used.
    * Rolled back to Pidgin 2.7.10 as 2.8.0 was displaying chat users incorrectly.
    * Set 'Home' icon to rox and added defaultfilemanager file as is sometimes needed.
    * Pgprs was not is installed on demand but have left it in as only tiny.
    *Usbflash installer was broken as missing syslinux files... restored from the 5.2.8 instant update. This also provided the firewall launcher inadvertently left out previously and some minor updates.
  • * There was report that a save file was not being made at shutdown. I have failed to reproduce this so further investigation needed....a copy of /etc/rc.d/PUPSTATE might shed some light.
    * Also reported that a touch-pad needed manually setting up (tapping)...again to be investigated....any input on these matters is appreciated. Note I had to run Flsynclient and change tap time to >0 for it to work for me (similar to the xorg.conf approach). Also benefitted from a speed increase... ie the defaults are not that desirable it seems. Also if the synaptics specific driver fails to load tapping works by default.

Posted: Sun 13 Nov 2011, 00:25
by TLM
I am downloading now. Will try it out and post back. Thanks for this puplet.

Posted: Sun 13 Nov 2011, 02:29
by TLM
Downloaded and am posting from it now. Everything looks really good. I have always liked puplets with XFCE. I do prefer Thunar to ROX. I downloaded Thunar from the Puppy Package Manager and it runs ok with no missing dependencies. I know this is an alpha release, but i will pass along that Firefox 8 runs good as well. I noticed that this release has FF4. However you might see this link for some required fixes to FF8:

Another idea is you might change the xfce menu icon. The Just right click on the menu and choose properties, and from there you can assign a new image to the menu button. Something in keeping with the FOM theme might be nice. A fish symbol, dove, cross, etc.

This is really good for an alpha. More like Beta quality to me. Good work.

Posted: Sun 13 Nov 2011, 03:38
by TLM
I am mirroring this puplet here:

MD5 Checksum: EC89096C24E66B2D1936C0A12579063E

You can add this link to your first post if you wish. I will try to keep up with future releases of FOMpup and mirror them accordingly. Always glad to help support The Work.

Posted: Sun 13 Nov 2011, 09:33
by HiDeHo
TLM hi thanks for testing. the firefox 4 version i believe has been tweaked and optimised. and striped down to be faster.

Thanks for the mirror its been added above and on the website.

i personally have never seen how or why a mirror is needed, except that it might be fester to download if closer to one i guess.

Posted: Sun 13 Nov 2011, 11:06
by Ray MK
Hi HiDeHo

Very nice puppy - really like xfce.

Many thanks for sharing.

Very best regards - Ray

Posted: Sun 13 Nov 2011, 22:11
by HiDeHo
hi does anyone else find abiword cursor is out of sync with where the typing is. Would like to know if its just me, and if you find or know of a fix it would e great.


Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 17:02
by bignono1
Frugal on a Toshiba p4 3gb laptop.
most things worked ootb.
Touch pad needs setting up from /etc/x11/xorg.conf.
AbiWord no problems.
The home icon on the desktop will open ff.
No icons for network pgprs connect and pgprs setup.
If ff is opened via desktop icon then posting to this forum will give a not valid session message, ff needs to be opened from the wbar icon.
Language support is crapy not as most other puppies.

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 17:16
by Ray MK

Yes - abiword is not quite right - not sure why?

It might have something to do with GTK - it was modified shortly after
5.2.5 came out.

Busybox and a number of other items were upgraded too -
presumably leading to 5.2.8 and 5.2.8-002 - recently.

BK also made a Textmaker pet for Wary - that should work ok.

There are also a few OO-lite.sfs's around that should work too.

HTH - still a nice puppy - very best regards - Ray

Re: frugal

Posted: Tue 15 Nov 2011, 20:36
by HiDeHo
Thanks for testing bignono1
bignono1 wrote:Frugal on a Toshiba p4 3gb laptop. most things worked ootb.
thats good to hear
Touch pad needs setting up from /etc/x11/xorg.conf.
on my acer laptop touchpad works fine
AbiWord no problems.
weird that y is mine always messed up
The home icon on the desktop will open ff.
the home icon on desktop opens the home page for the os in firefox yes. should be regular firefox will look into it.
No icons for network pgprs connect and pgprs setup.
in wbar there is a icon called setup that has everthing needd there to setup puppy.
If ff is opened via desktop icon then posting to this forum will give a not valid session message, ff needs to be opened from the wbar icon
weird ff works normally from desktop icon or wbar for me here.
Language support is crapy not as most other puppies
what do you mean, can you please explain it further.

Posted: Wed 16 Nov 2011, 07:13
by bignono1
In most puppies when you open a web page that is having right to left languages like arabic and hebrew it will display with no problems but in fompup they are just squares.
Today i installed and tried booting from a usb stick but failed, i got a "no ui config. file" or something like that.

Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2011, 04:47
by HiDeHo
bignono1 wrote:In most puppies when you open a web page that is having right to left languages like arabic and hebrew it will display with no problems but in fompup they are just squares.
that may be due to trimming down firefox that was done. to make it faster and more efficient.
Today i installed and tried booting from a usb stick but failed, i got a "no ui config. file" or something like that.
how did you install puppy to the usb. there are several ways to do this. 1 the bootflash usb installer, 2 The universal installer 3 manually using syslinux, 4 an application like unetbootin .

Posted: Tue 03 Jan 2012, 23:01
by HiDeHo
Is anyone able to help with this os. seems like it cant progress without more help. its gone as far as it can go atm.

Posted: Thu 05 Jan 2012, 03:11
by TLM
HiDeHo wrote:Is anyone able to help with this os. seems like it cant progress without more help. its gone as far as it can go atm.
Please update a "todo" list and i will see if i can help any. Been very busy lately, but have some time now.

I recall you having problems with abiword. Would a libreoffice approach be acceptable? What else would you like to see out of FOMpup?

Posted: Sat 07 Jan 2012, 05:53
by TLM
Hello, would you be interested in trying out different base puplets for FOMpup? I think much could be done using a NOP base. Quirky NOP or Racy NOP might have better Abiword and touchpad results. Could keep all current icons, wallpapers, etc, so FOMpup would maintain the same appearance. Not trying to take over the project; just exploring some options. If you are interested, let me know and i will work up some test isos built on a NOP base.

Posted: Thu 02 Feb 2012, 04:06
by HiDeHo
TLM wrote:Hello, would you be interested in trying out different base puplets for FOMpup?
TLM wrote:I think much could be done using a NOP base. Quirky NOP or Racy NOP might have better Abiword and touchpad results.
I am all for a nop pup. take a look at cloud bible click here built on quirky nop and quite well done. cloud bible was where I got the inspiration for FOMpup.
TLM wrote:Could keep all current icons, wallpapers, etc, so FOMpup would maintain the same appearance.
That would be great
TLM wrote:Not trying to take over the project; just exploring some options. If you are interested, let me know and i will work up some test isos built on a NOP base.
Thanks first send me a message/email here in the forums and we can discus our ideas etc. :D

Posted: Fri 03 Feb 2012, 04:54
by TLM
Hello, I need a few days. I am finishing up another puppy derivative; almost there. You might give Racy NOP a try if you have not already. Or I can try a new build on a 525 lucid base and see whats what. I will post back when i have something.

Posted: Thu 09 Feb 2012, 14:57
by TLM
I have been looking at this puplet, how its put together, etc. This is the first puplet i have seen with grub on the live cd. How is this done? How to install grub on the live cd?

Posted: Mon 13 Feb 2012, 12:25
by HiDeHo
removed post not needed.

Posted: Wed 29 Feb 2012, 09:18
by Ray MK
Hi HiDeHo

racyNOPrc1 is outstanding and would make an excellent new base for FOM.

Another to look at and in many ways perferct for your requirements is Saluki.012.

HTH - very best regards - Ray