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romanian puppy linux project

Posted: Sun 06 Nov 2011, 13:56
by mszellner
Hello to all of you,
For more then a year I´ve been using Puppy and/or Wary to resuscitate older computers, but on relatively new computers as well.
I like very much the concept of puppy linux.
Allthough I´m not a programmer and I know verry little about programming, I´d like very much to have a romanian version of puppy, for various teenaged or middleaged people seeking for something else then mainstream software - especially legally free software.
A lot of my pupils like it as well (I´m working as a teacher in a high-school in Romania) and some of my friends within the Linux User Group in my home city.
What is the best to do in order to translate the menus and the context menus into Romanian? With my freinds we allready decided a name for the new puplet: "Cutzu-Linux" which means puppy in romanian slang.
Since there is allready a Lucid version of Puppy going on, is there a possibility to use Ubuntu repositories to create a romanian version? There allready Kiwi-Linux is the romanian Ubuntu project.
Could you please help me with some advice?

Posted: Sun 06 Nov 2011, 13:59
by nooby
You should look for the Localization project that Shinobar have.
More than hundred languages most likely.
look here Multilingual support on Puppy Linux 4.x/5.x

Posted: Sun 06 Nov 2011, 14:06
by Lobster

Puppy l10n.

Posted: Sun 06 Nov 2011, 14:32
by rodin.s
Important information to start is here. I the first post.
You could start from translating Puppy-desktop and menu.
Or you could create a lang-pack for Multilingual Wary and take some other lang-pack as an example.