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Could SNOPES virus affect Puppy Linux (2011-10-29)

Posted: Sat 29 Oct 2011, 15:26
by gcmartin
I've recieved this alert sent to me. I thought about it before sharing it in this thread.
Hi All,

I checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearing up for this virus!

I checked Snopes, and it is for real. Get this E-mail message sent around to your contacts ASAP.

You should be alert during the next few days. Do not open any message with an attachment entitled POSTCARD FROM HALLMARK, regardless
of who sent it to you. It is a virus which opens A POSTCARD IMAGE, which 'burns' the whole hard disc C of your computer.

This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list. This is the reason why you need to
send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it.

If you receive a mail called' POSTCARD,' even though sent to you by a friend, do not open it! Shut down your computer immediately. This is
the worst virus announced by CNN.

It has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no
repair yet for this kind of virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept.
If you know something about this, share it. And, should anyone see something that happens personally, please share that too.

hope this helps

Posted: Sat 29 Oct 2011, 15:58
by pemasu ... _virus.htm

We have called these as norwegian viruses in Finland a long time.

No scandinavian neighbor argument in above link. Not purposed, at least :D

Posted: Sat 29 Oct 2011, 16:00
by Master_wrong ... _virus.htm

its hoax, but there some virus which actually sent via email automatically, when i still use window got this kind of email, it has attachment (i think its .doc files) when opened did nothing but alter your browser... startup pages, setting, and you cannot change the setting when you got the virus. also windows computer get very slow so it is nasty virus.

btw at that time i still use internet explorer. and i dont think linux can get this virus.
the virus most likely vb script or script which attack windows computer only

Posted: Sat 29 Oct 2011, 16:58
by nooby
I trust it is a hoax a real warning would not include that one
should send to everybody one know. That is their way to create

If that person really cared for you he would warn you and not
make such requirement or demands that you now send out to
all on the list. That is typical of a hoax indeed.

Still there are virus out there that are very nasty.

If Puppy is vulnerable or not is for us to find out.

Unfortunately I am lacking the know how and I am way too lazy.

Ask Flash he knows me report Spam to him but I only give the first
link and force him to search for all the others. That is rude of me. :)

Posted: Sat 29 Oct 2011, 17:53
by nooby
I have no idea how iportant this is but the figurs are staggering?
Amazing, Bewildering? Enormous?

I try to translate from Swedish.

Each day there are 600 000 attempts to take over your Face Book account. You are not alone to have been affected if that is what have
happened to you.

Very rough not a correct translation. So okay that is if one are on FB
maybe it is less vulnerable to be on Puppy forum I hope. :)

Posted: Sun 30 Oct 2011, 23:43
by Makoto
Heh, just because it 'references' Snopes, doesn't mean it's necessarily true. :) It basically falls under this hoax, and this.

Just for the sake of argument, here's Snopes' pages on viruses ("hoaxes and realities") and Facebook 'issues.'

Keep in mind, though, that it's been easy for people to say that some expert out there (Microsoft, virus experts, reputable company/website, etc.) claims that whatever virus they're warning about is real and experts agree, it'll damage your computer hardware beyond repair...

Posted: Mon 31 Oct 2011, 03:47
by Lobster
Each day there are 600 000 attempts to take over your Face Book account.
:oops: . . . these are the only friends I have :oops:

Facebook = virtually useless
It is a mind virus
(yes you can get infected - and not even know it)
extracts and sells info

Posted: Mon 31 Oct 2011, 05:07
by Makoto
...It's just a rather successful effort to create hordes of zombie Farmville players, that's all. (runs away :mrgreen: )

Posted: Mon 31 Oct 2011, 07:53
by nooby
We should all run away from FB :) Wow that love to sell our info.
Police department here tells of numerous instances when rich people
have told their friends of going abroad on a trip and when them come
home their home has been raided in their absence. The criminals reading
about them leaving the house with all the worthy things still there easy knowledge to gain by pretending to be a friendl of a friend on the internet.

One poor girl wanting to be a Glamour model she got ten imposters claiming to be the real her on FB. Did FB care at all. only after the biggest Tabloid pestering them for long time exposing their bad behavior.

So if there are ten Nooby on FB that is not me them just pretend to be me :)

Facebook alternative

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 16:53
by gortonc
I am not a facebook fan, but if you like that sort of thing you should check out Diaspora. It is in alpha at the moment but is quite serviceable. As I understand it is an open source project with a distributed architecture that preserves your privacy and ownership of your data.

Let me know what you think.


Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 17:03
by nooby
I have linked to it at least two times already so maybe it works now
when you mention them. I guess me being a noob them don't trust
my naive advices.

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 21:23
by Aitch


Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 00:15
by gortonc
Wow - thanks aitch! I forgot that it was through reading that link that I first learned of Diaspora. I have been following it since then out of curiosity. I signed up on their mailing list and just last week got an invite. They are currently in alpha and sound ready to go beta very soon. It is quite usable as far as I can see at this point. If you don't already have one, send me a pm with an email I can use to send you an invite - you too nooby.


PS I'm not real clear on social networks or forum, but I think this is probably getting off topic. As a result I will also post on the link aitch indicated. If that is not the proper thing to do please let me know ;-)