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[OLD]mtpaint 3.44.03 - March 2012

Posted: Thu 01 Sep 2011, 21:39
by don570
New version mtpaint 3.44.03 - March 2012

EDIT : newest version 3.44.13 is HERE

EDIT: New handbook is available here as a pet package

Note: This version works properly on a wide variety of Puppies
however DO NOT use it on Lighthouse 503
because of an incompatibility with libjpeg
nor on Scottman's Akita which uses it's own version.

I compiled mtpaint using puppy431. I didn't include any icons because most
puppies have the mini-palette icon already installed

Code: Select all

./configure  prefix=/usr  release intl
Tips on printing from mtpaint HERE

Posted: Sat 03 Sep 2011, 16:06
by sc0ttman
Does this one require jasper? **EDIT: yes it does...

Posted: Sun 25 Sep 2011, 14:28
by Karl Godt
Dear don !

Until now I had not been able to save layered pictures either with 3.34.64 and 3.34.69 .

It seems to be a bug in the code , that makes mtpaint freeze wihle saving and has to be killed .

I compiled it , too , with different options , and tried yours , but no ^fun^ .

I am running racy and the mtpaint 3.34.33 from lhpup443 works OK saving layers , also on racy .
So it is no lib or missing pnmtoXXX problem .

Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2011, 10:44
by wjaguar
Karl Godt wrote:Until now I had not been able to save layered pictures either with 3.34.64 and 3.34.69 .
It seems to be a bug in the code , that makes mtpaint freeze wihle saving and has to be killed .
Given that I have been able to save them perfectly well, using the same version - there should be something idiosyncratic in what you do, to trigger a bug which doesn't get triggered on my system.

And sending me a test case and a description of what you do to trigger the problem, would help with solving it much better, than even a hundred uninformative forum posts. ;-)

-= With best regards, Dmitry Groshev, maintainer of mtPaint =-

Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2011, 21:46
by don570
In the two years that I have been using mtpaint
I haven't had a single case of it crashing or freezing :lol:

'Layers' are difficult to use and understand .

I can only suggest that maybe you have installed
some incompatible scanner or printer driver
that has a rare bug in it.

You should send an email with a step by step example
to Dmitri. List for him any drivers that you
have installed in Puppy from the Forum.


Posted: Wed 28 Sep 2011, 16:42
by Karl Godt
I will do that after I had managed to setup the email functions on my desktop pc .

Perhaps the words "layered pictures" are confusing ; I should have said "Save Composite Image" .

I used to drag and drop the pictures into mtpaint , moved the layers , cut the black 'background' and clicked 'Save Composite Image ...' .

For whatever course it does not work on the one or other mtpaint , but it works for example in version 3.34.55 . I searched the forum for mtpaint and you are the only one , that actually compiles mtpaint for Puppy . mtpaint is quick to compile , but it took you some time to figure out the compile options , that worked best , I guess . Many thanks for that , don .

I am still trying every mtpaint I could get from this forum , and for now the 3.34.55 version , that you posted in the dpup thread of iguleder seems to work best !
You had posted a download link to and I must have had downloaded it from there and saved and found it in backup folders .

At the moment I have the 55,59,64,67,69 subversions to experiment with , and will experiment with them further .

The support of DOTsvg files seems to appeared later than version 3.34.33 , so it is really a pleasure to work with the newer mtpaint .

With best regards , Karl Reimer Godt

Posted: Thu 29 Sep 2011, 00:12
by don570
To Karl:

Now that you mention the word 'composite'
I remember that I've had lots of trouble with
saving to composite too.

I should study the problem more to help Dmitri.

When I have a background and one layer on top
it works reasonably well and that is how I use mtpaint,
since I don't do animations.

The transparency works in this case so I'm satisfied :lol:

..but when there are a lot of layers I find it hard to
under stand how transparency is handled. If I have time
I should test it more and report to Dmitri.


Save to composite in mtpaint

Posted: Mon 03 Oct 2011, 23:40
by don570
Save to composite worked fine when I tested it.

I kept the transparency number equal to '0' in all

That makes black the transparent color.

Then save the composite image.
However black will now be in the background in the saved picture.

If you want that black to be transparent, you must open
the composite picture again with mtpaint and
save it with '0' as the transparent color
( this is set in save dialog).

A grey checkerboard pattern is used to show transparent areas.
This is the standard in graphic editors.

This is how most people will use the layers feature
and it works fine.


Posted: Wed 05 Oct 2011, 00:39
by don570
Here are two pictures to show how to use layers with
black as the transparent color.

Red is drawn on the background layer.
Green is layer one
and purple is layer two.
Then save as composite


Now reopen and save with black as transparent

If opened in mtpaint the transparent area would be
a grey checkerboard pattern.

Posted: Wed 05 Oct 2011, 19:20
by wjaguar
don570 wrote:Then save as composite
Now reopen and save with black as transparent
Another way is to use "Composite to a new layer", then set the transparent colour for that layer, and save it.

New version 3.34.74 available.

Posted: Thu 27 Oct 2011, 21:52
by don570
New version 3.34.74 available.

Works well for me. Dmitri says
that version 4.0 will have some great new features.
I can hardly wait. :lol:


version 3.34.57 available

Posted: Thu 03 Nov 2011, 00:01
by don570
version 3.34.75 available - a very minor update

new version 3.34.78 available

Posted: Thu 10 Nov 2011, 23:36
by don570
new version 3.34.78 available

-It looks like Dmitri is fiddling around with the fonts.


Posted: Wed 28 Dec 2011, 10:07
by charlie6
Hi don,
Here (slacko 5.3 + xf86-input-wacom-0.11.1 driver) , the wacom tablet won't work 100% with versions 3.34.78 and 75: no problem with 3.34.63.

Maybe it could be a wacom driver problem (compiled for slacko ... see pizzasgood's post "How to set up a wacom tablet" (I'm using xf86-input-wacom-0.11.1 driver) - if so it wouldn't work with 3.34.63 neither ... !

Here is what happens:
In other applications than mtpaint where the stylus is used as a mouse, (Gimp not tested), no problem.
When using mtpaint version 75 and 78:
1. before any setting of the tablet parameters, the stylus do not respond inside menu/Image/Preferences/ <General/Interface/ <-------> /Tablet>: the <General/Interface/ <-------> /Tablet> thumbnails cannot be selected neither with the stylus or even with ... the PS/2 wire-mouse !! ; no possibility to draw anything either; whereas using the wire-mouse for drawing lines works;

2. the selection of the the <General/Interface/ <-------> /Tablet> thumbnails with the PS/2 wire-mouse does not even works inside
menu/Image/Preferences/ <General/Interface/ <-------> /Tablet>;
the selection of those thumbnails only works with the move up/down/right/left keyboard arrow keys.
Once used this keyboard-keys-input-manner for setting the tablet parameters (select stylus; screen; check size, flow, opacity; apply and ok) the stylus can be used for drawing lines etc...and pressure sensitivity as well !

3. when all these settings are done, further settings of the tablet again have to be done as in point 2. above.

Happy New Year !

Posted: Wed 28 Dec 2011, 19:57
by wjaguar
charlie6 wrote: Here (slacko 5.3 + xf86-input-wacom-0.11.1 driver) , the wacom tablet won't work 100% with versions 3.34.78 and 75: no problem with 3.34.63.
Thing is, all the tablet-related code hadn't been touched since long before that. So the only cause for the difference in behaviour between the versions 3.34.63 and 3.34.7x should be the different compilation options and/or build environment.

Another thing, mtPaint could not do anything to stop mouse from acting as mouse, even if tried. So, whatever happened, it is some breakage on the GTK+ level (which happen far too frequently these days). Which version of GTK+ it is?

And once the tablet is properly configured, does the problem recur in next mtPaint sessions, or not? If it does, please send me mtPaint's inifile (/root/.mtpaint) so that I could see what tablet config options are used.

-= With best regards, Dmitry Groshev, maintainer of mtPaint =-

Posted: Fri 30 Dec 2011, 16:57
by don570
Charlie wrote:Here (slacko 5.3 + xf86-input-wacom-0.11.1 driver) , the wacom tablet won't work 100%
with versions 3.34.78 and 75: no problem with 3.34.63.

To Charlie...
I did what you suggested and put wacom .drv files in my wacom pets
and this made the my slacko wacom version work. I got the file from your package.
Where did you get the wacom .drv file?

I haven't had any problems with mtpaint 3.34.78. You have a different
tablet than mine. Is it serial rather than USB? That might
explain the problem, since to the wacom engineers serial tablets
are dead technology so they probably don't do enough testing
of their source package.

I'm doing some mtpaint tutorials recently and mtpaint 3.34.78
has been working fine.

You should try compiling it yourself with the 'default' configuration.
You can try the latest Exprimo which has mtpaint 3.34.78 inside ... o5X103SMP/

I appreciate your reports.

New version of mtpaint 3.40

Posted: Tue 03 Jan 2012, 20:10
by don570
Availalble at first post- New version of mtpaint 3.40

It works well with wacom Bamboo tablet.

I haven't found any bugs and it works on wide number of
Puppies including slacko and Lucid puppy.

But avoid using it on Lighthouse 503 by Tazoc

It was compiled on Lighthouse 443

Posted: Wed 04 Jan 2012, 15:41
by musher0
Many thanks for this new version! And Happy New Year!

New handbook for mtpaint 3.40

Posted: Tue 24 Jan 2012, 19:30
by don570
New handbook for 3.40 is available here as a pet package.
I have corrected the pinstall script so
that there is a warning to not install with mtpaint running.


I looked at the the manual and it has been changed quite a bit.
I need to sit down and read it again.
But arrowheads still aren't explained very well. :cry: ... hap_B.html

Here's what was changed.

Code: Select all

December 2011 - Edition 3.40 (by Dmitry Groshev)

Updates to sections 3.2.7, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.8, 3.5.4, 3.5.6, 3.5.7, 4, 4.1, 5.3, 5.6, 6.5, 6.6.5, 7.1, 7.1.1, 9, 9.1, 9.3.3, A.4.1, A.5, A.6.3, A.6.4, A.7.
Rewrite of sections 4.1, A.1.
Sections 2.4.5, 3.3.9, 3.3.10, 5.7, 6.10, 6.10.1 added.
Sections A.1.1, A.1.2 removed.

Posted: Thu 26 Jan 2012, 14:29
by stu90
Portable application of mtpaint 3.40 for testing - no installation needed, after download just make the file executable and click on it to run.

(please do not try to strip this file as it is not the correct file type for this operation)