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mac-3.99-u4-b5 (32 & 64bit)

Posted: Wed 17 Aug 2011, 02:16
by plinej

Code: Select all

--- Monkey's Audio Console Front End (v 3.99) (c) Matthew T. Ashland ---
Proper Usage: [Input File] [Output File] [Mode]

    Compress (fast): '-c1000'
    Compress (normal): '-c2000'
    Compress (high): '-c3000'
    Compress (extra high): '-c4000'
    Compress (insane): '-c5000'
    Decompress: '-d'
    Verify: '-v'
    Convert: '-nXXXX'

    Compress: mac "Metallica - One.wav" "Metallica - One.ape" -c2000
    Decompress: mac "Metallica - One.ape" "Metallica - One.wav" -d
    Verify: mac "Metallica - One.ape" -v
    (note: int filenames must be put inside of quotations)
I added the modified source code which includes the example program apeinfo. I had to change the beginning of some lines from "char" to "const char" to get mac to compile.

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 02:21
by plinej
added a 64bit version