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Re: (issue solved) Is it possible too use an USB keyboard/mouse?

Posted: Wed 10 Oct 2012, 20:19
by computeraudio
Hi Idolse,

Some feedback on USB keyboard/mouse not working after MPDPUP boots.

I used the Logitec cordless Desktop EX110 keyboard/mouse combination. ... combos/154
It works when my Gigabyte mobo GA-HA65M-UD3H boots.
When I press DEL during boot up, I can edit the mobo BIOS with it.
But when booting into MPDPUP the Logitec cordless Desktop EX110 keyboard/mouse combination does not work any longer.

I use a Logitec K260 cordless keyboard/mouse combination on my desktop.
When I use this K260 cordless keyboard/mouse combination with MPDPUP everything works fine.

So it’s the Logitec Cordless Desktop EX110 keyboard/mouse combination that causes this trouble.
Although I only connect it with the USB connector too the USB socket (not using the PS/2 connector) it might have something too do with the split USB \PS/2 connection cable it uses.


Posted: Sat 13 Oct 2012, 07:56
by ldolse
Hi computeraudio, Glad to hear you found the culprit and have it working well. I'll keep in mind this scenario next time I'm digging into how the keyboard drivers are handled, not sure if what you saw is a general Linux issue or related to the way mpdPup stores its' drivers.

At last mpdpup working !

Posted: Sat 13 Oct 2012, 14:52
by Jean-Louis P
Hi Idolse

After a little break with Windows and Puppy Slacko to confirm my WaveIO and Laptop were working, and following carefully your trouble shooting instructions, I got my mpdpup up as well as remote with mPod. The CLI clients are really not user friendly, its the least one can say.

Just for the fun, last problem I stupidly encountered this morning was ... my DAC not powered :evil: . At a certain moment you get nervous to have all the Linux stuff working and are not careful enough !

Next steps :
- finish the PSU for my WaveIO USB SPDIF converter which works very well btw
- understand why my Laptop is so audibly noisy when recharging and if possible fix it.

Thanks very much for your help.

Posted: Sat 13 Oct 2012, 22:57
by ldolse
Hi Jean-Luis, Glad to hear you got it working - rest assured I've taken your experiences to heart and will be doing my best to see that future users can avoid those particular pitfalls.

Regarding the CLI clients, if you stick with Linux you may find that they grow on you. I didn't use any CLI clients when I first started working on this project, and only included them for completeness and to recognize the work of other developers in the MPD community. I now find that my main go-to clients are the most minimal, albumbler and mpc. If I'm home and listening to music I will generally have an ssh session going to switch up music quickly.

If I just want a random album I just type 'albumbler' at the CLI. (I also have it tied to a hardware remote) If I want a specific selection I go with mpc. For example a single cli line can clear the playlist and queue up a new album:

Code: Select all

mpc clear && mpc search album albumname | mpc add && mpc play
It's not the shortest line in the world, but I often find it more convenient than going to an iOS device.


Posted: Sun 28 Oct 2012, 03:10
by aljordan

I am trying to get a working version of Brutefir on MPDPup. I've compiled and installed libfftw, and installed the Jack package for puppy, but I get a compilation error during the Brutefir compilation in bfio_jack.c.

Has anyone successfully compiled or installed Brutefir on MPDPup?


By the way, MPDPup was the quickest Linux install, and quickest manner of configuring MPD I've ever been through. Thanks for the good work.

Posted: Sun 28 Oct 2012, 03:48
by ldolse
Thanks, glad to hear the install went well.

bfio_jack.c appears to be related to JACK, which isn't part of mpdPup, so I think that error would be expected. Does the Brutefir configure script allow you to disable it? Worst case you could install JACK, but I think it would probably be better to use mpd to pipe directly to Brutefir.

Posted: Sun 28 Oct 2012, 13:51
by aljordan
Hi ldolse,

I had installed a version of Jack I found in pet package format, but since Brutefir hasn't been updated in a few years it might be looking for the older Jack library. Nevertheless, I commented out the related Jack line in the Makefile and it compiled ok.

I am new to Puppy so am just starting to read how the packaging works. I see that one can use "compatible distro, which currently can be Slackware, Debian, Ubuntu, Arch or T2". Do you think a prebuilt version of Brutefir from one of these other distros might work in MPDPup?


Posted: Sun 28 Oct 2012, 14:25
by ldolse
Yeah, Puppy can be built from the binaries of a variety of distros. mpdPup specifically is built from Debian Squeeze, and in general Squeeze packages should work from a binary perspective, although on rare occasions the various config files and extras may wind up in the wrong place.

I'm not sure if you're running on hardware that's capable of running X, Puppy has a graphical package manager built in, no CLI options though. The package manager is configured to use the Squeeze repositories by default, but in it's stock state nothing is populated and it's not particularly intuitive about how to get it working. At some point I'll write up a proper article on using it, but here are the basics:
  • launch the Puppy Package Manager (right-click menu or 'ppm' from rxvt/terminal)
  • Click 'configure package manager'
  • Click 'Update Now'
  • Follow the various prompts at the terminal(s) that pop up and let it download the databases/do it's thing (this will take a little while)
  • Click 'OK' to close that window once it's done, then close and re-start the Package Manager
  • When it comes back up it will still be empty, but now there will be multiple 'repo' options across the top of the Window. Choose the various Debian options to browse those repositories.
  • Use the radios on the left to browse categories, or just use the search box on the lower left to find your package.
  • Single click on the package name to bring up an install window, follow the instructions
I'm pretty sure it doesn't take care of dependencies automatically, you may need to install multiple packages, you can find the dependencies through trial and error or by using the Squeeze package reference site.

Posted: Sun 28 Oct 2012, 15:09
by aljordan
Thanks for the package manager information, that will be helpful.

By the way, I had installed the wrong jack package. When I installed the package with the dev libraries, Brutefir compiled without problems.

Regarding running MPD -> Brutefir with pipe instead of Jack, it is much more difficult to get pipe output to work with Brutefir than using a Jack output to Brutefir. Also, the pipe output to Brutefir will strip off the ending of the last song in the playlist equivalent to whatever delay Brutefir has to run with (which depends on the size of your filters).

I also noted the following post by an MPD developer regarding why the pipe output is not enabled by default in MPD builds: "It is off by default because it is a hack, which does not match our quality standards. If users think that it should be turned on by default, then why not, but I'm not comfortable with supporting this plugin." So I guess Jack output is still preferable for Brutefir.

One more question... It seems most puppy builds do not support Firewire output. Do you have any plans to include Firewire in MPDPup?


Posted: Sun 28 Oct 2012, 17:01
by ldolse
Thanks for the info regarding Pipe, I hadn't personally tried it, just saw it mentioned on a number of boards - I might disable it in future mpd builds if it's basically broken. Does using Brutefir as an ALSA plugin have similar issues (assuming it's an option)? That's the method a few users have tried with Sox, more info several pages back in the thread.

Regarding Firewire, I've been supporting whatever is in the kernel, if there is a specific kernel module for Firewire Audio that is maintained outside the main kernel just point me to the source code and I'll look into adding it. I don't have any Firewire DACs so I wasn't aware.

Posted: Wed 31 Oct 2012, 10:20
by audiosm
Previously I had a problem with mpdpup not detecting my WaveIO usb interface on mpdpup power up.
This is now solved , it turned out to be very easy . The problem was solved by a bit of trial and error and almost no understanding – after looking on the waveIO forum a clue was seen, there was talk of using lsusb command to look at the usb bus.

This resulted in a list with the waveIO shown as ID 20a0 listed last as seen by testing with and without it connected . Simply re- locating the WaveIO with respect to the USB boot stick moved the waveIO to second last in the list and mpdpup auto detects it every time on start-up. The result of lsusb is now as below
There are only two items using the 3 USB ports on the PC. The last listed below is the USB boot stick. I have no idea what the others are with the same ID. Does this mean other items are sharing the usb bus ?

# lsusb
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001
Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 20a0:4143
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0204:6025

Happy that problem is solved, if it happens to others, just try re-positioning the waveIO on the USB ports . I tried too long before this was found .

Posted: Sat 03 Nov 2012, 18:32
by acvtre
Hi, really glad that someone as created such an easy linux hifi dstribution, many compliments.

I've just installed mpdPup on virtualbox, but I've found some problems.
I've configured a static IP, but MPDroid, on my smartphone, cannot connect to it and secondly, Puppy hasn't recognized the hdds connectd via sata port.

Do you think that these problems are caused by virtualbox?

Normally I use a dedicated music pc with a pci soundcard and an hdd connected via usb. Do you think this setup could have any problem?

Thanks, and many compliments again.

Posted: Sat 03 Nov 2012, 18:48
by ldolse
I've never tried using Virtualbox. I use VMWare fusion for most of my development, but I use real hardware for normal use. If Virtualbox is anything like VMWare you need to make sure you're in bridged mode vs. NAT'd mode, otherwise all your virtual machines will be hidden from the rest of the network - that would explain the Android problem.

No idea on the SATA problem, but since that's such a basic thing I would think it also relates to Virtualbox.

Lastly audio is quality is degredated pretty heavily by the numbers of abstractions the VM environment puts between mpd and the actual hardware.

A dedicated PC with a PCI soundcard should be ok, the only thing is if your music is on a USB drive then I don't recommend using a USB stick for booting from the same bus, as the drive enumeration can vary each time the system reboots. Better to boot from SATA for the OS and keep USB just for the audio library.

Posted: Tue 06 Nov 2012, 19:05
by ldolse
I'm pleased to announce that I've finally wrapped up a new release. Posted on the Puppy Linux boards here. A lot of the changes are based on the trials and tribulations of the many users who have taken mpdPup for a spin, thanks for all your testing and feedback!

Some highlights:
  • Lots of newbie proofing, enhanced wizards, new drivers
  • easy access to advanced mpd/alsa/driver tweaks for audiophiles
  • Optional inclusion of GMPC and various Web GUIs for users who want a built in user interface and are less concerned with minimal functions. These are disabled by default to keep the hardcore people happy.
  • Updated versions of MPD and many clients/codecs
And a lot more - check the new thread below for a more complete changelog; this thread has gotten a little long in the tooth, time for a fresh start.

Go here: