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Steps to fill out forms

Posted: Fri 10 Jun 2011, 13:26
by oui

I will try to fill out forms using the Puppy's usual program set (not like here where I did have to use VLC instead of the usual player of the prefered Puppy version) if possible.

There are probably Xscane and/or Mtpaint, and Abiword or Gnumeric.

I want to keep apart two cases:

- the paper forms is coming to me completely finish (questionnaire of the financial authority etc. ) and I will scan it

- the paper form don't exist yet, and I have to prepare it (a simple example only, so I would propose an registration's form of school children on an excursion with names, class, wished excursions day, actual date)

Did some one already realize that? If yes, would he be so kind to help to describe step by step how to do it to make it easy to fill out on the prepared paper graphical background?

Kind regards

Posted: Fri 10 Jun 2011, 14:12
by Flash
You want to know how to create a blank form that will be printed?