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NaNoWriMo Linux

Posted: Thu 16 Jun 2005, 14:06
by Mathiasdm
*A first version is under construction:
-Maximum size 60 Mb
-Limited menu options (to concentrate mostly on writing)
-No games (This could be either a good or a bad decision. In the future, a version with games (definitely including GNUchess) will be released as well).

-provide a full work environment in which it's possible to write a book without being diverted too much
-provide a stable operating system, so users do not have to worry about crashes
-use an operating system that is not/less prone to viruses (Linux)
-provide a way to turn an old, otherwise useless computer into a work environment
Puppy Linux provides the last three (and part of the first one). I'm going to try and provide the first one.
I don't want too much menu options (those will just distract from writing).
I also want to make sure the environment is as comfortable as possible for any writers. Puppy Linux is a comfortable environment, but still... I'm going to edit it a bit ;-)

There you go, that's the mission statement. I know, it doesn't mean much (especially if there's not even a version available for download), but it's a start!
(Also, if I tell people about the project, I'll feel more obliged to actually do it ;-) )

If you happen to be interested in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), just check out their website. Last year, over 40 000 writers tried to write a book in November. NaNoWriMo Linux aims to be of use for the people that participate this year.

Posted: Thu 16 Jun 2005, 14:33
by Flash
Have you considered something like multisession Puppy? Saving the novel-in-progress on the CD instead of a hard drive might make it possible to use even more old computers: obsolete ones with bad hard drives.

Good luck with your project. :)

Posted: Thu 16 Jun 2005, 15:06
by Mathiasdm
I've thought about it, but decided not to go with a multisession CD (at least not for now).
A lot of old computers don't have CD writers, so that would be a problem. Also, if I understood correctly (haven't looked into this matter yet), it's possible to save the pup001 file to USB. In other words, no hard drive would be necessary.

Perhaps in the future ;-) I'll first see if there's enough demand for a regular CD.

Thanks for your encouragement! :-)

Posted: Thu 16 Jun 2005, 16:53
by EarlSmith
Many older computers like laptops don't have usb support either. I do a good deal of writing on an older laptop...hp800ct with 80mb ram,4gb hd. It does not support usb but is still very useful. When in the field I use floppies but at home I download my files to my network computer. It was hard enough getting Puppy on it and working on the hd. I am running 0.9.9 mozilla and Abiword. When I am in a motel room with internet connection, I also send copies to my home computer by email.

Posted: Thu 16 Jun 2005, 16:59
by Mathiasdm
Mmm... Well, I guess I'll need to have a close look at the Puppy Media Utility Tool, so nobody will have problems with using floppies (For this project, I'm assuming most users will not have a lot of computer knowledge.)