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Cloud Puppy - 1.0

Posted: Fri 06 May 2011, 23:11
by sszindian
Cloud Puppy-1.0

First off let me explain something... 'I Am NOT A Programmer.' I am what you might call a 'tinker' as I guess I know just enough to either Get Me In, or Kinda Keep Me Out of trouble when I built this Puppy. It was made taking bits and pieces of various already developed Puppy versions along with some help from a Forum member and slowly, very slowly, piecing everything together. There were more than a few times I almost 'scratched the project' believing it was far beyond my knowledge but each time I would remember just why I started it in the first place... 'Puppy Really Needs This Program So That Maybe More Knowledgeable Puppy Programmers Can Build A Better Version Once They See The Simplicity Of It.' So.... you will have to be satisfied with what you get here... I hope you will not be disappointed... And So Be It!

Cloud Puppy is based on 5.1 puppy... and although an earlier version, video such as on Youtube seems to be more in sync (video & audio) than some of the newer puppy versions I have and, you can get a FULL SCREEN OPTION which again, some of the newer versions don't do, I found this especially true on a few older computers I own. I have tested on PII Pentium w/100MB RAM and on IBM T22 Notebook w/512MB RAM... how it will perform on others, you will have to test and see and report back in the Forum.

If you find fixes for anything, be sure to let others know in the Forum and... Details On How You Did It! But remember... This is Cloud if you need certain programs on the computer itself, there are plenty of other Full-Version Puppy distro's here in the Forum for that purpose.

I would also like to thank smoky01 for providing the download site for Cloud Puppy!

Download Link:


For those of you looking for a way to Cloud computing using your present Puppy... Go get the .pet here:

What in the world is Cloud Puppy?

Cloud Puppy is no more than a simple means of accessing the Internet to use programs and storage space on someone else's computer, somewhere in the world and Cloud Puppy provides a very simple and safe way of doing just that.

For the skeptics of Cloud Computing, if you use Gmail, Facebook, Youtube or many of the more popular programs like online games, music, TV programs that are available on the Internet, you've been Cloud Computing right along and didn't even realize it!

What does Cloud Puppy provide that other Puppy distro's don't... 'Nothing... Except the way you do it'... you can Cloud Compute with any web browser and Internet provider. Where Cloud Puppy is slightly different:

1. Cloud Puppy uses the browser named 'IRON' it's a browser that does not track your IP address or gather any information about you to give (or sell) to others.

2: Cloud Puppy comes with the search engine named 'IQUICK' already installed as default. It's a search engine that adheres to the same standards as the IRON browser and is one of best so far for online security. You will appreciate this especially if you do online-banking.

Why do I need Cloud Computing? You don't unless you like simplicity, up-to-date programs to use with the latest technologies... without the hassle of constantly up-dating your software programs, then trying to get programs to work properly, loosing information (poof... gone forever) with hard drive failure or disk corruption, installing a new operating system every few months (programs on the Cloud update automatically plus, THEY maintain the SECURITY issues) and on and on! And with Cloud... if a certain cloud program doesn't work on your particular computer, you can simply find another one that does without totally upgrading your whole system. The advantages of using Cloud, far out-weigh the disadvantages. Complete cities like Los Angeles CA, Orlando FL, Washington DC, and many, many, large businesses and governments are turning at a very rapid pace to Cloud Computing.

There are just so many advantages to Cloud Computing over trying to maintain your own personal computer's system of programs, once you adjust to doing things slightly different than you are used to, you'll wonder why you didn't get into it sooner!

And... when you find that perfect program that you feel other Puppy Cloud users would appreciate, be sure to post them in the Forum here. 'Thank You'

There are many applications in the 'MORE APPS' section of Cloud Puppy that can be installed but, the way this Puppy is put together, it uses many symlinks which can be broken if you don't know what you're doing so just 'BE CAREFUL' maybe even try various things without the hard drive hooked up, just tinker when using the CD/DVD. Regular users should not encounter problems (?) Be Save, Press The 'F2" and Type 'puppy pfix=ram' On First Boot. After You Create A Save File For Cloud Puppy On First Boot You Shouldn't Encounter Any Problems!

'Have Fun'

Posted: Fri 06 May 2011, 23:45
by smokey01
sszindian it might be useful to include some links in the browser to where people can find these applications on line.


Finding Links in the Cloud

Posted: Sat 07 May 2011, 00:30
by sszindian

When the program Cloud Puppy is initially run, a 'Welcome Window' appears explaining a bit about the Cloud Puppy program... What I mention there is for users to just type in the browser Cloud Computing or better yet FREE Cloud Computing... that provides more information than one can handle in week about where to go for Cloud Computing websites, programs, storage, do they want just a single program or a FULL Cloud Desktop like '' that provides you with a bunch of major 'Cloud' programs intact, ready to use? You would think you are at a real-in-your-computer desktop. It's up to the individual user just how far he wants to get into something or, little he wants to get into something. That's what makes Cloud Computing so nice, you can do whatever your desires are then tomorrow, turn right around and do something else all using nothing more than your browser!
The Cloud website material is growing faster than can be imagined... literally, by the hour, so to maintain a 'structured list' would be a full-time project for one person and that is why (in above info on Cloud Puppy) I ask that forum members list new sites and material as they find it.... here in the Forum so others can look at it then decide if it's their cup-of-tea or not.
Cloud is a completly different way of looking at your computer but the end results will be exactly the same.

Hope this helps some!

Posted: Sat 07 May 2011, 05:02
by Lobster
Hi sszindian, :)

Many thanks for your tinkering 8)

Most of us who use Cloud services
and I use some of the services you mention
can already do so by creating links in a browser
or using something like:

Click on any icon on this image (uses hotspots) from your browser


So it would be helpful to have images or links
or unique features.
Maybe someone will download and give their impressions :)

Posted: Sat 07 May 2011, 07:57
by nooby
I test it within 20 minutes I hope
Edit, I did test it within 10 minutes but failed to find proper words fir how to comment on it and so I most likely forgot that I had promised to give relevant feedback.

Your Iron is 8.5 something while the current is 10 or better? Still ti worked great and I do love Iron over Chrome any day. I have Iron 10 on the Snow puppy I use every day so I am very positive to your choice.

It does look very nice and boot up fine and so on.

But as you say. it is what it is and you either are into cloud or get something else. So I congratulate you and bow out with a friendly smile

CD Label

Posted: Sat 07 May 2011, 14:35
by sszindian
For those who would like a nice new label for your Cloud Puppy!

Hmmm... sorry, we do not supply the peal-back sticky paper to print it on :(


Posted: Sat 07 May 2011, 14:51
by sszindian
Lobster : 'Thank you Sir!' I appreciate your visit and info you posted... I hope more will do just that.

nooby: 'Thanks for your review'... Don't give up on the Cloud until you give it a fair shake. It without doubt is the way we will all eventually go as the old 'box-tops' give out to the newer modern day technology. I know, change is really hard... do you know that when Electric Windshield Wipers were invented for cars... it took the general public something like 3 years or more to accept the fact that they were actually better than moving the blade by hand! :wink:

I can see (and well expected) I would have to do a bunch of Cloud-Explaining with this new Cloud Puppy... Yes, it is a different way of doing things than we are used to but as you get into it, everyone will start seeing the advantages compared to the disadvantages.

I myself am learning every day but I find it a fantastic new adventure, doing things differently from what I am accustom to and... the possibilities just boggle one's mind!



Posted: Sat 07 May 2011, 15:26
by sszindian
I have already been asked by individuals... Cloud Puppy is nice but is lacking some of the major programs I constantly use?

Yes... It Is... Cloud Puppy was not designed to fill up your hard drive with programs that require YOU to maintain. It was designed for you to have the programs you need and want for everyday functions, wordprocessor, spreadsheet, music, video, and on and on. Well now... how do you use these programs if they are not on my computer???

Virtual Desktop or..... Cloud Desktop... call it whatever you want, but here's how to get a Full Desktop on Cloud Puppy with all those programs you need and FREE. = Full desktop with all the bells, program apps., and whistles, 3GB Free Cloud Storage to use with your Cloud Puppy = watch a Video of their desktop system = Still under development

These are but a few of the many being developed as we speak!

Remember: You can get the ALL and use them in Cloud Puppy You are not locked into just one Desktop System, you don't like it, get rid of it and go for another one... That's what's nice about Cloud!

This should get a few of you on you 'Desktop' way.


Posted: Sat 07 May 2011, 15:29
by nooby
Indian, giving up is maybe too strong word but how about being mildly skeptical?

Hahah you made me smile with the doing wind shield sweeping by hand analogy. I remember the old cars one had to hand wave the start motor if the battery was low.

Cloud computing is both good and bad. Good thing is that you have things available to you regardless of platform you use. You can go from Windows OS to Apple to Unix to Spark to ARM and Linux and so on and as long as the browser can handle the sites you have everthing there in the Cloud.

That is also what is bad about it. No access no Cloud. Hotspots is a Mecca for Crooks who set up false spots that learn you log in names and passwords and abuse your trust in the cloud.

Okay the solution is to use VPN channels to trusty servers that one know is looked over for being secured from hacking. Using encrypted channels you can trust the data to not be seen by others even on a evestapped line.

But still when you have only expensive Mobile phone connection in a foreign country then having your collection of music on the HDD is a real GEM of entertainment instead of paying much money to get it online again and again so a combination of using Cloud and local access woudl be better for me at least.

The very bad thing with HDD and USB is that they sooner or later actually break down. I should back up the one I have now. Just a few years ago I lost everything due to a HDD giving up and me failed to get how seriously it was with the clicking that I heard but none had told me what it meant. :) Click Sound of HDD Death.

I wish you all the luck you can stand coming from a total Nooby :)

Storing Your Favorite URL's (programs, whatever)

Posted: Sat 07 May 2011, 15:42
by sszindian
Where Do I Store My Favorite URL's, Applications I Use On The Cloud?

Cloud Puppy already has a nice storage place for up to 18 of your favorite places, even with the function of placing an icon of your choice there.

From your MENU select More Apps then when the little icon-box appears on your screen... at the bottom of it there is a button that says Change Starters if you click on that, it will bring up a page of simple code that allows you to change any of the existing icon-boxes with whatever you want.... See picture below:


Posted: Sun 08 May 2011, 01:14
by sheepy
I like the use of IRON in your Puplet :)
It's always great to maintain maximum anonymity!

Posted: Sun 08 May 2011, 19:01
by OFC Dark Puppy
Cloud computing is very different then regular computing and incredibly unreliable. Especially if one doesn't have a permanent internet connection.

Dialup will not work either, as cloud computing has no use other then for using a browser.
You can't download anything either. Most cloud computers have no support for external drives. Proxies will not work and neither will vpns. At least not the ones that make navigating the web in any way comfortable.

Also one has to trust the servers onto which you are entrusting your files. The end user loses all first person control over their data. Data which may end up in harmful hands.

Cloud computers lack firewalls as well.

Worse yet! You can't play games on them!

People need to stop buying into the propaganda. Cloud computing is more about controlling people's lives and taking away their freedom then it is about anything else.

As Net Neutrality wanes and ISPs begin to really charge people for Bandwidth use, people will have no choice but to limit their time online, in which case, cloud computing will become even more unreliable. You have to have constant access to a network to keep your own data. Anyone whose not lucky enough to know millions of people willing to share broadband with them will completely find themselves locked out.

Also programs like openvpn and pptp vpns won't be available to protect people from violations of their free speech. Tor, John Do, ...etc All have to be downloaded.

Also what if someone wants to switch browsers? Theres no choice in the matter, much less is their a way to make cloud computing less invasive.

Puppy linux is already incredibly simple as is. Spup lite and other derivatives such as macpup run very well without sacrificing so much security and freedom.

Cloud Puppy

Posted: Sun 08 May 2011, 22:22
by sszindian
Hi OFC Dark Puppy! appreciate your visit and comments.

First off let me explain something... this section of the Forum was not created to debate 'Cloud Computing' doesn't matter even a little bit if you or I like it, or dislike it, Cloud is here and it's here to stay. It's growing faster than any other computing technology that has come along since the Internet itself.
Is it perfect... of course not! But, it's better so far than anything else that's available in today's computing world. It offers opportunities for the individual (especially with older computers) that are just not possible with software that resides on the computer alone!

For instance you mention Cloud does NOT allow you to play games... If you go to '' online ,using Cloud Puppy, on an old computer, you will be able to play so many versions of solitare, it will blow your mind, and so will the speed at which they play. That's only ONE game example. There are literally thousands of 'hi-tech games' that you will be able to play with Cloud Puppy that are totally impossible to install and play from the computer itself.

In my first topic in this Forum... I make it quiet clear the Cloud isn't for everyone!

You mention Cloud has no 'Firewall' I see no need for the Cloud itself to have a Firewall when there is one in Cloud Puppy 'More Apps' section to install right on your own computer (just like every other Puppy has.)

Cloud Security: Most of the Cloud Application Sites have made Security their 'Top Priority' preventing such things as Malware, Spyware, Viruses and such from attaching to programs in their sites. They have much better control of handling this at ONE place than you do as an individual downloading many programs to your personal Hard Drive from all over the place! Besides... when was the last time you heard of a Puppy program 'Any Puppy Program' getting a virus??? Why in the world would you think Cloud Puppy will be any different? And... So What If You Do Contact A Virus... if you're running from a CD/DVD and you burned it initally so nothing could be written to the disk... just restart your computer and poof... it's history!!!!

Advantages Of Cloud Computing: There are so many, I just can't write them all as I'd be here forever but let me give you one quick one...

Lets say you need to put some text on a special graphic you're developing for a website. You open MtPaint (the standard Puppy paint program) and start to enter your text on that nice graphic... You have a 'POWER OUTAGE' in your area, it shuts down your computer but... the MtPaint program became corrupt, it doesn't work any more! You have to go online, find a new MtPaint program, download it, install it, set it up for your needs then proceed to enter the text on that graphic... Time: about an hour (if all went well).
I'm doing the same thing with a Cloud Program and the same happens to me... Once the power comes back on, I go right back into that Cloud Graphic program, enter my text and I'm finished, at least 50 minutes before you are above and... I didn't have to reinstall a single thing. So you say so what! Suppose that graphic was worth Five Thousand Dollars to a person who was able to submit the FIRST finished graphic to a very important potential client?:

Like I said, I could go on and on but let me finish this with this: I have been computing for over 26-Years, pretty much seen it all, saw many things come and go and kept a close eye on what's in the future... I have never, never seen anything over all those years that has the potential Cloud Computing can offer!

OFC Dark Puppy... I have no idea who has fed you all the erroneous information you posted here but do them a favor and politely tell them to go do their homework!

I didn't create Cloud Puppy to debate Cloud issues Period! I am strictly here to help anyone that has an interest in this new technology the best I can and for starters... 'Cloud Puppy' itself does a very good job of that!


Cloud Graphics Program

Posted: Mon 09 May 2011, 02:38
by sszindian
For those of you into graphics... This is a super Cloud program. It lets you upload a graphic from your computer, do your thing to it using the many tools they provide, then save it back to your computer... yep... all in the Cloud... pretty slick! You will want this one in your bookmarks !


Posted: Mon 09 May 2011, 03:07
by OFC Dark Puppy
I suppose erronious would depend on once point of view. No it would actually depend on what one knows.

I know for certain that I didn't mention viruses. Linux cloud would have a significant advantage over any windows cloud. That is unless more people begin attacking linux, which I strongly think is unlikely.

I was talking about censorship mostly and the inability of people to hide their Ip from their country and Internet provider.

I have quite a lot of info on this because I take the time to pay attention to the amount of privacy invasion.

For instance, playstation 3's playstation network is a cloud computing device, which was hacked and all of the credit info of Sony's customers were leaked.

The Apple Ipod which is technically a mobile cloud device, since it spies on it's owners, sending information back to Apple about where you are and what your doing.

Google's droid, same issue.

I mean Google was sued actively by people, who caught google redhanded hacking their wifi. Who would trust these people with their private data.

Also, and this is a great example of censorship. P2P networks, what will P2P networks look like on Cloud? They won't. P2P exists via clients and people who download torrents will not feel comfortable using cloud knowing that they cannot protect themselves from potential prosecution.

That is the great issue among torrent downloaders, isn't it?

Another thing you mentioned is solitaire. Yeah that's what people think of when they think of games. It's not like they want to play World Of Warcraft or anything.

How Secure Are You?

Posted: Mon 09 May 2011, 15:23
by sszindian
Security... Security... Security ????

Don't 'GUESS' how secure you are... 'KNOW!'

With the tracking technology thats available today, it's really almost impossible to hide your identity.

If you would like to know just how secure your computer and Internet activity is, click on this site. They check you out and give you a nice detailed report! This will tell you what you have to evaluate in your system to 'try' to get more secure.


Posted: Mon 09 May 2011, 18:34
by Jasper

I tried the test link immediately above with some (to me) unexpectedly bad results when using both Firefox and Iron. Using Tor showed a huge security improvement, but the time to view had increased, at a guesstimate, by more than one hundredfold (from a few seconds to a few minutes).

My regards


I have uninstalled Tor and in its stead I am trying the Firefox add-on "Torbutton" with Firefox 3.6.17.
So, apparently I can enable or disable Tor, but I haven't found a way to use Firefox unless the Tor button is set to disabled (even with the Firewall set at off).
Even a hint of advice would be welcome.

Tor Button

Posted: Tue 10 May 2011, 02:19
by sszindian
Hi Jasper!

Myself, I don't use firefox, haven't for several years now but, you might check here for your answer - ... aq.html.en

You might consider asking this question in possibly the 'Security' Forum, you will probably receive better responses...


Posted: Tue 10 May 2011, 02:59
by Lobster
Very good security check for the terminally paranoid
Tor in use would just make me cry :cry:
I am in dpup and it has a secure browser mode that made little diference

but this might work anyone try it? 8)

save file ... oops

Posted: Tue 10 May 2011, 20:58
by lmart
Not to rain on your parade ...

FYI, downloaded Cloud Puppy -1.0 to cd, booted to cd so there would be no change to my hdd system (puppy 5.2.5). Cloud Puppy read my puppy 5.2.5 savefile and, upon rebooting to puppy, learned that it corrupted it.