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QtWeb - fast portable browser

Posted: Tue 05 Apr 2011, 00:01
by Ray MK

found this and have been using it for a few weeks.

Lightweight very fast portable web browser.

Just thought it may be of some interest.

Works well in all 4.xx and 5.xx puppy's that I've used it with.

Just download to a suitable folder (ie. browser) outside of your
save_file if running frugal.
Expand the zip and then make the resulting QtWeb file executable.

Click on it and - go.

Enjoy - very best regards - Ray.

Posted: Tue 05 Apr 2011, 00:16
by ttuuxxx
Yes I tried that about a month back, Its not bad for a static qt browser. I've seen worse qt browsers, really the static ones usually are better than then puppy compiled ones due to the fact usually we have an outdated qt version.

Posted: Tue 05 Apr 2011, 01:29
by Geoffrey
Now thats not bad at all, fast and looks good, heaps of features, thats a keeper for sure.
Edit: I just made a pet for this, don't worry if if the page gives a error, the site hasn't updated it's certificate,

Posted: Tue 05 Apr 2011, 02:32
by ttuuxxx
here's a pet for it ... (13.4 MB download)

Posted: Thu 14 Apr 2011, 05:51
by capoverde
Yes, very nice indeed: found it on my own about a week ago, before spotting Ray's post.
It works without fuss both in the Linux and the Win$ version (under Wine) with Puppy 4.3.1, Lucid 5.2.5 and probably Quirky and Wary (not yet tested here).

My Puppies all boot from CD; as suggested, I unzipped in a folder out of the savefile and set the QtWeb binary to executable. The Win$ installer does it all by itself with a click, of course.
It's quite astonishing to see both versions (which I copied on the same SD card) start in a couple seconds and run smoothly on the same Puppy box.

Only hitch for me now is how to have Flashplayer for Youtube etc., which isn't included and is not found automatically in the system files (with my setup, at least); a simple symlink should suffice, will try.

Posted: Thu 14 Apr 2011, 08:53
by Dingo
capoverde wrote:Only hitch for me now is how to have Flashplayer for Youtube etc., which isn't included and is not found automatically in the system files (with my setup, at least); a simple symlink should suffice, will try.
qtweb only does not support latest flashplayer 12, in fact it works fine with 10.x series. you can download from adobe site

Posted: Sun 17 Apr 2011, 08:25
by capoverde
Yes, this morning I tried QtWeb on another box with LuPu5.2.5 and it played YouTube videos perfectly! :D
Using it to post this, too.

Previously, however, my testing conditions with YouTube were actually different: QtWeb had been ported on an SD memory card and started from there, while this time it is in the same partition with Puppy's savefile - seems the only possible difference.
If this is correct, when YouTube is the target it should suffice to copy QtWeb from the card to the savefile partition and, if space is critical, delete it after use.

Posted: Sun 01 May 2011, 19:33
by tomypuppy
this is a great browser for the likes of mine..
i am currently postin this from a pc with no hdd and just 2gb pendrive to work in an old pc with 128mb ram...lupu5.2.5
the only browser with javascript support that seems to give me multitab browsing without crashing is qtweb.(tried opera,seamonkey,chromium,iron,firefox-2.0 and 4 ).
and i m able to run im pidgin and qtweb together even in this minimal pc..
thank u for this great browser..

Posted: Mon 02 May 2011, 02:52
by playdayz
I like it too. I will include it in the Puppy Package Manager lucid-repo. Thanks.

Posted: Mon 02 May 2011, 03:17
by Makoto
I've been experimenting with it since more or less when this topic was created, but for some reason, on my Puppy system, it'll seemingly just sit there/take a long time during page loads (even to the QTWeb homepage), at some point. Anything I could be missing? This is the first Webkit browser I've tried on this system; no such problems in Seamonkey, Puppy Browser, Firefox or Opera. I haven't tried the Windows version under Wine, though.

Any ideas what I could be missing - or is my 11-year old system just not up to the task of running a Webkit-based browser properly?

Posted: Sun 23 Oct 2011, 19:35
by harii4
Seems lighter than opera and works with 3.01.
its an keeper :D

Posted: Wed 02 Nov 2011, 14:25
by Dean
QtWeb runs smoother than Seamonkey on Wary 5.2 :D

Posted: Wed 28 Dec 2011, 10:31
by umair
hello every one:
I installed Wary 5.2 and QTWebBrowser, all works perfectly but I m not able to sign in any of my email account as qtweb gives the error that cookies are not enabled, I checked from the privacy setting.All looks fine. I m posting the screenshots of error and privacy setting of qtweb: It is to mention that I am able to open my email account from other default web browser i.e. seamonkey.
My PC specification is : very old P-III 733 Celerone with 128 MB RAM and 20 GB HDD with around 256 MB of SWAP Partion and I m using FRUGAL Installation. (I m surffing the web from proxy)
Any Idea ........?
Thnx in advance

Posted: Wed 28 Dec 2011, 22:00
by tallboy
Hi umair, could lack of support for Java have anything to do with you not being able to open your email account? I have not used the QTWebBrowser yet, but I read the specifications, see Some login services require Java to work. I have a net bank that specifically says they require Java to be able to login, I'll report back on the result.

Javascript=yes, Java=no.

Just my 2¢.


Edit: Silly me forgot to read their FAQ, login problems are discussed there.

Posted: Sat 31 Dec 2011, 17:53
by umair
tallboy wrote:Hi umair, could lack of support for Java have anything to do with you not being able to open your email account? I have not used the QTWebBrowser yet, but I read the specifications, see Some login services require Java to work. I have a net bank that specifically says they require Java to be able to login, I'll report back on the result.

Javascript=yes, Java=no.

Just my 2¢.


Edit: Silly me forgot to read their FAQ, login problems are discussed there.
Hi Tallboy:
Thnx for the reply, want to tell you that no problem with qtweb login to any account at home with direct Internet connection, I want to use it in my work place as there is net available through proxy Server.
Any idea..

Posted: Thu 19 Jan 2012, 03:31
by starhawk
Tried on Akita Linux beta6, does not appear to load plugins of any kind -- flash included!

problems with flash being recognized

Posted: Wed 14 Mar 2012, 13:40
by alphamale
i have qtweb working very well except for flash.

i'm on slacko, qt-all sfs, latest flashplayer is installed, but qtweb is not seeing it. i made a subdirectory called plugins and symlinked but it still isn't seeing it.

does it not work with flash 11.x?

where should go for qtweb to see it?

Posted: Wed 14 Mar 2012, 15:44
by sc0ttman
You might need some extra libs for Flash to work:

Posted: Sun 01 Apr 2012, 12:58
by joagan
Get a strange problem, if I disable javascript forums work and when I enable it for sites that need it/or not just load the header?

On lupu 528 - live cd

Posted: Sat 07 Apr 2012, 06:57
by ahoppin
Nice browser, very snappy!

One little oddity, on the preferences / privacy tab, hovering the cursor over the left side tickboxes causes them to become corrupted. This can be avoided by moving mouse very slowly. It might be a qt quirk, or might be caused by my machine being an older and slower one (Athlon XP 2700).

I miss only a couple of Seamonkey features. First, the ability to save passwords for only some sites. With qtweb it seems to be all or nothing. And second, Flashblock - though I have a version of that for Midori, and it might work for Qtweb, haven't tried yet.

Thanks for tipping me off to this!