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JWM Configuration Manager

Posted: Sun 27 Mar 2011, 21:59
by oui
Wishing to add 'Gexec' left in the tray I did try

Menu > Desktop >> JWM Configuration Manager >>> Tray management >>>> Program insertion into tray >>>>> Left new program enter at left >>>>>> ok


Little Msg window named 'Change Reversed' New config corrupt. Keeping original <ok>

What is to do to enter 'Gexec' correctly in the tray (correctly = so that the entry stay permanent also if .jwmrc is reactualized by (dis)installation of some programs)?

Posted: Tue 25 Oct 2011, 22:07
by Karl Godt
jwmconfig uses a simple

Code: Select all

jwm -p
to determine if it is ^secure^ to alter the configuration file(s)

If i get a
# jwm -p
JWM: warning: invalid tray horizontal alignment: "top"

the code of
# pwd
# grep -n 'jwm \-p' *
taskbarConfig:104:jwm -p 2> $TMP
taskbarHeight:138:jwm -p 2> $TMP
taskbarPlace:103:jwm -p 2> $TMP
trayInsert:131:jwm -p 2> $TMP
virtualDesk:109:jwm -p 2> $TMP


would return

if [ -z $CHECKCONF ]; then
RESTOP="Change Saved"
RESMSG="The tray autohide option is now $OPTN"
rm -f $CONFIG2
RESTOP="Change Reversed"
RESMSG="New config corrupt. Keeping original"

where CONFIG2 would be a backup made in the beginning of the script(s)

You should jwm -p in the console to track down the issue .

jwmconfig tends to be buggy in special circumstances and there are several attempts made to fix things .

In the Lupu 511 or 52+ threads was the solution to disable features i remember ...?

Posted: Mon 07 Nov 2011, 23:26
by `f00
@oui (old post and likely solved by now..)

Seems like the op would like a traybutton for gexec (and yes, the ui for editing or adding/removing traybuttons can be messy in jwmconfig - I've always found it somewhat easier to simply edit the appropriate .jwmrc-tray file, lol I use 4 of them so appropriate is the word). The ui section in jwmconfig that was used, 'program insertion into tray' deals with the tasklist/buttons for application windows that are loaded, minimized and so on and the order in which they are aligned as loaded on that section of the 'taskbar'.

Usually speaking in jwm, a traybutton is a 'launcher' - here's a snippet from an old (p420) /root/.jwmrc-tray file I had handy for an example..

Code: Select all

	<Tray  autohide="false" insert="right" x="0" y="-1" border="1" height="28" >
		<!-- Additional TrayButton attribute: label -->
		<TrayButton label="menu">root:3</TrayButton>
		<TrayButton popup="use gexec to run a command" icon="gexec.xpm">exec:gexec</TrayButton>
		<!-- <TrayButton popup="show desktop" icon="mini-desktop.xpm">showdesktop</TrayButton> -->
		<!-- Additional Pager attributes; width, height -->
..values for the attributes may vary, but this partial bit should give a more-or-less 'normal' left-hand side of the jwm 'taskbar' with a gexec traybutton between the menu traybutton and the pager section. More recent versions of jwm may differ, but this is simply a sample of how a few traybuttons can be done.

a traybutton tool

Karl's procedure is more thorough and may help to test and identify issues with jwmconfig - as he notes "jwmconfig tends to be buggy in special circumstances and there are several attempts made to fix things" so...

Posted: Wed 22 Aug 2012, 22:51
by liro
In Wary 5.3, the JWM configuration manager gives you the option to back up the application launch tray buttons, rearrange their order, and another option I can't remember... In Slacko 5.3.3, however, the JWM configuration manager has none of these options. Is there any reason why these are missing in the later software? It seems strange that it gives you the option to restore a backup but not the option to create one.

PS. I just deleted one tray button that wasn't working properly, and now they have all gone...