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POLL: How many desktop icons?

Posted: Wed 23 Mar 2011, 14:12
by Bernie_by_the_Sea
How many icons do you have on the desktop?

I prefer icon clicking over menu searching so I have about 50 icons in Wary and about 75 in Windows. However, recently I’ve been playing with Knoppix and Mepis where I have only one icon on the desktop. I’m beginning to think menus might not be all that bad.

Posted: Wed 23 Mar 2011, 14:30
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Nothing but drive icons....

Posted: Wed 23 Mar 2011, 14:30
by CatDude

I have 18 of them (at present), but they are all for drives/partitions.

For the apps that i use regularly i have wbar


Posted: Wed 23 Mar 2011, 14:59
by Bernie_by_the_Sea
My Puppy versus my Mepis... and I see I have only 31 plus drives in Wary -- it's Lucid where I have 50.

Posted: Wed 23 Mar 2011, 15:06
by bugman
home dir, music dirs, a couple of docs i need to be looking at

prefer a pretty picture

Posted: Wed 23 Mar 2011, 17:23
by Sit Heel Speak
Same philosophy here as puppyluvr and CatDude. Only drive icons, no application icons. Applications are started via wbar. Particular partition+subdirectory combinations can be added to the wbar menu for instant access, for example the / directory as shown in this screen capture. I, too, prefer a pretty picture, and besides, after a single application is up and filling the screen, what use are desktop icons?

Posted: Wed 23 Mar 2011, 18:03
by Billtoo
I 've got 25 and counting.

Posted: Wed 23 Mar 2011, 18:46
by Bernie_by_the_Sea
Sit Heel Speak wrote: [snip] and besides, after a single application is up and filling the screen, what use are desktop icons?
Click on pager or click on show-desktop.

Posted: Wed 23 Mar 2011, 20:14
by postfs1
To reedit up to date.

Posted: Wed 23 Mar 2011, 20:46
by mdev
Hm, let me count… 0 , incl. drive icons :)

I'm using dwm with dmenu, no need for icons or mouse-clicking in general.

Posted: Wed 23 Mar 2011, 21:49
by Sit Heel Speak
Bernie_by_the_Sea wrote:
Sit Heel Speak wrote: [snip] and besides, after a single application is up and filling the screen, what use are desktop icons?
Click on pager or click on show-desktop.
On a large monitor, that is two clicks with large wrist movement in between.

Since the window manager I'm using (l0wt3ch's build of icewm) very seldom puts a window entirely over the wbar tray, it usually takes me only one click --or, at most, a slight drag of a title bar down, then a click on wbar-- to start an app.

But I can see where your way might be preferable when using a small monitor, e.g. a netbook. Particularly if the background is such as to make wbar-at-the-top-edge not feasible. Or if there is not enough horizontal screen real estate to accommodate wbar.

And I can think of other scenarios where pager+desktop_icon might be preferable, e.g. want to keep two applications on separate pages.

Whatever puts water on your cooling-pond.

Posted: Wed 23 Mar 2011, 22:52
by harii4
i don't use icons but if you count tabs - its 19.
yeahlaunch is my menu - much lighter than wbar but not as pretty.
well text can be pretty? :shock:

Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2011, 01:27
by runtt21


Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2011, 01:35
by ttuuxxx
21 desktop icons and 8 drive icons
never really add to them, So I'll vote for 21 icons. Drives vary

Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2011, 04:26
by stu90
excluding drive icons , anything from 1 - 5 desktop icons - normally file, browser and terminal icons.

Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2011, 08:33
by GustavoYz
Software and directories: 4
AppStarter, Rox, Console and 'mylinks' folder shortcut (by jrb's linker).

Drives: 5 - 9 (min - max)
5 partitions
1-2 Usb drives
0-2 Cd/Dvd-drive

Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2011, 08:34
by dejan555
None. I have 6 icons in wbar though and few on panel:

Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2011, 09:19
by sc0ttman
None, I have only drive icons, and a custom JWM menu, which I LOVE.

I right click or middle click on the desktop to bring up either the Puppy menu, or the (customisable) Apps menu...

It seems Wbar is very popular indeed, and many users could stand to disable the ROX pinboard...

Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2011, 09:51
by pa_mcclamrock
26 for programs, 4 to 6 for drives, one very convenient "Show Desktop" button in IceWM to let me see all the icons with a single click.


Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2011, 10:02
by jamesbond
20 icons excluding the big red "save" icon and drive icons. These are mostly default icons that comes pre-installed, I only added two more icons, and those are the icons I constantly use. For other things, I use the menus - because I like running apps full screen (thus makes the icons unaccessible).