Create pet package with several apps inside

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Create pet package with several apps inside

#1 Post by don570 »

Barryk has made a change to petget recently so that
I had to explore a new method to make my rightclick package.

I discovered that it is possible to make a pet package with
more than one application inside. Here's the method...

1) Create a folder with appropriate name like abiword-6.0
The appropriate files structure should be inside such
as /usr , /usr/local/ etc.

2) A pinstall script must be placed inside. I suggest

Code: Select all


yaf-splash  -bg_gradient false  -close never -fontsize large -bg orange -fb black -text "Please wait for installation... " & PID=$!

 JWMVER=`jwm -v|head -n1|cut -d ' ' -f2|cut -d - -f2`
 if vercmp $JWMVER lt 574;then # change from 547 to 574.
   jwm -restart 
   jwm -reload
jwm -reload
kill $PID
exit 0

3) Make a temporary folder in /root

4) Drag all .desktop files in 'abiword-6.0' to temporary folder
(These are the files in /usr/share/applications/)

5) Now launch terminal and run command 'dir2pet abiword-6.0'
or whatever the name of package will be.
petget is fooled into believing that there is no desktop files,
but just before final making of pet package you should return
all .desktop files back to folder.

Note that pinstall script will reconstruct the menu when installing
the pet package. The apps should be in correct category. Check and see
if the installation is correct before posting.

Note on script: The command 'vercmp' is only installed in
recent puppies but this doesn't matter.


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