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Title Chg - Int'l Kybrd, Sound, Printing with 1.0.8r1 Multi

Posted: Wed 01 Mar 2006, 21:29
by dewdrop
Hi pups,

I downloaded and configured the Puppy 1.0.8r1 Multisession edition on a DVD-R the other day, and since I need both the English and Spanish keyboards, I thought I would try to do the lior2b/pakt (forum names) installation. I had previously followed the instructions from pakt and was able to get 1.0.7 CD to RAM install keyboard to work with both languages.

I initially tried to do this install in Xvesa, and when that didn't work, I switched over to Xorg, and it worked. This may or may not be your experience. ....What I would suggest is that if it doesn't work in Xvesa, try it in Xorg.

------------- EDIT ------------------

I think I spoke too soon. I had not rebooted the multi-session after I got the keyboard to work....and when I did re-boot, not only was the keyboard the same as before, I had been switched back to Xvesa on the monitor. So, it's back to the drawing board... 1st to figure out how to get 1.0.8r1 to save an Xorg Monitor configuration, then to get the English/Spanish keyboard switching to be saved.

As is usual, if anyone that reads this already has the answer, please point me, and others, in the right direction.


------------- END OF EDIT-----------------------------

The Forum threads you need to review and follow for the 1.0.8r1 Multisession keyboard install are these:

1. lior2b's thread is here
2. pakt's thread is here
3. The file that needs to be downloaded can be obtained here

Good luck, and let others know of your progress with getting your keyboard to work with the language(s) you need.


Int'l Kybrd, Sound, Printing with 1.0.8r1 Multi

Posted: Thu 02 Mar 2006, 00:14
by dewdrop
Hi again Pups,

I wondered about the idea of making another edit to my initial post, then decided against that.

So, after trying to get the keyboard switcher straightened out, the experiment came to an abrupt end when the program stopped adding the shutdown info to the DVD-R, and said I needed to put in a new DVD-R and go with that. I had saved approximately 22 or 23 sessions. Interestingly, I can still boot the disk into puppy, I just can't save anything that I've changed.

Since I do have a working 1.0.7, I think I will use this thread to try and see what I discover about Multi-session 1.0.8r1, and having a switchable keyboard, and sound, and printing.

For Multi-Session DVD-R-2, I will remain with the default window manager - I had switched to ICEwm, which I like, but I now feel that might have contributed to my failure on Multi-Session DVD-R-1.

Wish me luck, and feel free to contribute all kinds of suggestions and/or ideas on the 3 themes in the title.


I think I've found a new career... :)

Int'l Kybrd, Sound, Printing with 1.0.8r1 Multi

Posted: Thu 02 Mar 2006, 15:38
by dewdrop

My first order of business is to burn a new DVD-R (labelled #2) with 1.0.8r1 Multisession and begin the experiments on the 3 challanges noted in the title.

I plan to describe my setup in the next post so people can make adjustments to account for their equipment.



Int'l Kybrd, Sound, Printing with 1.0.8r1 Multi

Posted: Thu 02 Mar 2006, 20:15
by dewdrop
My Setup

Processor :Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.000Hz
Chipset :Intel 915 GV-Express Chipset
or:Realtek ALC880
Sound Card :hda-Intel 0:27.0 8086:2668 (rev 3)
or:HDA Intel
Total RAM :904920
Hard Disk :IDE
DVD Drive :Lite-On DVD-RW
Monitor :AOC 17”
Printer :Canon PIXMA iP1500
Keyboard :Logitech (Spanish Language)

Using Verbatim DVD-R 8x (4.7 GB) discs.
Using Puppy 1.0.8r1 downloaded from Babbs site on 3-2-2006

I have now burned a new DVD-R (#2 on March 2, 2006)

As Jackie Gleason used to say "and away we go".


Int'l Kybrd, Sound, Printing with 1.0.8r1 Multi

Posted: Thu 02 Mar 2006, 21:13
by dewdrop
DVD-R #2 initial test info
Mar 2

Major improvements to multisession shutdown. Reliability of session-saving for both CD and DVD improved.
I found that the Joliet extension can sometimes cause session-saving to fail, so have removed it. A previous problem with some files and directories not getting saved has been fixed.
I took the above quote from Barry's Developer News Page to begin this post because I was not able to save anything either using the save button on the desktop or the normal reboot request. The information said that the saving to DVD-R had failed, asked for a new DVD-R disk, etc....same information that others have received in one form or another when their sessions have failed to save back to DVD or CD.

I think what I'll do is download the 1.0.8r1 Multi-session from another mirror and see if that might help -- I doubt it since I've downloaded many times from Babbs server, and I've always had good results so far.

End of Testing #2


Kybrd, Sound, Printing with 1.0.8r1 Multi

Posted: Fri 03 Mar 2006, 01:51
by dewdrop

After the failure of #2 disc, I took it out of the DVD drive and used my 1.0.7 stable version to do some things on the net. After 2 or 3 hours, I thought I might give #2 another try....just to be sure I could not use it. It loaded up okay, so I made a few changes and thought I would try to use the save button to save it.

Lo and behold, it saved the changes - except for the resolution of Xorg. That was at the maximum 1920x1440....putting everything into the upper left hand corner. see attached screenshot.

Then I tried to re-boot and it would not save anything. I then decided to wave the disc in the air for about 45-50 seconds, so I took it out of the drive, waved it in the air, put it back in the drive and then it booted up....still with a goofy resolution, but in Xorg, so I changed it using the Xorg Resolution Changer in the Xorg Video Wizard. I still have not gotten this figured out completely, but I'll fiddle with it, and see what happens. This very well may be related to the problem that Barry talks about that he has fixed as of March 2 info noted in an earlier posting on this thread.

So, if I was asked, I would advise to try a real low tech solution to problems with the DVD discs not wanting to save either using the save button on the desktop or with the re-boot/shut-down procedure. The solution ::::: WAVE THE DISC IN THE AIR FOR ABOUT 50 SECONDS. Or, at least remove it and let it cool off after you have used it to boot up the session. Then when you want to save something put the disc back in, use the save button on the desktop or re-boot (try both methods to see which one works for you).

Hopefully, this will help some of the experimenters on the Multi-Session thread.


Kybrd, Sound, Printing with 1.0.8r1 Multi

Posted: Sat 04 Mar 2006, 03:16
by dewdrop

After I discovered that Disc #2 had not actually died, but was reacting to my particular DVD burner drive - not acting correctly unless I opened the DVD drawer and closed it again - I used #2 today to see if I might get some headway with printing.

I downloaded many items after reviewing a page on about the Foomatic System, then over to the gimp print for some more downloading. All of this downloading and "fiddling" around actually lead to #2 asking for the infamous login name and password. Which I believe has effectively ended #2 lifecycle.

I really thought that the gimp print idea might work since Puppy already has a copy of GIMP that can be downloaded/installed with Pupget, there are plug-ins that can be added to the GIMP and to Abiword allowing printing of various kinds of documents using the Gimp print concept. I think I remember seeing a plug-in for Open Office Writer also.

I actually think that one of those usr_more.sfs files could contain the necessary plug-ins and PPD files which would allow all kinds of printers to be set up as long as a person had the PPD file that their printer required, or it was included in a listing that was part of the usr_more.sfs file and they were able to select it from the list. Trouble is, I don't have the "grey-matter" to put it all together.

I have saved the various things I downloaded, now I'll try to learn how to get the various items past the untar stage....also known as.........using the command line to get the various components into the proper folders so they can be found by the programs.


Posted: Sat 04 Mar 2006, 06:27
by BarryK
with regard to your strange picture, do you have a file /etc/xrandrindex?
..if so, delete it, then restart X.

Kybrd, Sound, Printing with 1.0.8r1 Multi

Posted: Mon 06 Mar 2006, 17:00
by dewdrop

With all the downloading, saving, testing, etc., I toasted Disc 2 Multi-session, so I do not have access to to that disc to see if it might contain the file you mentioned....

I will be on the lookout for it in Disc 3, just in case I happen to get into the download/try cycle once again. I find that I have to keep better track of what I'm doing so I can try and repeat mistakes or successes, but the "heat of the hunt" seems to get in the way, and I forget to document what I'm attempting.


International Keyboard, Printing, Sound

Posted: Tue 07 Mar 2006, 01:01
by dewdrop

Begin using Disc #3

This is a rather long post as I tried to get the International keyboard to work in a predictable manner. The results, and a WORK-AROUND follow:

I hope this rather long explanation helps someone as they try and get a working International keyboard to behave in an expected manner.


Keyboard Changing proceedure.

1. Downloaded xkb_108.tar.gz from pakt's Forum Thread...and placed it into the root directory.

You can download it here ... 108.tar.gz

Then I followed these instructions from pakt's Forum thread

2. Open a rxvt terminal (Start -> Run -> Rxvt terminal emulator)

3. Change directory to /root (in case we are not there)
# cd

4. Unpack archive which creates directory usr (containing the necessary xkb files)
# tar xzf xkb_108.tar.gz

5. Remove old xkb files (this step is necessary to remove an incorrect directory)
# rm -R /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/

6. Copy new xkb files to filesystem
# cp -af usr/ /

7. Delete the archive files as they are not needed anymore
# rm xkb_108.tar.gz
# rm -R usr

I then went to lior2b's Thread and copy/pasted this information into /etc/X11/xorg.conf area dealing with the keyboard....erase the other information, and don't forget to put your keyboard letters into the proper area (I used latam for Latin America rather than es for Spain). Also, click the save button in BEAVER so that the xorg.conf document now contains the new information.

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "us,latam" ### CHANGE il TO YOUR LANGUAGE CODE ###
Option "XkbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll,caps:shift,altwin:menu"

8. Quit X (Press Ctrl-Alt-Backspace)

9. Restart X by typing "xwin" (without the quotes)

Upon returning from xwin, the keyboard now switched back and forth from English to Spanish by pressing the Shift/alt keys, and the keyboard light located at the top right side of the keyboard lights up when the keyboard was in Spanish mode.

I then used the Save button on the keyboard to save the session. It initially didn't save the session, but then I opened/closed the DVD drawer and the session was saved using the Save button.

I re-booted the computer without saving the session, and upon returning to the desktop I discovered that the desktop had switched to the Xvesa mode, and my keyboard settings were not saved.

I went to the Xorg Video Wizard in the Start/Setup area of the menu, and followed the procedure to set the video display to the Xorg default of 1024/768x16.

Upon returning to what I believe is the default Xorg default screen, I discovered that my keyboard didn't switch languages.

(Possible bug in 1.0.8r1 described here)
I revisited the etc/X11/xorg.conf file document, and discovered that a new file named xorg.conf.bak, file had been added. I checked the xorg.conf file and it did not contain the changed keyboard info. The xorg.conf.bak file did have this info however. I erased the xorg.conf file, renamed the xorg.conf.bak file to xorg.conf and my switchable keyboard returned.

(This may describe another bug, one dealing with saving video mode info on shutdown)

I then chose to re-boot the machine and do the save routine via that procedure. It saved the session, rebooted the computer, and came back with what I believe to be the minimal Xorg Video mode. The screen contained all the icons in large size, and the Puppy Video Wizard Mode screen showed it was currently using 0X0111 640x480x16, with 5 other modes selectable by clicking on the desired mode button. I selected 1024/768/16 and the new screen appeared with what I believe to be 1024/768/16.

The keyboard however, does not switch languages. A quick visit to etc/X11/xorg.conf reveals that the keyboard switch info is still there.

Using Control/Alt/backspace to exit to the X prompt, and return with xwin does not restore the switchable keyboard.

I then selected the Resolution Changer area of Xorg Video Wizard (Start/Setup/Xorg Video Wizard), and it showed that I was using 1600x1200. I selected 1024x768, clicked OK. The screen blanked, and returned with a small window indicating that the next time I boot with Puppy, x will start with a screen resolution of 1024x768. I clicked OK and the window disappeared. I tried the language switch routine and nothing happened.

I then saved the session with the Save button, and again Saved when I rebooted following the save button routine.

Upon return from the reboot, the keyboard didn't switch, so a quick trip to the etc/X11/xorg.conf area showed that the file was still showing the switchable keyboard.


-------BEGINNING OF EDIT ------



1. Exit to prompt START/EXIT TO PROMPT

2. Type at prompt xorgwizard

3. Select Xorg

4. Select desired resolution that is supported by your machine/monitor.

5. When the new resolution has been selected and achieved and the prompt screen returns, type xwin to return to a regular desktop in the selected resolution.

6. Return to etc/X11/xorg.conf and after you have determined that the keyboard information exists in xorg.conf.bak, delete xorg.conf, and rename xorg.conf.bak to xorg.conf. and save the renamed version.

7. Go to START/SHUT DOWN/EXIT TO PROMPT, and when the prompt screen returns type xwin.

8. You should now have the international keyboard on your system.

9. Try and save the new setup with the Save button on the desktop.

NOTE: Since this is a failure of the desktop configuration save system (neither the save button on the desktop, nor the shutdown/reboot sequence) seem to be able to save the new desktop configuration (xorg desktop and international keyboard file change in etc/X11/xorg.conf)., this WORK-AROUND needs to be completed each time you boot Puppy 1.0.8r1.


-------END OF EDIT ------

What I believe.

The save routines, either using the Save button on the desktop or the reboot/shutdown from the Start menu do not, in fact, save the xvesa/xorg information - either when used separately or one after the other.

I don't know how to fix the "failure to save xorg selection informaton" bug...if that's what it is. I don't know if Barry has identified this bug in the past and tried to fix it, or if one of the other developers has identified it/or fixed it either, in any upcoming releases of 1.0.8. I don't know if this bug also is present in Puppy 2.0.

Now that I have figured out a "work-around". I shall move on to the other 2 items of testing interest - sound and printing.


Canon BJC6000 - working.

Posted: Thu 09 Mar 2006, 11:00
by GeoffS
Dewdrop - you did ask me to post my results to here so:-
Please note - I'm a Linux/Unix novice - but a systems programmer from way-way back.
I'm running 3 computers using a mixture of wifi and cable, a 'Low Cost Print Server' (a Pentium 1 running a cut-down Linux)with an HP LaserJet MP5 and a Canon BJC6000 and a wifi access point/router.
I normally use MS Windows XP or 95.
Once I worked out I needed CUPS the HP was easily made to work
My research re the Canon BJC6000 told me that nothing other than TurboPrint would do the job.
I spent hours trying to install TurboPrint and/or learn more about Linux. It uses the Linux command "install" in its scripts. Puppy does not include "install".
I searched the forum and the wiki and could find no hints as to how to get around this. Not helped by the limited search facility - the term 'install' produces so many hits as to make the results useless. I initially thought that these scripts were dynamic and only generated by the 'setup' script. However they are not and come with the installation file.
After reading what "install' does I came to a conclusion (while sitting in my dentist's waiting room) and changed all the 'install's to 'cp's and 'chgmod's. That got the installation working. Still did not have a working Canon printer.
I had to leave Puppy and do some work in Windows. On restarting Puppy the Canon was working. So for whatever reason it appears that it is necessary to re-boot puppy and/or cups and/or turboprint to get it all working.
**** After sleeping on it I remember what the big break-through was, after the re-boot cups was seeing all the TurboPrint drivers - previously it only saw its own built-in ones.
I love Puppy - it is great to have a computer again that I can turn on, use and turn off - (which is how I tend to use the laptop) all in the matter of a few minutes.
My next venture is to do a re-master so that I can put this configuration on the laptop without doing all the downloading etc.
Then see how many of my Windows programs will run under Wine. Has anybody tried to run Visual Basic under Wine?!!!!!

International Keyboard, Printing, Sound

Posted: Mon 20 Mar 2006, 17:12
by dewdrop

I have decided to suspend testing of the 1.0.8r1 Multi-session and await the next version of Puppy 2 and see how far I get with the 3 items noted in the title.

I'm encouraged by the startup of the Puppy Bug Tracker site, and hope if will be useful.

Signing off this thread.


Update/Edit on 3/24

Yesterday, I was successful installing, and saving between sessions, the international keyboard ability in the Puppy2 live-cd snapshot 12 March 2006 multisession version of Puppy 2 using the information contained earlier in this thread.
