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USB Pen drive on puppy

Posted: Mon 27 Feb 2006, 04:05
by satimis
Hi folks,


I have an USB Flash Driver (USD Pen drive) which can be dectected (but not mounted) when plugin before booting Puppy. It works without problem after mounted.

I expect to know whether it can be plugin and plugout after booting Puppy. If possible would it cause damage on USB Flash Drive (of course after unmount)? Besides how to get it detected after plugin?



Posted: Mon 27 Feb 2006, 06:08
by Flash
It won't show up until you mount it. You can safely unplug it after you unmount it. Does that answer your questions?

Posted: Tue 28 Feb 2006, 04:54
by satimis
Hi Flash,

Tks for your advice.

After plugin the USB Flash Drive Puppy detected it automatically. However there was no entry on /etc/fstab. I have to add "/dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 vfat noauto, user, rw 0 0" there before I can mount it.

It is working now. Tks again.
